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    1. lazarus78

      CPU Usage Issue

      I have one of the few \"i\" series CPU they did not include hyperthreading on, for unknown reasons. It is an i5 2300. A also have a GTX660Ti with 2GB of vram and Ive not encountered this issues. Further, i will say that I have had an issue when playing Starmade where my ram usage will be damn...
    2. lazarus78

      Reveresed April fools: The new planets are real

      This is true. Perhaps it will grow on my over time when we can get our hands on it. Only time will tell.
    3. lazarus78

      Reveresed April fools: The new planets are real

      uuh...... nah, still doesnt sit right. Hexagonal if anything, but not this style.
    4. lazarus78

      Reveresed April fools: The new planets are real

      Im not a fan of this style of planet. I mean the method may work, but the edges look ugly. Wouldnt using inverted piramids work better and be more flawless on the edges? Making a large cube but still the same mechanic at work.
    5. lazarus78

      Some safety from pirates in spawn area

      Turrets dont seem to have been an option as they stated they had just started and made their first ship.
    6. lazarus78

      Raspberry pi version possible?

      Not without stripping out a lot of stuff that he spent many many hours getting to work. The Raspberry Pi is NOT a gaming device.
    7. lazarus78

      Build Block Fix

      As I said before, making a super massive salvage shit that could eat up a planet faster isnt that difficult. The proposed change will hinder building in any game mode. It is better to leave as is. It is not the developer\'s job to stop people from abusing something that is in the game by design.
    8. lazarus78

      Build Block Fix

      Point is I dont like this idea. Its too limiting. As it is the manual removal of blocks is either too inaccurate and fast, or accurate but too slow. Disallowing the removal of blocks from a build block will severly hinder the game. The concirn for abuse is valud, but no method proposed...
    9. lazarus78

      Build Block Fix

      But the proposed change is to mark blocks that are player placed, which a spawned ship, in any form, is not player placed.
    10. lazarus78


      Ones aptitude in a language has nothing to do here. Maturity is an argument of wisdom, not intelect. Knowing chinese is a skill, not a life lesson. I give all people a chance, more often then I should, but again, a 12 or 14 year old hasnt had enough life experience to offer me anything. We are...
    11. lazarus78

      Cannot connect to

      That message literally means it is attempting to connect to a server at Why does this topic sound so familiar... try a full clean sweep uninstall of the game and reinstall it.
    12. lazarus78

      Build Block Fix

      What about spawned ships? What if i spawn a ship, then decide i want to tear it apart, or alter a large chunk of it?
    13. lazarus78

      Cannot connect to

      Select Single Player on the launcher. You are attempting to connect to a multiplayer server, and the default IP is localhost:4242. Obviously, if you didnt start the dedicated server, there is nothing to connect to via localhost.
    14. lazarus78

      L'Aventurier Errant (Errant Venture) A high class battleship.

      A nice Starmade take on the Normandy. Good work.
    15. lazarus78

      Game Economy

      Reasources are \"finite\", but travel time between planets is small. Not really an issue. Ammo for energy based weaponry doesnt make sense, but for missiles, sure. Fuel has been discussed to death. I personally think its silly for this game. Sounds more micromanagement then anything for larger...
    16. lazarus78


      Mass Effect. They didnt add multiplayer till ME3, but by then it didnt mean much.
    17. lazarus78


    18. lazarus78


      Kinda sounds like you were trying too hard on this. When reading, it felt very robotic, like you read and reread to make sure it was perfect so no one could nit-pick it. My personal experience, Ive not met a 12-year-old kid in person that I didn\'t want to strangle at some point. Sure, not all...
    19. lazarus78

      Inertia Dampeners

      Yeah. There is already a block to do this, its called thrusters. Just use Shift to slow your ship down and hold position.
    20. lazarus78

      redo the /give commands to work without IDs

      I like the IDs. They are faster to type, plus i have a second monitor, i can have the list up there while i play.