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    1. 0ldSkull

      Block name display

      Nope, nothing you did: Within a certain radius of the original station center, you can press right-shift to get pop-up information including the block name.
    2. 0ldSkull

      Better Times

      Well, I took some time to create one more block face that I really wanted to do before the release. It was totally worth it. :) You'll probably know it when you see it. Also the recent game performance release introduced use of lower-resolution textures for rendering blocks at varying...
    3. 0ldSkull

      Better Times 5.3

      There was a time. A time when innovation and production triumphed and peaked, when things were built and used for a purpose. A time when every scrap of technology wasn't precious. A time when we didn't have to fight and scrape for everything we needed. There was a time, but things happened...
    4. 0ldSkull

      Bug Blocks with transparency hidden behind opened doors

      It might be related to that, but the characteristic that the block behind (the grills in your pic) remain invisible even when the door is opened is new.
    5. 0ldSkull

      Dirty Crystals

      They're "damaged" and can be fixed with a repair beam or by replacing them. Apparently the maximum HP was increased but existing crystals maintained their actual HP. I thought it was mentioned that this would be addressed in a hotfix, but maybe hasn't happened yet?
    6. 0ldSkull

      StarMade v0.18999 - Some serious optimizations and balance changes

      A few textures have been rearranged on the sheet(s), so custom texture packs will need to be updated to look normal again. In the mean time you could switch to the Default texture pack, which looked fine in my quick test.
    7. 0ldSkull

      Bug FileNotFoundException

      I see this if I configure the launcher to use the "PRE" builds (which are not currently active). Select Installation Settings in the Options menu, then choose RELEASE. This will set you up to download and play the latest stable "release" build.
    8. 0ldSkull

      Kupu's thread

      Are you referring to the Crystal Armor textures? I thought glass (block and doors) was a separate, less saturated texture. Having glass and crystal armor look exactly the same may have both appealing and non-appealing factors. On a related note, have you ever experimented with making the...
    9. 0ldSkull

      Kupu's thread

      Hi kupu, can you check on the normal maps for the gravity unit when you have a chance? The side normals appear to have been rotated rather than generated from rotated surfaces, which I think throws off the lighting angles. The difference is hard to see in-game but possible when looking for it.
    10. 0ldSkull

      Better Times

      Thanks! The sun glare in the picture may have made some of the colors less apparent. The primary gears are copper for the turret enhancer and silver for the docking enhancer (matching the actual docking modules), while the secondary is brass in both cases for decorative combining. I really...
    11. 0ldSkull

      Better Times

      Logic is done: I've gone with the new default damage overlays, with increased intensity (brightness + contrast) to make them more visible on my hull textures. The cracked glass images I used before weren't really visible enough, and did not lend themselves well to creating a tileable...
    12. 0ldSkull

      Hangar Bay Bug?

      The first (location upon destroying the core) is a known bug. Regarding the weapons issues, weapons fire in the direction the computer is facing. If you want them to fire forward, be sure to avoid rotating the controlling weapon computer. (You can always add more computers for decoration...
    13. 0ldSkull

      Instant death?

      Slight irony here ;)
    14. 0ldSkull

      Regarding Logic

      An activation module adjacent to the docking module will change state when you un-dock the ship. This could be used to trigger the other related actions (opening the door etc.), and should even be able to launch more drones by activating (or deactivating; I forget which state is applicable)...
    15. 0ldSkull

      (SOLVED)Game Crashes when selecting navigation The key is to get a couple of sectors away from other players, at which point you should be able to open the navigation panel. Then use the filter button in that panel and turn off "astronaut".
    16. 0ldSkull

      Shop issue -Restart fixed

      They are present in the listings (at least in my case). Expand General, then Decoration. There are 6 sub-categories under that; the computers and the newly added blocks are not in a sub-category but listed directly below them in the Decoration category.
    17. 0ldSkull

      were can i find RED WOOD ?

      I would guess it was used to make a tree in an on-board garden or park, or used decoratively somewhere. Create a new single-player world (you do not have to destroy your existing one, if applicable) and "admin load" the ship from the catalog panel. Then remove or change this block and any...
    18. 0ldSkull

      Better Times

      Been a while since I posted any update. I did get the docking blocks done; the enhancers animate as you'd expect from the picture, and the two types are designed to mix together for decorative use. Also with the introduction of a third hull type, I switched the corrugated metal texture shown...
    19. 0ldSkull

      A few bugs and new player questions.

      Entering fullscreen mode does not change the display resolution of the game; it simply select fullscreen instead of windowed mode. You'll want to select your screen's native resolution and enable fullscreen mode.
    20. 0ldSkull

      How does Effect?

      You need to connect all of the effect module blocks to the effect computer using 'C' (to select the computer) and 'V' (to connect a module). In build mode you can also use shift-V to connect all touching modules. To activate the effect, hit 'T' and move the effect computer into your hotbar and...