Light Vs Dark News


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    Aug 21, 2015
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    Oh wow! NaStral sent me the sment file but I haven't had a chance to look at it yet. I will have to go to a an empty system in single player and see how my computer takes it. Like I told NaStral though I don't think I can get to it until maybe this weekend because my well went belly up yesterday.
    BTW Its so much fun digging ditches in the snow and rain! *Eyeroll*
    PS I could probably build it in sections so someone could just dock them together.
    Boy oh boy does that sound fun!

    But as for parts, well.. I guess you could, however we'd need to stitch it together so if it's spawned, it doesn't turn into a lag bomb the moment it starts to fall apart, lol.
    [doublepost=1486734222,1486734064][/doublepost]Breaking news! We have moved to a new server box! Seeing as how StarMade seems to need single-core processing the most, we have switched to a 4ghz (4.6 turbo) i7 processor over the 3.2ghz 6-core xeon. After some testing, we have seen some nice improvements. I have also begun work on a new quest.. "Cube"
    Jan 6, 2017
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    Stitch together? Also yeah we had 30-40 mph winds but because we broke the frozen ground and dug the repair guy took a hundred bucks off! Its fixed now so I am going to start building the Hillary head.
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    Join the Dark Side
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    Stitch together? Also yeah we had 30-40 mph winds but because we broke the frozen ground and dug the repair guy took a hundred bucks off! Its fixed now so I am going to start building the Hillary head.
    Yay! Thank you very much! This will make for good hilarity. :)

    By stitch together, I mean doing copy/paste of the various entities to put it all together into one entity. If you *could* just make it one entity from the start though, that would be the best option for us. When you've got the head up, I'll put a weapons and systems layout into it and do some balancing. :)
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Balancing? As in, add MOAR MISSILES and similar crap to make yet another head-of-doom-and-silliness?
    Oct 12, 2015
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    Well, considering doom and silliness was the general aim, then yes.
    Oct 12, 2015
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    Omnium Aeterna, Vaygr, Smash New Lightside Warship

    Yesterday a new vessel of unknown configuration and sizable mass was sighted by darksider scouts in the Alphabira system. Roughly thirty minutes later a message originating from within darkside territory was sent over public witchspace channels offering a bounty of 20 bronze bars for the capture or destruction of the mysterious vessel. A Succubus class dreadnought was dispatched by Omnium Aeterna with it's leader, HallowedSilence at the helm. A Vaygr Despoiler class battle cruiser was also sent a few minutes later. The succubus arrived first, opening fire on the smaller but surprisingly heavily armed and shielded vessel.

    Despite The Light having already deployed escorts for this new ship and more being scrambled to the scene, the Succubus' shrugged off all fire from the defenders. The egg like vessel, while initially holding out against Succubus' firepower began to waver after an exchange of approximately eight minutes. Just as the egg's shields were beginning to buckle, the Vaygr Despoiler, piloted by RedAlert jumped in and rather then assist, opened fire on the Succubus, severely impacting it's shields. Rather than risk damage to the vessel, Hallowed withdrew from the field of battle, leaving the weakened ship to Vaygr. The Despoiler then quickly destroyed the mysterious ship, it's escorts and several subsequent waves of lightside defense ships before withdrawing, having received the reward posted by Darkside authorities.
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    Upon being asked about the friendly fire incident, HallowedSilence seemed unperturbed, stating that it was already being handled through diplomatic lines.
    Oct 12, 2015
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    Vaygr, New Lightside Faction Clash

    For the past two weeks, Outcast tribes' salvaging parties have reported sightings of a mysterious craft of significant size lurking in a region of void space galactic north-west of VonGrim Federation's territory.

    Taken approximately 1 week ago by an Outcast voidspace salvaging party.

    Fresh after a successful strike against a Lightside fleet, Vaygr Empire's RedAlert began searches of the region, eventually finding the home base of a relatively new Lightside faction known as Secretorum. The vessel from earlier signings, immediately undocked from it's home base and opened fire.


    The clash lasted for approximately 25-30 minutes. Both the Vaygr Despolier and the unknown vessel circled each other, pouring massime amounts of firepower into each other, before the Vaygr ship began losing turrets.

    Combat continued, with the ships closing to ever closer distances. The shields on both vessels began to fall to dangerously low levels, though the Vaygr ship was faring worse at this point.


    Soon after significant spatial distortions began forming and both vessels withdrew from the battlespace. The Despoiler has been reduced to a nearly overheating status, while minimal damage on the new Lightside ship was observed.

    Oct 12, 2015
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    Light Attacks On the Rise

    The Pega system was wrested from the hands of Darkside faction The Order by a Sanctum Solaris warship operated by Pilot112. From the eyewitness accounts and corroborating report from SancSol's leadership, it is confirmed that the Order has indeed lost the system. Casualties
    among the defenders are estimated to be in the hundreds as all outposts and defense craft were lost in the attack.

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    Oct 12, 2015
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    Vaygr and Rogue Shadows Playing Nice?

    A Skirmish between Aeron Empyrean and Rogue Shadows, within RS's territory, took an unexpected turn when a Vaygr Despoiler intervened and drove off the Aeron vessel. No further hostile actions were observed by eyewitnesses. The fact that the Vaygr vessel did not fire on the RS ship, indicates at the very least an unofficial non-aggression pact. No parties involved were available for comment. starmade-screenshot-0033.png starmade-screenshot-0036.png


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    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
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    my overarmored trash is spreading, wonder where RS got that anyway (not that i mind)
    totally got prettiest-dressed this time at least >.>
    Oct 12, 2015
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    Titan Clash in Void Space

    Three days ago two of the galaxies largest warships met in battle near Secretorum's void-space home. Dark aligned Omnium Aeterna dispatched it's new flagship, the Drider into Secretorum space as a show of force.


    Difficulty, Secretorum's enigmatic leader answered the intrusion by dispatching it's own titan, the Nemesis.


    Combat between the vessels lasted for over 40 minutes, with little progress being gained on either side. Some minor damage was being sustained to the Drider after combat continued to drag on, though both pilots withdrew after what must have been an exhausting fight.




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    Jan 4, 2015
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    lol clash of the titans... too bad missile mechanics are broke right now, those things shoulda mauled each other
    Oct 12, 2015
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    Formiden Base Attacked by Unknown Assailant


    Moments ago, the 6th Formiden Task Group led by Comr4de repelled an attack by an individual calling himself ManMythLegend in the Dudaguminuar system, near Formiden Colonial Mandate's home base.

    The crudely constructed vessel was quickly eliminated and it's pilot killed in a fusillade of weapons fire.

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    What this means in the larger context of events has yet to be revealed. But it should certainly prove interesting. Stay Tuned.
    Oct 12, 2015
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    Rebuilders Seal.png


    An ancient structure has been discovered in the Bapaprinobeda system, near the base of the defunct faction Arbor Radix. Structure's Coordinates are 133 5 -171. The Galactic Authority Archaeology Council Has Offered a daily payment of 3 Bronze Bars to whomever can safely secure and protect the structure. So long as a faction has control of the structure, payment will be deposited daily into a special container in the throne room. If the structure falls to 75% or below then payment will stop as the archaeology team will be forced to abandon the structure.

    Special Thanks to Tech-Priest for the resource.
    Payment box in the throne room.
    Oct 12, 2015
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    The Battle of The Grey Palace

    Hours after the archaeology team arrived under protection from the Order of Bogatyr's Ethereal Space Navy and Divine Corps, Formiden Colonial Mandate struck, simultaneously attacking several OOB claim stations while sending boarding parties to secure the site for themselves. One OOB defense station was confirmed destroyed. Solid information on total losses remains fuzzy at best but wreckage from both OOB and Formiden vessels litters the surrounding sectors. Morviuz, leader of Areon Emperyan and ally of OOB sent it's own warship in response. Infinite Legion and another dark aligned faction called VoidGullet LLC entered the fray and began attacking FCM assets in an attempt to wrest control of the Palace for themselves. One FCM vessel flown by MrFurb was destroyed but the pilot escaped. After the withdraw of the FCM assault force,having taken the first payment, the battered OOB forces returned to the scene to retake the Palace. The Dark aligned forces withdrew after being too damaged to continue a fight against the lone Aeron Emperyean ship.

    Images from OOB


    Images from Aeron Emperyean

    Images from FCM

    Images from LvD News

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    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
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    That. Was. Kickass.
    Yeah, the above report does a good job of highlighting the important bits but it doesn't expand upon why I loved today's fight. It wasn't just big ships facing each other and left clicking. Heck, it wasn't just the normal maneuvering either.

    After securing the area from the ludicrously honorable Bogdan and boarding the station I found out that I didn't bring any torches. Shooting the Fac block with a sidearm wasn't going to work. So I did what any sane marine would do in that situation. I placed a beacon next to the faction module in the form of a ship block, stepped back, and told the big bad heavy cruiser floating outside to shoot it.
    That's right, I ordered a freaking airstrike.
    Afterwards I grabbed the loot and hopped back in my ship, ready to fight whatever nasty surprises the Bogatyrs had for us.

    I didn't prepare enough. Nooooot nearly enough.

    The enemies were fast with long ranged weapons. The most I could do was get the occasional lucky hit off with the anti-shield weapons and then watch as the enemy fled out of visual range and led the poor AI fleet vessels onto the killing range. Poor lemmings, gobbled up by the predators.
    Near the end of the engagement when my SHP was at 60% and weapon comps were all down I set my ship to ram whatever smaller one was in front of me and jumped out of a hole that was blasted through the bridge's blast shutters.
    That's right, I defenestrated myself in space.

    Put down a core, power block, and thruster and began trying to hastily extricate myself from the situation as I still had the booty from the palace on me. So there I am in a core, trying to dodge beam turrets, outrun frigates... And lock-on missiles are fired at me.
    At this point I reached a certain nirvana. A clarity of thought that so rarely happens in Staramde. I stopped trying to control the shaking in my hands. I let the shaking control me.
    I jumped out of the core shuttle, clicking through the 'the ship is moving, are you sure you want to do this?' message with about the same grace as the Doom guy. I immediately place another core, jump in, scroll wheel over both power and thrust blocks and I'm out of there, watching the missiles circle to the old thruster-core doomed to die.
    That's right, I did double defenestration. I even had some cheesecake to celebrate once I was back home with the loot.