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    1. Dire Venom

      Factory Linked Enhancement

      Its just a pain to constantly have to turn factories/on/off manualy etc. I would just like to connect them up to buttons, thats all so a button/activation modual linked to a factory turns it on/off. Therefore I could create assembly lines for certian block types so I can craft a whole batch at...
    2. Dire Venom

      Anybody not a fan of the current blueprint system?

      But you wouldve leave it running 24/7 though....... Its just a pain to contantly have to turn factories/on/off manualy etc. I would just like to connect them up to buttons, thats all so a button/activation modual linked to a factory turns it on/off
    3. Dire Venom

      Anybody not a fan of the current blueprint system?

      But how do you stop it from autoproducing all the lower tier hull etc? I dont want to come back to base to find that all my resources have been spent making paint :/
    4. Dire Venom

      More Variation in Mining Bonus Settings.

      +1 This is a great idea
    5. Dire Venom

      Anybody not a fan of the current blueprint system?

      I think what we need is more streamlined factories. Its a pain to try to make some hull only to see that you need to make paint and others bits and bobs before you can make the hull you want. Why can't we control factories via logic so we can set up production lines? Itd go some way towards...
    6. Dire Venom

      Read by Council A simple suggestion about Targeting

      This would be quite useful. +1
    7. Dire Venom

      Permission Block Levels

      +1 Great idea
    8. Dire Venom

      Read by Council Adaptive Cloaking

      +1 Idea needs more refinement however is very good and I can't wait to see cloaks get a make over : ) I also think there should be a way to 'track' players jumps, e.g scanning soon after someone jumps will show you their jump destination or the area. Cloak ships would be great at tracking, and...
    9. Dire Venom

      Gamel Q&A, you ask, I answer

      My question: Could I ask you guys a question?
    10. Dire Venom

      a sail like propulsion system

      +1. Sort of like transparent blocks which 'glow' because of cosmic dust or whatever when moving. Groups provide bonuses maybe?? (To encourage large sails) Each one adds a small ammount of thrust thus you need quite large sails for larger ships. How the thrust works: -Less power consumption than...
    11. Dire Venom

      Possible use for all those terrain blocks.

      +1 This makes a lot of sense actualy, since to GET those blocks in the first place you pretty much have to completely mine-out a planet. Therefore the amount of planets stays simlilar, but if you expend a lot of effort mining out a planet you could 'Re-loacte it'. Seeded planets should probably...
    12. Dire Venom

      Read by Schine Outline: Organizing Inventory/Storage By Volume

      Id LOVE volumetric storage ^_^ Itd make sense, however it would be another bit of infomation to assign to each block.
    13. Dire Venom

      Cloak & jam affect aligned astronauts

      Sadly a lot of servers enforece a 'no armed cloakers rule'. The max size of a cloker is capped unfortunatly :/ and thus theyre often only really used for getting from A-B- without trouble. Maybe cloak and jam systems should have slave blocks :?? E.g make it like the jump-inhibitor? I would love...
    14. Dire Venom

      Curious about stealth ships

      When building it, you want to have long extended lines and keep the mass low. Every power block you place whatch your power generation. If it doesn't go up by a few hundred then dont put it there. There are a couple of really nice designs out there though. I managed to build my own perma...
    15. Dire Venom

      Cloak & jam affect aligned astronauts

      I tried that sometime ago, but I don't think they can be triggered via logic. Scanners will un-cloak/un-jam a ship of any size, but have a cooldown. However, if you have multiple docked entities WITH scanners, every 10 seconds or so switch to one, activate the scanner then back to your main...
    16. Dire Venom

      Core Placement?

      The core IS where the ship actually 'turns' if im not mistaken. While I LOVE building bridges, placing your actual computers there is quite dangerous as 1 lucky missile shot is liable to blow them all up. Id suggest using decorative computers instead and sealing the actual ones as far from the...
    17. Dire Venom

      StarMade News - November 9th 2015

      Might be best to set a defalt and then allow it to be changed via the server config? When building somethings I put down 10k + Blocks in one click. Or when you need to move some of your factions 800 million stacks of capsuals..... (This is on a hardcore survival server)... I think its entirely...
    18. Dire Venom

      Cloak & jam affect aligned astronauts

      Players can currently spam detect, or can have docked scanners to easily keep you out of cloak without much effort on their part. Also sometimes cloaks will bug out and drop for no reason. While I agree with your suggestion some other mechanics will need to be refined as well
    19. Dire Venom

      StarMade News - November 9th 2015

      Maybe give each item a 'Weight' or mass index or whatever. Each area can store 'X' mass index, thus you could have lots of light capsules in one box or a couple of heavy armor blocks etc....