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    1. Bench

      Smugglers Cove - Station

      So people probably wondering why there isn't any new showcase videos recently. I've gotten into station building while people amended the thruster/shield/weapons updates with their ships. So I'm playing on the Mushroom Fleet server, you can watch the build series here with the first one below...
    2. Bench

      Presenting on multimedia and gaming

      Hey Starmade gamers, I'll be speaking at a university event in an hour on multimedia and gaming, including Starmade. Check it out here
    3. Bench

      Starmade Shipyards

      What's Starmade Shipyards? Starmade Shipyards is an idea I've had for about 18-months now. Between work and making videos I've been trying to develop the idea in my head and I think now I'm really excited to share what my dream is for it. Starmade Shipyards is a ship sharing site with...
    4. Bench

      Starmade Logic Tutorials

      Starmade Logic Tutorials A thread for providing Logic Tutorials for Starmade using the new logic systems. Want to learn the theory side of logic so you can build your own logic circuits? click here for my Starmade Masterclass The following are with one of the latest dev builds, there's bugs...
    5. Bench

      Bench's Shipyard

      Bench's Shipyard Working on a new ship you can watch the build here... benchminecraft is where i post my ships for download, be aware they're old so the docking hasn't been converted over. Anyway here they are... UNSC Amber Fate...
    6. Bench

      Starmade Ship Showcases

      Hey there Starmade community, As players continue to submit their ships for the new trailer we'll be filming soon, we've started to release ship showcases of the ships we've received. If you like a ship then give it a like and share it around, the ships with the most likes and views will be...
    7. Bench

      Want to be featured in the new Starmade Trailer?

      Check out the video here... For those who haven't been around, I created the Starmade Trailer just under a year ago now, and it took off. Since then the ships have only gotten bigger, bolder, more unique both in form and function, and the level of...
    8. Bench

      Youtube Embed in Forums

      Is it possible to get support for embedding YouTube videos in the forums?
    9. Bench

      Dacorum - Merchant Ship

      Dacorum Download Page The Dacorum is specifically designed as a merchant ship, it's sleak, it's compact, and yet still has a lot to offer. What makes this merchant ship unique is the internal trading bays designed for trading between the merchants and other players. Players being...
    10. Bench

      Switch Block and Name Block

      So the idea is to enable a bit more freedom for things like shops, building stations etc. Switch Block The Switch Block is a block you can toggle on and off by approaching it and pressing 'R' or while in Flight Mode if assigned to 1-9. It has a display on the front either green or red...
    11. Bench

      Star-Made Trailer

      UPDATE : Thanks to all who gave their ships to be featured in this vid, if you like it then give it a share and a fav. Have you got something you think exemplifies what Starmade is all about? A ship? A station? A build on a Planet? Or something else...
    12. Bench

      Bench's Shipyard

      So here's the collection of my ships at the moment... UNSC Amber Fate Available for download Star-made forum thread Download Page UNSC Amber Dawn My personal version of the Amber Fate UNSC Pelican Available for Download Download page Serenity (Firefly) Available for Download...
    13. Bench

      UNSC Modified Space Station

      Some screenshots of our Faction's Home Base.
    14. Bench

      MineCraft map / Star-Made Blueprints micro-site

      Hey all, is my site I post my Minecraft builds and Star-made blueprints. It's pretty simple at the moment as I was just trying to get it up there. As players who are often searching for new blueprints, or ideas to integrate into your own builds, what would improve...
    15. Bench


      Serenity from Firefly v1.0 So I finally have finished my Serenity project, to so far as I'm prepared to take it. The size is a little larger than I had expected, I'll probably build a smaller version sometime later but for now here you go. Plenty of internal space left over if you wish to boost...
    16. Bench

      Serenity Shuttle

      Serenity Shuttle for an upcoming Serenity (from Firefly) build. stats and download on the site...
    17. Bench


      Hello fellow gamers, My name is Bench, I'm a 23yo Designer and Visual Effects Artist from Melbourne, Australia. I played a lot of Minecraft for a long long time but recently moved onto new things due to work commitments. My brother a Mechatronics and Robotics engineer put me on to Star-Made and...
    18. Bench

      Amber Fate - Modified UNSC Frigate

      Amber Fate UNSC Frigate - Modified for Starmade Features: Hanger for 7 "Pelicans" 2 Aux Hangers for 2 shuttles each side Undercarrage dock for larger vessels Missle Barrage Airlocks on either side of upper-deck Storage quarters Hanger Catwalk Salvage Turrets Planned...