Recent content by Dr_Somgosomgo

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      Maneuvering Thrusters

      as i already noticed, there is no center of mass. only the core
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      can't see smoke through glass

      i know it's a minor bug but it still affects the gameplay a lot. for example: i'm in a dogfight and someone shoots missiles at me. i can't dodge them because i can't see them
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      Melting ship

      what sector it was? if you were at the sun sector then it\'s not a bug
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      how about lights using energy

      lights should use energy (a very small amount for example 50e/s). that'd be very good for huge ships that have rooms with lights. and if the ship has a crew, imagine the energy depleting and the lights going down while the crew must look for the switch to turn everything on.
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      wedges and corners have wrong mass

      when i was building my ship, i noticed that each hull wedge counts as a single block instead of a half. same was with corners that count as a single block while they are a quarter. so every wedge must count as 1/2 a block and a corner as 1/4 a block thus making the mass fair.
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      Mass drivers, lasers, particle beams, and targeting computers

      this must be implemented. but not now. some time later
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      Lets Revamp Cockpits

      that\'d be cool! guided torpedos!
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      Salvage cannons transfer loot to linked storage

      the title says everything. if you're mining something and don't have enough space in your inventory, you'll probably go and empty it into the storage. but if the cannons would transfer everything to the linked storage blocks, it'll be much easier.
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      PlexLifter In Ships

      i support this