Search results

    1. jstenholt

      Recognized Raw Resources used in Shipyard BP Construction

      This might be worth thinking about. I propose that when constructing a ship using a shipyard a player should have the option of using a combination of already existing blocks and raw resources to complete a ship. Basically, let's take the resource calculator...
    2. jstenholt

      Shop Cargo and Storage

      So, with the upcoming cargo system, which I am pretty excited about, there's a few questions that need to be addressed, mainly shops. Will shops require a cargo area of their own? It'd be pretty silly if you could ignore the cargo system entirely by placing 50,000 of each block in a shop...
    3. jstenholt

      Next Dev Q&A Location

      Like the last Q&A, I hope the next one (whenever it might occur) is held in game. And assuming Bench hasn't finished his amazing chamber on his pirate station, I'd like to submit this location for everyone's consideration.
    4. jstenholt

      Single Button Cycler

      I cannot find a thread about this one, so let me try and explain what I'm attempting to do. I want a single button to cycle through multiple inputs. Push a button, and output #1 turns high. Push same button, out #1 turns off, #2 turns on. Push again, #2 turns off, #3 turns on. Push a fourth...
    5. jstenholt

      Independence Station (Server Spawn Station)

      For my next trick, I present to you a station built from the ground up as a server spawn area. Everything has been designed with making a player's first entry into a server a memorable experience. Add on to that a myriad of functional and semi-functional RP elements, plenty of space for new...
    6. jstenholt

      Bug Single, immobile docked rail entity is not sending logic signal.

      So, I have a single rail dock which is connected to a simple docking light. The way this used to function with docking blocks was that when the dock was in use, it transmitted a high signal to any adjacent logic blocks. Now, rails still send a logic signal if they pass over a logic block, but...
    7. jstenholt

      Ask Jstenholt Questions That He Will Make Up Answers To

      Or don't, I'm a forum post, not a cop.
    8. jstenholt

      Antietam Class Missile Cruiser mkI I have finally built another ship I consider worth posting. A guided missile destroyer worthy of any fight in her class. Armed to the teeth, surprisingly fast, and hard to crack, this ship should server anybody's...
    9. jstenholt

      Even More Display Block Suggestions

      I just want to expand on the ideas proposed for displays from these threads here.
    10. jstenholt

      A little something something.

      A little something I've done the past week for a new server spawn area. There's shit-ton of detail to be found here, not the least of which is our spawn area system. There's nothing like it out there! Check us out...
    11. jstenholt


      A new PVP server for any and all Starmakers! Tired of joining servers where everybody can already kick your sorry ass to the curb? Want a chance to start fresh? Do you want to be challenged? Then play with Sinister Society. We are a dedicated group of long-time, highly...
    12. jstenholt

      Erebus Class Shipyard

      Yo dawg, I figured my shipyard, while not a ship, could totally use it's own post in the shipyard thread. So for anybody who wasn't following the Default Station Thread like I was, here's a link to my completed submission. A...
    13. jstenholt

      Convert Cloakers and Jammers to Effects

      In keeping with the effect systems we are all learning to love, I believe cloakers and jammers should be re-done in the same style. Basically, just like with the current secondary effects which effect modules provide, you would need a certain amount of cloakers or jammers to provide the full...
    14. jstenholt

      Another Logic Question...

      I'm getting better with logic, but the actual terminology that a lot of people who understand this stuff use is still beyond my understanding, so I'm forced to ask these questions a lot. I'm trying to do something very simple. I want to activate a block for just a few moments, before the...
    15. jstenholt

      NPC Crew Improvements

      This isn't what you think it is, that title is probably a bit misleading. Sorry! First, what I'm actually proposing has more to do with shops. Currently, if you have replaced your server/singleplayer spawn shop, there is no NPC trader from which to buy NPCs. Either we need a guide on how to...
    16. jstenholt

      Station Orientation Problems

      I've been experiencing some odd problems with stations which I discovered first while working on my default station contest entry, which I will use as an example. When built, this station was orientated to C, or so I thought. Now...
    17. jstenholt

      Display Block Primer

      Not exactly a thing I would expect from a dev, but as somebody with absolutely zero experience in formatting/programming, anybody who could put together a nice little display block format guide would be forever in my heart. Also, make them compatible with logic! Here's hoping that this is an...
    18. jstenholt

      Toggle-able Delay Loops (Blinkers)

      So, the new logic system is great, very intuitive and far more user-friendly than playing with Redstone in good old Minecraft, but I'm running into some problems. I have easily figured out how to create an infinitely looping delay (for blinking lights) by attaching an activation block to a...
    19. jstenholt

      Refitting a Ship, Want Critique.

      So, I have my Emperor Class Carrier, which I am immensely proud of, but I definitely see some room for improvement, as some areas are really not as good as others. Here's the link to the original ship posting. In it is this imgur album...