Search results

    1. madman Captain

      Forges of Insanity

      Progress \o/ We hit the 2km mark Thats my best engines so far and I made a bigger addional reactor. Here is an album with all pictures of this ship including pic of unfinished parts
    2. madman Captain

      Ghost destroyed blocks

      Will this maybe include that rails physical ghosted but still remain the connection you know doors and turrets not detatching if rails and dockers destroyed.
    3. madman Captain

      Repeatable Hull-tiles and indoor wall tiles for schematics picture collection

      something like this? I have over 20templates for this roomsystem and more for the hallwaysystem. Btw when i look at the other art threads I would say there is generally very little interset in art related threads these days. So no its not like people dont like your thread, there is just nobody.
    4. madman Captain

      Engine Porn

      Here the smaller engines of the Grungnir-Class
    5. madman Captain

      Power update and the community content section

      For what a timebased search? We always have a sorting category with the newest to oldest. I have worrys that people start to frequently "update" their ships Just to keep them relevant for such a search system.
    6. madman Captain

      Power update and the community content section

      Make an addional option for creators to declare their creations as updated for the new powersystem so the creators can deside itself if they want this. I mean this isnt needed in case of shells or logic stuff so we dosent need it there everytime but for normal builds this should be helpful.
    7. madman Captain

      Engine Porn

      The first thruster of my Grungnir Class
    8. madman Captain

      The turret thread

      Nah they empty maybe I fill them with pink hull as placeholder, it simply dosent make fun to fill them with systems just to see that they cant do anything cause most of the weaponlayouts I like (Heavy Cannons, Shotguns, Siege-Beams) not working autentic or simply helpless underpowerd compared to...
    9. madman Captain

      Strange obsessions?

      Its dangerous to go alone take this: Anti Capital Ship turret SHELL
    10. madman Captain

      Strange obsessions?

      Yeah the Shard isnt really PvP ready (or for anything else) crappy builded systems, outdated, plus I never really build efficency.
    11. madman Captain

      The turret thread

      It's all Magnus fault! It should be look like a close range relative fast firing anti frigate/cruiser cannon, and in that case I think I hit the design. And as long the current weaponmechanics not feel in the slightest autentic, I dont care for efficiency. another thing is if I would make the...
    12. madman Captain

      Forges of Insanity

      Statusupdate of my Grungnir-Class Actual length is 1707m. Most of the basic shell is done, only the engines dont exsist yet. And I brandmarked it with my sign. Soon I can start with detailwork.
    13. madman Captain

      Strange obsessions?

      I had an obsession for large(titan) industrial themed ships (exposed scafholds, pipes, maschinery, tanks, containers) and recently railguns, but I think this pictures speaks for himself.
    14. madman Captain

      Suggestion for missile slave on beams and cannons

      I dont would go that far, I would call it a change of purpose fields. You know you not go on tankhunt with a maschinegun and a shootgun, or? And you not try to take down fighterjets with a shipartillery. Make weapons usefull by giving them a purpose field to do their job in that purpose field...
    15. madman Captain

      Suggestion for missile slave on beams and cannons

      And when you just limit the penetration depth of this weapons this shouldent be a problem. Exsample: Give rapidfire and shotgun layout a limited block penetration and increase it on sniper and pulse(Artillery) layouts make the weapon layouts more interesting in what they can and let them feel a...
    16. madman Captain

      Suggestion for missile slave on beams and cannons

      You can bring the exact same aguments against every missile or pulse layout (cause AoE), rapid fire layout (cause in combat you spread countless bullets over your enemy) or the concept of weapon waffeling (wich is a shotgun without spread)
    17. madman Captain

      The turret thread

      Hi, Here is my new anti ship defence turret (I have no name for this one) Edit: I think I call it Tri-Hammer Cannon
    18. madman Captain

      How do i make this not look terrible?

      use a minimun of two different colors for the armorplates and another one for the rest of the hull, crack up the hull with details like antennas, exausts, exposed maschinery or overlappings betwin armorplates, please try to avoid to use large areas of white blocks its eye pain for everyone who...
    19. madman Captain

      My two cents on encouraging PvP conflict in a stagnant universe

      ignoring the information question and trying to force an agure with arbitrary point infomations (that ive already answered not work in context to the question, reread previous post my question please) is called stonewalling evaiding my question. Seriously, you had one job, to answer this...