Inventory and Shop Improvements

    Jun 26, 2013
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    Hello everyone,

    I've done a bit of research into the in game inventory, and I've discovered you can effectively hold every minable item in the game in one inventory, in infinite amounts, gathering at a rate of about 5 blocks a second.

    I've also looked into the shop economy, and have noticed that the actual rock of a planet is worth more than the ores that are mined there. For Example, ice planet rock is worth 500 Credits a piece, while level 1 ores are worth 10 Credits, level 2 ores are worth 100 a piece, and level 3 ores are worth 1000 a piece. So far, with 10 hours of gameplay, I've only ever found 2 Level 3 Ores. (LOVE the new textures by the way!)

    This creates a HUGE problem. The facts that planet rock is worth so much money, and that 90% of space stations are uninhabited are huge screw ups for the economy. BUT, I've also found out that the shop prices depend on it.

    SO, what we have here is an economy based on a lot of time, and no difficulty.

    I think the following things should go into place to effectively fix this:

    1. Inventory slots limited to 250 Blocks a slot.

    2. Planet rock value reduced to 5 a piece

    3. Ores priced with slightly different values, but around the following:

    Level 1: Around 100 a piece.

    Level 2: Around 750 a piece.

    Level 3: Around 5,000 a piece. (Because of the EXTREME Rarity.)

    4. Planets bigger, and circular, with a gravity "generator" in the center of the planet. More numerous levels 2 and 3 ores (Slightly) in planets.

    5. Shop prices drastically reduced, I mean cut in HALF or more (Especially Hulls).

    6. Tools introduced for mining by hand, and maybe weapons too if you plan to add NPCs.

    7. 75% of Space Stations Protected.

    I understand the game is in alpha, and this is why I'm giving so much information.

    -Still Love the Game!

    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    1) if that is to work you need auto-storige in your ship
    2) atm there is way much of that, only thing that will do is make people richer than they already are, and we already reached credit cap
    3) again you would take the value out of procecing it, also EVERYTHING would need to be alot more exspencive
    4) i to think they should be like that, but more like that gravety is more circulair on a planet as whel for the size
    5) read my comment of 3, since you can make almost anything from ores and ingreadiants the economy would be insta-death itself since it would be way cheaper to sell raw ore and buy 500* what you could make from the ingrediants
    6) yeas we need those, especialy guns to defend ourselfs from othe poeple and ship whne starting out
    7) thats realy up to the server admin\'s if they want that, personaly i dont as its often me first source of credits(~10-30 mil per station)
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    ice planet rock is worth 500 Credits a piece

    erm thats ice cristal, and it extreamly rare the only place you can find that in big enough quantety\'s is in pirate bases odly enough and in a whole ice planet you might find none. also all normal terain block ecept form vegitation like trees, cacti and plants are 1 credit... 1
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    true ice planet rock is 100 credits... i dident notice that one, althou i think most of the ice planets are composed of actual ice not ice rock for 90% ish
    Jun 26, 2013
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    The rock is as common as on most other planets, I have about 500 in my inventory at this moment from about 5 minutes of mining.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    its another thing to add to the long list of OP stuff to get money from beside normal mining(wich is also a quick way) i only hope when we get an other mode(adventure/story/hardcore) its gonna be intresting and better