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    1. OfficialCoding

      Add Solar Power

      This has been suggested years ago, but it would be nice, especially now, to be able to have solar panels. Then you would not need stabilizers. Of course you would need some way to store the power. Maybe power capacitors.
    2. OfficialCoding

      Remove Shipyard Integrity

      Shipyard integrity is ridiculous because you CAN'T have positive integrity with the modules. Please remove this.
    3. OfficialCoding

      Reduce stabilizer distance to reactor

      I'm making a titan. It has to be, because i have such a large reactor g that the stabilizers have to be so far away. I know about stabilizer dimension, but that wouldn't help because my ship isn't a cross. It's just really annoying how they have to be so far away. Also, this makes small ships...
    4. OfficialCoding

      WHAT THE HECK is going on with shields!?

      So I'm constructing this monster of a ship. I've shielded part of it. the shields have positive integ. I shoot it for like 15 secs with my hand blaster, and this is what happened. All the damage you see is in shielded portions. Could someone explain what is going on?
    5. OfficialCoding

      Add Mining Overheated Ships to fleet commands

      I sometimes go attacking a pirate base with a fleet. What i want is after I've overheated a bunch of the ships, is to be able to order my fleet to mine the overheated ships. It would save a bunch of time. Also add mining of derelict stations to fleet commands.
    6. OfficialCoding

      Keep Damage Pulses (sorta)

      So if your like me and you have a tonne of power regen left in that power 2.0 ship, you add a damage pulse array. They're awesome. So my thought is that instead of ditching them in the weapons update, make them like Salvage. You can slave other systems (and effects) to them, but they cannot be...
    7. OfficialCoding

      Make armour armoured

      X-wings couldn't take out the death star's armour if they shot at it all movie. But an isanth can destroy adv. Armour in two shots WHY?
    8. OfficialCoding

      Make the shield bubble linear

      I just made a 600 block PvP ship and I had to run rechargers along the entire length of my ship and the bubble just barely covered it. The shields didn't help me too much, cause in a test fight with an alpha, I took damage without dropping my shields.
    9. OfficialCoding

      Fix spontaneous damage to shielded ships

      This is a cross between a suggestion and a question. I was testing out my new fight against an alpha. The shields never dropped but a bunch of my blocks got destroyed and the purple pole got hit even though it was not exposed. So could that bug please be fixed?
    10. OfficialCoding

      Can't link warpgates

      So I go to link my warpgates. my first one links fine, but i can't link the second one to the frist one. am i doig something wrong?
    11. OfficialCoding

      Have NPC pirates spawn in stations

      Okay so I think that a way to make the game much more fun is to have NPC pirates that will shoot you if you attempt to board the station, even after the faction module has been destroyed. I mean don't you think it's a bit unrealistic that the stations are completely empty?
    12. OfficialCoding

      Remove server max speed

      Don't you find it a bit unrealistic that no matter how many thrusters you have, there is a limit to how fast you can go? Do you think they should remove server max speed?
    13. OfficialCoding

      More NPC space stations

      Okay. It's been ages since the last NPC station models were added, and i think that with the new power systems and new shield system, we should get some new NPC stations. It would also be fun designing them.
    14. OfficialCoding

      Click-to-drag build in advanced build mode

      So in the dead game Seed of Andromeda, there was a build mode where you could click on a block, drag the mouse over to where you wanted to place your blocks, and let go, and all empty blocks in between would be set to that block. (It would also glitch if your practically infinite inventory ran...
    15. OfficialCoding

      Make space stations moveable

      Space stations should be able to be moved either by ramming, or by logic controlled thrusters. I don't like how you can't move your station. Even Star Killer Base, the height of evil engineering was mobile.
    16. OfficialCoding

      Can't find advanced options in the launcher

      Okay, so my game is slower than black hole evaporation when I'm on a planet. I read the pinned post for lag reduction but I couldn't find the options menu on the launcher. Could someone give me a step-by-step for finding it? Thanks.
    17. OfficialCoding

      Make planets moveable

      So let's say you make a ship that is 10 km by 1 km by 1 km. If you ram into an asteroid, that poor thing will go flying. But if you hit a planet, it won't move an inch. So it would be nice to have planets be moveable by large objects like ships or asteroids.
    18. OfficialCoding

      Docked ships' power capacitors do no recharge

      So I have been docking my ship to a shop, and when I fire a weapon, the capacitors do not recharge. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?