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    1. 1adog1

      cool new stuff that you would like to see in starmade, wepons,npc, ect

      We definately need to see circular planets. It would also be cool to add suns to star systems that give off solar flares every once in a while doing shield damage.
    2. 1adog1

      Magnetic Docking System

      I like the idea of coverability, and I see what your getting at with the damage for not lining the magnets up correctly, but how would we calculate when to give damage and how much damage to give?
    3. 1adog1

      Magnetic Docking System

      No, activating the docker would activate the magnets on your ship. I can think of a few ways to line your ship up, chiefly putting a cockpit on the bottom of your ship and creating a reference point on the station for the cockpit to line up with.
    4. 1adog1

      Magnetic Docking System

      Just like with magnets, the docking blocks should attract eachother. There should have to be one block on the ship per block on the station/other ship and they should line up. The way I think of it, you should need one docking block for every 25-50 mass your ship has. (Each hull has about 0.1...
    5. 1adog1

      Magnetic Docking System

      Hey guys, I'm sure every single one of you HATES the current docking system we have, so here's an idea for a new one. I propose making docking blocks act like magnets, sticking to other docking blocks that would be put on the ship. Each magnet would have a certain amount of pulling force, and...
    6. 1adog1

      More Factions and NPCs

      Actually now that I think about it, does my idea remind anyone of Galaxy on Fire 2?
    7. 1adog1

      More Factions and NPCs

      Hey guys, I don't know about you, but I would really like to see NPCs added, each type with their own faction like Humans, Aliens, etc. Currently, we have 2 factions, with ships and stations; Pirates, and the Trade Guild. I also propose to add NPC Stations, a different kind for each NPC, and...
    8. 1adog1

      My Idea for a Docking System

    9. 1adog1

      Docking Improvements

      This is essentially my idea for a magnet system, read my post on Docking in this forum.
    10. 1adog1

      Inventory and Shop Improvements

      The rock is as common as on most other planets, I have about 500 in my inventory at this moment from about 5 minutes of mining.
    11. 1adog1

      GUI damage indicator

      That\'s an amazing idea! Like a little box on the top of your screen showing the ship and hits. SImple, yet Awesome!
    12. 1adog1

      Inventory and Shop Improvements

      Rock is worth a lot more, I got it wrong, sorry.
    13. 1adog1

      My Idea for a Docking System

      Hey guys, I see a lot of posts around here for docking system ideas, so I decided to add my own. As we know the current docking system is... crap to say the least, so here's my idea. Since the game already has an integrated weight system for ships, why not add a magnet system for docking...
    14. 1adog1

      More Diversity Among... Well... Everthing.

      Hey guys, I've been playing this game a lot, and have noticed something that is kind of annoying. There is a HUGE lack of diversity among functional ship items like thrusters, weapons, etc. Also a lack of diversity exists among Space stations, and most of space just feels... empty. So, I, like...
    15. 1adog1

      Inventory and Shop Improvements

      Hello everyone, I've done a bit of research into the in game inventory, and I've discovered you can effectively hold every minable item in the game in one inventory, in infinite amounts, gathering at a rate of about 5 blocks a second. I've also looked into the shop...