Search results

    1. 0ldSkull

      Bug Game crashes when blocks explode after shooting them

      You may want to check the file log.txt.0 (in Starmade/logs) immediately after such a crash, in case the game client logged any errors. Or post it here if it is not apparent. Also, you can disable debris in the in-game graphics options (escape key, options button, graphics tab) to see if that...
    2. 0ldSkull

      Server errno 32 ? ?

      "Broken pipe" is the description for that error. Basically it means that the socket being written to is no longer connected. My assumption from what you've posted is that this doesn't reflect a problem since it occurs after the server was shut down. (The timestamps in your post are in...
    3. 0ldSkull

      Better Times

      I've just uploaded version 2.3. This includes the completed shipyard module textures and initial anti-jump textures. Following Kupu's lead, there are many enhancements to normal maps. Some textures have also been imported or updated from new Default updates, and some have various tweaks to...
    4. 0ldSkull

      Better Times - Shipyard module, anti-jump

      Finished the shipyard module textures. Added Anti-Jump computer/module textures. Many normal map enhancements and texture tweaks.
    5. 0ldSkull

      How does docking work now?

      The news post which introduced the rails system has some explanations and links to videos:
    6. 0ldSkull

      Bug Can't Create Blueprint of station.

      Long log but here is the crash information; it does appear related to a shipyard: [2015-08-27 00:09:41] [CLIENT][PLAYER][BLUEPRINT] PlS[Zylo ; id(1618)(10)f(10740)] REQUESTED EXTRA INFO FOR LOCAL BLUEPRINT SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_Oblivion(1823)] [2015-08-27 00:09:41] [GLFRAME] THROWN...
    7. 0ldSkull

      Better Times

      Version 2.2 is an interim update for compatibility with the recently released Shipyards game update. Added the new shipyard blocks. (The Module is not really done but quickly adapted from the Default textures.) New Build Block texture Enhanced the Rail Mass Enhancer Improved the Decorative...
    8. 0ldSkull

      Better Times - Quick update to add shipyard blocks

      This is an interim update for compatibility with the recently released Shipyards game update. Added the new shipyard blocks. (The Module is not really done but quickly adapted from the Default textures.) New Build Block texture Enhanced the Rail Mass Enhancer Improved the Decorative Fan...
    9. 0ldSkull

      Starmade v0.194 - Shipyards

      Mine is absolutely choking me! And I'm going to move the core ha haaa I'm going to move the core ho ho hee hee ha haaa!
    10. 0ldSkull

      Texture Black??/ GL_OUt_OF_MEMORY

      Reduce settings that require more video memory, such as "Texture Resolution", "Max segments (view distance)", and "Procedural Background Res" (if it is on).
    11. 0ldSkull

      Better Times

      The "Updates" tab on the resource page has the description, but here it is also ;): The biggest change is that I've ditched the original photo image used as the basis for the normal hull, keeping only the concept. Same idea for the overall look, but a cleaner appearance which tiles much...
    12. 0ldSkull

      Better Times - Revised normal hull; ship remote

      A bit of catch-up and clean-up... Normal hull (corrugated metal) textures have been recreated from scratch to make them less jarring and more tileable in various configurations. Added a texture for the Inner-Ship Remote block. Added the Decorative Fan texture (block available in the dev build)...
    13. 0ldSkull

      Star-made crashes on startup

      My screenshot was from a laptop with Optimus--an Nvidia GPU in addition to built-in Intel HD graphics with the ability to switch between them. My desktop, which has on-board AMD/ATI graphics overridden by an Nvidia card I installed, does not display the option since it cannot switch between...
    14. 0ldSkull

      Galaxy Map Additions

      I could go for being able to click a station or planet icon in the map in order to set a waypoint, rather than having to WASDQE the cursor over to it.
    15. 0ldSkull

      Brainstorm This Asteroid spawning and balancing mining

      Stellar generation of asteroids is not a bad idea. It is neither realistic nor practical to have to wait millions of years for a supernova or to have stars frequently exploding in the game, but that is where all those nifty elements are believed to originate...
    16. 0ldSkull

      Star-made crashes on startup

      Use the "Add" button next to the list.
    17. 0ldSkull

      StarMade v0.19361 Flash Light, Ship Scores, On-Ship Spawning & Bugfixes

      Bonusinches [really?]: Hopefully that spend-faction-points-to-respawn-asteroids feature will be coming... Soon?
    18. 0ldSkull

      Star-made crashes on startup

      Use the Nvidia control panel to set javaw.exe to use the Nvidia GPU.
    19. 0ldSkull

      Quick question on logic

      No,but it can repeatedly activate a push-effect computer to achieve the same thing.