Search results

    1. lazarus78

      Ship movement/ship design and how the movement of large ships has effectively ruined Starmade

      Some way to get control of an array of turrets would be flippen amasing for broadside runs on big ships.
    2. lazarus78

      Shadows and background

      I get the OPs error message when trying to load the game with 4096 resolution procedural backgrounds. I have a 660Ti
    3. lazarus78

      CPU usage 100%, massive heat generated.

      Lower resolutions help with loading, mostly. The lag caused from higher resolutions comes from your system having to constantly swap with the page file when there isnt enough space in memory for it all. The game has 2 main texture sheets, and all together, the default textures take up less then...
    4. lazarus78

      Request- low res texture pack, or how to make one.

      If youve lowered everything then theres not much else you can do. The game is just too much for your laptop. Yes, lower res packs can help, but not as much as people think. Going gtom 128 to 64 will see a difference because it is 4 times smaller But the gain from using lower and lower...
    5. lazarus78

      CPU usage 100%, massive heat generated.

      texture resolution requires little in the way of processing power. They more need memory space to decompress in. It could simply be a matter of the game being too demanding for your computer in general, and theres nothing that can really be done about that. The requirements will only go up as...
    6. lazarus78

      Request- low res texture pack, or how to make one.

      you can change the texturepack from the launcher. All the included packs have a 64x version. To be honest though, a lower res pack wont help much. You need to lower the demand of the game on your system by reducing the settings like the segment count, turning off the procedural background...
    7. lazarus78

      Cheating By Removing Blocks.

      There is. Leave it as is. Let server operators police its usage. It is a game feature that I am thankful for.
    8. lazarus78

      Star Trek Phasers: Did you know they arent actually beam type weapons?

      Who says the military is basing it off startrek, or that startrek used real science in their weapon design? Further, you said it yourself, the energy is \"beamed\" as a wave. Nowhere is it said that beams are waves and waves are beams. Waves are everywhere, and we beam them everywhere. Most...
    9. lazarus78

      Cheating By Removing Blocks.

      That doesnt solve the issue though. How do you determin what is player placed and what isnt? And what about stations, or spawned ships? Its not a simple \"allow/disallow\" because there are multiple factors to take into consideration.
    10. lazarus78

      Cheating By Removing Blocks.

      Bugs are errors in the coding that rpoduce undesired results. This is an INTENDED feature of the game. I agree it is easy to abuse, but honestly, making things without it would be annoyingly frustrating. Imagine trying to undo a ship you messed up on or no longer want. You have to remove...
    11. lazarus78

      Cheating By Removing Blocks.

      that would be a nightmare to code. Having tro track the status of EVERY block just to see if you can remove it would NOT benefit the game.
    12. lazarus78

      Hypothetical discussion about a planet idea, can you find an issue ?

      You cant escape loading. That is a fact of life. He specifically said they were trying to avoid loading screens. Block loading isnt a loading screen, just the nature of ALL programs. Its a delay in the loading of information from the hard drive into memory
    13. lazarus78

      I like turrets, so . . . I built some

      At first I was like... Wha?? quad rail cannon? But then your explination cleared it up amd makes perfect sense.
    14. lazarus78

      Ship core

      I dont think it would be that difficult. Just turn the ship into a hulk (Astroid for this purposes) and also allow people to attach cores onto objects and hults to turn them into ships. So by removing the core it would act like being in a build block and removing it, you just pop out into...
    15. lazarus78

      Insufficient hardware?

      Ill get that up later today. I dont see how its running out of memory. I have 16GB of ram and 4GB allocated to Starmade, and my graphics card has 2GB of VRAM. Further, I used a default resolution texture pack. What could have changed that would make the game require more memory space?
    16. lazarus78

      DirtySpace Texture Pack WIP

      Keep up the good work. It really does look great.
    17. lazarus78

      I like turrets, so . . . I built some

      How about a heavy rail cannon?
    18. lazarus78

      Insufficient hardware?

      Well i did specifically say 4096 doesnt work... soo.... But yes, 2048 and 1042 work fine.
    19. lazarus78

      Insufficient hardware?

      Up till now, the game has worked near flawlessly for me. However, the recent builds, version 0.133 and 0.134 have presented an issue. 1. I am unable to play the game using the 4096 resolution option. Upon loading the game, when it reaches 100%, I get an error. Im not sure what changed since...
    20. lazarus78

      Large ships.

      Proportionatly to its size, the firework gose faster. The shuttle only achieves its 13,000MPH+ thanks to its huge rockets and only when it is in the upper reaches of the atmosphere where there is little resistance. A missile/rocket in space would be able to achieve near instant top speed because...