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    1. ltmauve

      Can we scrap enhancers already?

      That sounds interesting. Working off what you just said, here's a proposal: Docking enhancers now have 7 orientations - one for each face and one "null." Null enhancers work like all current enhancers, but if you place an oriented enhancer it will increase the docking box in that direction by 2.
    2. ltmauve

      Chairs n' Viewscreens... And stuff?

      Well, in regards to fighters, the chair just winds up being something that needs to armored as well, and does it really add anything to the design? For smaller ships, having to add the seat adds space and nothing else. The HP system isn't some sort of armor, it's simply a way of track how much...
    3. ltmauve

      Can we scrap enhancers already?

      Putting this here on this thread The one difference I would like to see to the enhancer boxdim mechanic is that the largest x boxdim determines the x of the area, the largest y boxdim determines the y of the area, and the largest z boxdim determines the z of the area, even if they are on...
    4. ltmauve

      Kadonian Nordica-line

      I like the shapes of the ships. Very nice.
    5. ltmauve

      Gravity boxes with gravity enhancers

      Alright, with the addition of being able to adjust the gravity level. This would allow to keep a shuttle from slamming into the back of a hanger when undocked. Enhancer boxdims are intuitive - increase the dimension in the x, and the area's x increases. The one difference I would like to see to...
    6. ltmauve

      Space Duck... err Space Dock

      I certainly like this idea. Could repair be a function of the shipyard as well? As for construction speeds, having a seperate kind of enhancer might work, but don't forget the power requirement. That would impose a type of limit as well - the amount of power that can be generated.
    7. ltmauve

      Planned A proper 3rd person view (aka Chasecam)

      Yay +1 Also proposed implementation of chase cam: Home: reset view to default 1st person view. End: Default 3rd-person. Shows the entire top and back of the ship in the lower half of the screen, at about 30 degrees. Rshift : Zoom. The zoom expands from/contracts toward the core/viewpoint on...
    8. ltmauve

      Chairs n' Viewscreens... And stuff?

      I certainly feel that being able to control the ship from someplace other from the core would be nice, and add to RPing. However, for small shuttles, escape pods, and fighters I think the core should still be a control point. Requiring everything to have seats is also limiting in creativity...
    9. ltmauve


      Well, the \"cell\" generators don\'t need to be turned on and off. They automatically convert fuel into energy when the power load of the ship surpasses the current energy levels. (So if you have 5K energy and you need 7K to fire a cannon salvo, the cells will produce 2K - if you have enough...
    10. ltmauve

      Building AI Launching carriers

      I mean, there could be a seperate block you could use to set up areas where gravity would happen on your ship. You could even set it to zero just to allow undocking ships not to slam into the back wall at speed.
    11. ltmauve

      Chairs, and viewscreens.

      Well, until we get jetpacks it\'ll have to do.
    12. ltmauve

      "Starmade Devs Q&A" Notes

      Can the power cost be paid from the turret as well as the mothership?
    13. ltmauve

      Building AI Launching carriers

      Gravity generators don\'t work on other ships. It would be nice to have some sort of gravity system that captures ships, but it doesn\'t exist yet.
    14. ltmauve

      Increasing the amount of interaction between players.

      I mean, if you can\'t protect your ships why bother having a faction? Apparently the point system would make it so that a 1-man faction could only have maybe a dozen ships protected and only a skeltal base.
    15. ltmauve

      New planet mechanic idea

      Wait, problems with triangle sections or problems with a large number of faces?
    16. ltmauve

      Increasing the amount of interaction between players.

      1 & 2: Well, I suppose these might help. Especially the part about having to join rather than create a faction. 3: Since the devs have announced a system with faction territory and faction points, maybe it could be that claiming something outside your faction territory costs faction points, and...
    17. ltmauve

      New planet mechanic idea

      Well, each pentagon could be replaced by five triangles, at an angle. Then these triangle could be replaces with 4 triangles each, and so on, as you wanted to make it smoother as it got larger. Frankly, I hope that some oreo planets show up in the game.
    18. ltmauve

      turrets and drones

      Few points in opposition to your concerns: First, if turrets that are larger in proportion to the mothership draw more shields than they get (so my mothership loses 10,000 shields to replenish 5,000), this could actually make ships with large turrets more vulnerable, as the mothership loses...
    19. ltmauve

      Make Pirating Profitable. Add a location people have to go to on a regular basis.

      Yeah, which is why the inventory system needs an overhaul. There are threads about it, go bump one that you like.
    20. ltmauve

      /initiate wave command not working

      If you are getting a \"Error\"initiate\" command not recognized\" that means you need to put /initiate_wave