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    1. Malacodor

      Missiles! For goodness sake, turn em' down!

      According to my experience PD turrets work well if they already point in the right direction, but if not their turn rates are far too low. Turn rates for turrets should be mass based (=much higher for very small turrets). ... which may or may not hit the missile, which turns the whole thing...
    2. Malacodor

      An analysis of the relationship between planets, faction interactions and resource acquisition.

      Right, a pentagon can be made out of three triangles, while each cube requires two triangles per visible face, and each triangle costs GPU power.
    3. Malacodor

      The ultimate drone R&D thread

      That sounds ridiculously overpowered.
    4. Malacodor

      The ultimate drone R&D thread

      What is the AI good for when there are no weapons?
    5. Malacodor

      Ship Max Speed Determined by Mass

      Empty space with drag has nothing to do with Newtonian physics.
    6. Malacodor

      Ship Max Speed Determined by Mass

      A hypothetical ether, the existance of which was disproven, would not interact with matter, only light.
    7. Malacodor

      Ship Max Speed Determined by Mass

      Do you want to limit max speed or max acceleration?
    8. Malacodor

      The ultimate drone R&D thread

      I wonder when the first disposable drone carrier (with a small jump ship to get back to base and bring the next one) is developed...
    9. Malacodor

      Salvage Beams - Completely Broken?

      I tested it with v0.1867, one salvage beam block, no slave, fully charged core, reactors removed, all values are identical to yours. Energy consumption is ~130 and burst length is definitely longer than 3s.
    10. Malacodor

      Salvage Beams - Completely Broken?

      40 power per seconds seems correct, however, one burst consumes ~130 power and takes ~3.25 s.
    11. Malacodor

      Clarifying med-scale power generators.

      A powersupply beam block consumes 50 power and supplys 40 power. A power reactor block produces 25 energy/s without dimensional bonus. Thus it's hard to make a modular reactor which supplys significantly more power than built in reactors. And powersupply beams require way more resources to craft...
    12. Malacodor

      Ship Max Speed Determined by Mass

      Fast accelerating fighters can kill their pilots just as well. Just wait for the new thrust mechanics. It's either a squared or a cubed law (the latter is correct) but not both. A ship twice as long/wide/tall has 8 times the volume and mass.
    13. Malacodor

      Developer Q&A - December 2014

      What do you think of this highly popular suggestion about determining turn rates of ships and turrets? Do you plan to improve the ellipsoid helper? Ellipsoids aren't very symmetrical atm, and ellipsoids with even diameters aren't possible.
    14. Malacodor

      I can't find my home on my planet.

      The different planet sections should have numbers.
    15. Malacodor

      Ship Max Speed Determined by Mass

      Yes, and?
    16. Malacodor

      Ship Max Speed Determined by Mass

      If you feel that unrealistic, artificial speed limits for capital ships are appropriate then your feeling is strange. Friction in StarMade only exists for convenience reasons, in real space there's no friction, and without friction the only limit is the speed of light.
    17. Malacodor

      how to make missile defence?

      You activated the AI? My turrets even shoot my own missiles if not factioned.
    18. Malacodor

      The ultimate drone R&D thread

      Because you can't deplete the power of a titan with a handful of drones?
    19. Malacodor

      Questions that my Google-Fu cannot seem to answer...

      1. Modular docked reactors are still better than built in power reactors of the same size (without dimensional bonus), but the difference hardly justifies the much higher prize of powersupply beam blocks. 2. Place a turret docking block, spawn a ship core, enter core, go into flight mode...
    20. Malacodor

      Anyone playing "legit" ?

      They should be more common now, have you started a new universe after the respective patch?