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    1. Matt_Bradock


      I'm in favor of a scaled down version. The game is simply not ready for the original size, and I doubt it ever will (or should) be. I agree with NaStral that a full scale variant could only serve as a display piece for those who have the computer strength to render it, otherwise I strongly...
    2. Matt_Bradock

      Planned Missile Lock Alert

      I'm strongly in favor of a missile lock alert, BUT only when the missile is launched (can't be done any other way since heatseekers don't require manual lock) and not the moment it starts locking on. As for the requirements for that, there are 2 options. - A passive effect of the scanner base...
    3. Matt_Bradock

      New lock-on missile bug?

      If you can give detailed info about the bug (you seem to know a lot about it, which all can be very valuable info for testers) then please do. Either contact one of the devs/testers or write a detailed report on Phabricator.
    4. Matt_Bradock

      [31st of March] Schine Bi-weekly Q&A

      Since one of the primary goals of the weapons update is to improve multi-block effect capabilities of single projectiles, and since it has already been stated that the architecture of the weapon will be the sole determinant of its abilities, do you plan to loosen up on the structural integrity...
    5. Matt_Bradock

      New lock-on missile bug?

      Not yet, expected on weapons update.
    6. Matt_Bradock

      Schine Q&A Answers - 15th of March

      I am concerned about how much the integrity requirements of the weapon groups will affect and limit the possible viable architecture choices.
    7. Matt_Bradock

      Shield Bubbles, Integrity Fields, Shield Frequencies, and Weapons

      Thing is, the bubble shields on ships weren't so apparent in SW until The Last Jedi when you can actually see the impacts on the Raddus and the other 2 ships. Before that, even in The Phantom Menace the shields on the Naboo Starfighter were conforming to the surface. Bubble shields are much more...
    8. Matt_Bradock

      Schine Bi-weekly Q&A - 15th of March

      When can we soonest expect a patch dedicated to, or at least putting in the main focus, bug fixing and making sure features that were already implemented, work as intended? I'm mainly asking about the power system, AI behavior (both shipwise and NPC factions), shipyard functionality, asteroid...
    9. Matt_Bradock

      StarMade Dev Blog 15 March 2018

      Thank you SO MUCH for finally giving us a few crumbs of info! We were (at least I was) in DESPERATE need of it, at this point some of us weren't even sure the game's still being worked on any more... The regular, scheduled devblogs would be the greatest because the community that way would have...
    10. Matt_Bradock

      Shield Bubbles, Integrity Fields, Shield Frequencies, and Weapons

      @Queesdy if we want to point at a realistic defense mechanism, we have to go back all the way to Babylon-5: Interceptors (basicly point defense turrets) to stop projectiles. There was very little defense against beam weapons until Earth came up with the first shield-like defense mechanism, the...
    11. Matt_Bradock

      StarMade for Skrubs-A Guide by TheDerpGamer

      I never do out-of-game planning. I usually just give an approximate boxdim in which I want to place the ship, to determine very vaguely the mass range, then trace the very basic shape with hull blocks, then comes the interior, but already laid out so there's enough space to install some good...
    12. Matt_Bradock

      Reviewing StarMade

      Bubble shields as in actual hitbox bubbles, are an interesting feature. Not only do they allow your own small strike craft to take advantage of your mothership's shield coverage, but also allow boarding pods and enemy strike fighters to bypass it, making smaller vessels viable in capital combat...
    13. Matt_Bradock

      NuclearFun's Ships

      I want that heavy in the back O.O I want it so bad!
    14. Matt_Bradock

      MicroMade - Modded StarMade

      Sorry to say but it shut down and probably got abandoned due to lack of interest. Which is a damn shame.
    15. Matt_Bradock

      An average day in Starmade

      In that specific case, make sure to contact the server's admin. Any reasonable admin would even help you if you tried to create a unique spectacle that might draw players in there, might even protect a sector for you so you don't need a HB there. P.S. I'm still waiting for someone to build a...
    16. Matt_Bradock

      An average day in Starmade

      You know it's bad when even Veilith and the Magitek Knights go off to play Empyrion instead, because even its simple-as-a-rock slugfest capital PvP doesn't suck as much now that at least it's working.
    17. Matt_Bradock

      An average day in Starmade

      Most servers I played on have specified using alts to set up multiple homebases with or without system claims, as a bannable offense. Almost all of them. About 50% of them also considered using alts to sabotage a serious offense. To avoid the latter is why I use faction permission modules on my...
    18. Matt_Bradock

      Reviewing StarMade

      Logic and fancy decor should come LAST on the priority list, as it actually comes on a player's list, when you actually play the game on a multiplayer PvP/survival server. Think of Starmade as a gun. You can have the most revolutionary, fancy-ass, brand-new hypermodern gun in universe with a...
    19. Matt_Bradock

      Reviewing StarMade

      You can't sell a game alone on the complex logic circuits and production it provides unless it's Factorio. Definitely doesn't work for a space survival game. As far as building complexity goes, Empyrion is furthest behind. Simple as Lego, you have every system prefab, where you place them only...
    20. Matt_Bradock

      An average day in Starmade

      No worries, I actually like Brierie's pirates. They were doing their jobs, lol, showing up at the perfect opportunity to f*** my undergunned s*** up.