The Vaygr Empire "To Dominate & Control" [Apply here]

    Dec 29, 2013
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    OH BOY lets all hold hands and sing like the smurfs, sounds like so much fun....yeah no people atone for their actions and you are answering for yours to the odium pact. Again if you want to just build and not do any PvP then please just go play on a shipyard or build server. When you're ready to hang with the bigger factions bring your ships back....and we'll pvp them
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    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    Your response paints a very clear picture of the state of Alliance Armada. Someone provides a logical, reasonable argument, and it is met with an immature response by someone masquerading as a leader.

    The reason we haven't really done anything back is because, quite honestly, you're not worth our time.

    Don't get me wrong, I respect Vaygr and CR fully. They are tried and true factions, and maintain a friendship between them most would envy.

    You, on the other hand, are nothing more than an insolent child who conned a bunch of decent people into a faction whose morals are nowhere to be found, has an ego larger than the rest of the Pact combined, and will declare a dishonorable, rage-fueled war against people who saw you for what you really were, and damaged your massive ego with a single comment in a private message that was not addressed to you.

    You, Blackhawk, put a bad name on the Pact. I've heard the way other Pact members talk about you, and, suffice to say, it was significantly more agitating than my comments that got you all pussied up in the first place.


    Algorithm of hacks
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Your response paints a very clear picture of the state of Alliance Armada. Someone provides a logical, reasonable argument, and it is met with an immature response by someone masquerading as a leader.

    The reason we haven't really done anything back is because, quite honestly, you're not worth our time.

    Don't get me wrong, I respect Vaygr and CR fully. They are tried and true factions, and maintain a friendship between them most would envy.

    You, on the other hand, are nothing more than an insolent child who conned a bunch of decent people into a faction whose morals are nowhere to be found, has an ego larger than the rest of the Pact combined, and will declare a dishonorable, rage-fueled war against people who saw you for what you really were, and damaged your massive ego with a single comment in a private message that was not addressed to you.

    You, Blackhawk, put a bad name on the Pact. I've heard the way other Pact members talk about you, and, suffice to say, it was significantly more agitating than my comments that got you all pussied up in the first place.
    Is this message for me or blackhawk?
    Dec 29, 2013
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    Dear sir, need I post logs of you down talking your own allies. What about Leanson Im sure he still has his logs. We attacked you because you are a moral-less coward hiding in your build server while we stare you down in your own base. The only piss poor example of a faction leader here is you failing to back up what you stated on the logs saying you would destroy me with a capital. I tell you I'm going to do something and I do it. This is the Second Faction I have knocked on the front door of their home base and the second faction who will not for the life of them conduct actual warfare outside of a build server/forums post. Grow some balls put your money where your mouth is or shut it simple as that. Your insult antics are clearly superior to your pathetic excuse for Commanding skills.

    EDIT: TE Actually did assault our territories and went outside their base....Props to them for that.
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    Algorithm of hacks
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Frankly, you're not demonstrating some "power" you have by attacking everyone, instead you're just pissing everyone off.

    If you want to feel and appear powerful like you have repeatedly claimed to be, try something more along the lines of building a community rather than destroying current ones.
    What did you think we are trying to do? We were building, mining, and making friends and that makes us sleeping giants because we did not kill anyone?

    Don't call us sleeping giants let us Vaygrs do our thing if it was just building, mining, and making friends.

    But when ever we try to make friends with other faction some moron goes and say don't be their friends their odium pact they are pirates, how would you like it if that happened to you?
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    Jul 21, 2013
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    We have been mining and building. Oh and sorry that we killed one of your officers Mariux we are only attacking because Flying Debris said we are sleeping giants without zoro. We can play like zoro or we can be ourselves and be friendly and not destroy stuff if that dude or girl can stop his big mouth from making rumors
    I just wonder, why attack us instead of them? It kinda defeats the point of (even if indirectly) attacking them.
    Aug 19, 2013
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    Your response paints a very clear picture of the state of Alliance Armada. Someone provides a logical, reasonable argument, and it is met with an immature response by someone masquerading as a leader.

    The reason we haven't really done anything back is because, quite honestly, you're not worth our time.

    Don't get me wrong, I respect Vaygr and CR fully. They are tried and true factions, and maintain a friendship between them most would envy.

    You, on the other hand, are nothing more than an insolent child who conned a bunch of decent people into a faction whose morals are nowhere to be found, has an ego larger than the rest of the Pact combined, and will declare a dishonorable, rage-fueled war against people who saw you for what you really were, and damaged your massive ego with a single comment in a private message that was not addressed to you.

    You, Blackhawk, put a bad name on the Pact. I've heard the way other Pact members talk about you, and, suffice to say, it was significantly more agitating than my comments that got you all pussied up in the first place.
    Debris. Debris.

    pls stop
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    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    @Jan- was talking to blackhawk, as you can see. You guys are kinda nice. :/

    I just read your post-

    When I said sleeping giants, I was not referring to how much you were doing in the way of warfare. I was referring to the fact that you had seemingly moved past unneccesary violence and impulse attacks, however the powerful machine that Vaygr is was simply resting. It was kind of a compliment, in a way. I'll be honest, I would much rather have you as friends than enemies, same applies to the CR. In fact, plans were being made to establish trade routes and other ways to bolster friendship between us before Blackhawk did his bit with the TE, and then us. He's put a mean streak into you and your people. He's revived the sorts of "wars" we assumed were over, and had been over since the last war on Illusive, before it died.

    I don't want to fight you, and had actually made provisions detailing only to fire on CR and Vaygr ships in self-defense, before the plan was made to simply ignore AA while you all realized this whole thing is just Blackhawk's ego becoming more important than common decency.
    Dec 29, 2013
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    No, I've just simply rekindled the fire to fight. People were so diplomatic it was sickening nothing got done besides a bunch of forums post about happiness and peace..Wrong the answer to conflicts are not through talks. They are through action, something the AA, CR, and Vaygr have all come to realize as we step back and look at the state of the starmade factions.
    Aug 19, 2013
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    No, I've just simply rekindled the fire to fight. People were so diplomatic it was sickening nothing got done besides a bunch of forums post about happiness and peace..Wrong the answer to conflicts are not through talks. They are through action, something the AA, CR, and Vaygr have all come to realize as we step back and look at the state of the starmade factions.
    I have to agree here. The game as so much political maneuvering, back room deals and backstabbing that it'd make George RR Martin do a double take. The only reason that TE isn't more involved in the conflicts is because of a simple lack of funds. Seriously, if we have a steady and stable flow of cash, we'd be out in force more often.
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    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    State of the factions before you flipped shit-

    Everyone is working together, holding war games, establishing trade routes, holding build-offs, actually getting along for a change.

    State of the factions after you flipped shit-

    An atmosphere reminescent of CoD servers, people losing hours of work due to greifing, flaming all over, etc etc etc.



    Look ONE post up from yours, blackhawk. That is solving conflicts through diplomacy, is it not?
    Dec 29, 2013
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    What you consider my little pony world.......... I have turned into eve online. You're welcome.
    Only the strongest survive, the others run to the build servers and talk shit behind the forums


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    What you consider my little pony world.......... I have turned into eve online. You're welcome.
    Only the strongest survive, the others run to the build servers and talk shit behind the forums
    You think quite highly of yourself, don't you.
    Dec 29, 2013
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    I think highly of the pact....From what I can understand I think the entire Pact is tired of the forum bashing, minecraft style, flower sniffing, unity for the galaxy policies. Since Odium has started flexing its muscles the forums have been more alive than they have ever been. The server activity has almost doubled and war machines are raging. You can curse me all you want but I will always ensure that the Pact is never seen as failing even if it means I become the harbinger of doom and gloom.
    Aug 19, 2013
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    State of the factions before you flipped shit-

    Everyone is working together, holding war games, establishing trade routes, holding build-offs, actually getting along for a change.

    State of the factions after you flipped shit-

    An atmosphere reminescent of CoD servers, people losing hours of work due to greifing, flaming all over, etc etc etc.



    Look ONE post up from yours, blackhawk. That is solving conflicts through diplomacy, is it not?
    Actually, ever since this whole thing started, problems with ships have been weeded out and rectified and they're now much more effective, we've learnt a thing or two about handling system ownership, and our own activity has increased. War is a hell of a motivator.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    Actually, ever since this whole thing started, problems with ships have been weeded out and rectified and they're now much more effective, we've learnt a thing or two about handling system ownership, and our own activity has increased. War is a hell of a motivator.

    Some conflict is needed for growth, if we forever hold hands, we will all be useless.

    The CR's war with TE taught me lessons in regards to base defense, etc as well as method to attack. TE probably also learnt similar things with ship performance, base defense, etc.

    This is a bloody game with a PvP aspect, people, on both side of this argument needs to get their head, OUT of the sand and allow each other to play as they desire.

    I see no issue with PVP until it results in spying, unfaction attack, etc. Then it is just being an asshole.
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    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    The thing is, on a public server like Elwyn where most factions are almost required to have some sort of a settlement, there are factions that DO want war, and there are those that do NOT. Issues arise when the factions that do want war attack those that simply wish to play the game on a popular server.

    Blackhawk wants war because his ego needs to be fueled. We do not want war because violence is not our nature, at least not any more.

    Blackhawk declared war on us only when he could find a way to convince the rest of Odium to gang up on us, because if he lost his ego would be popped like an overinflated balloon. He's the Kim Jong Un of the factions, making threats all day long but then hiding behind Big Brother China when people get pissed.

    Now, we've been filling up the Vaygr thread for a while, I think we should take it to a PM.