Thoughts about the recent trailers and equalty between shipbuilders.

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    Jul 31, 2013
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    For factions and servers not getting recognition, we have been thinking about another badge for you.
    You mean I might finally get a badge? Neato.

    My only input. Mushroom fleet didn't "reach out" at first, they got lucky with the second (non-yogscast) wave of youtubers. Boom, instant organic search and ranking lead. Not to say they have not then capitalized on it by working closely with said content creators. But it boils down to haves and have nots, they have the video creators and the population, they get the ranking.

    I don't like it, but I'm not going to whine about it and I'm not going to try and ruin their image (its not ALL luck, I know they work for it). I'll just quietly tend my year and a half old server and try to record what little poor quality video I can.

    Edit: I feel I should add here that my server was thrust mostly by luck to the top ten and has stayed there through no effort of my own. So again, I can't even begin to be as set against MF as perhaps I might be otherwise.
    Aug 19, 2013
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    I'm actually thinking of replacing the forum home page where we usually have news, with popular threads and content. It would automatically put popular threads on the page. So that could help with organic exposure.

    However, I have a feeling people use the forum news over the main website news on

    We heavily advertised it:

    The teaser trailer however, was not made by a Schine member. schema organised his own trailer request. The other trailer, the official main trailer is still being worked on by Bench and is from Schine.
    Oh that trailer? I don't really pass out faction ships to ANYONE.
    Jun 19, 2014
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    You think? Every time I try to talk (read: talk, not yell at ) with Calbiri about some balance changes or other game related stuff this is more or less what happens:

    I'm barely exaggerating, he's a bit tense sometimes.
    Sometimes, mybe. I once asked how to make custom factories, but he didn't answer to that (but I can understand that, it probably isn't possible to so so until the modding API is finished). But when he does answer, he is quite clear about everything (while still keeping the details from me of course, since he probably didn't even know them at the time). So yeah, I don't know any other game (well, one, but that one doesn't really count, the post per week count is like 0.1) where the devs actually respond to posts and even (!) PMs. I guess we're lucky the community is so small.

    So... What now? Imaginary disagree button? Sarcastic funny button? No, I'll just not rate it. This post is my answer/rating.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Wanna help sort out elitism? Try doing it from within the system. If from within you can prove the system is broken and corrupt to the point of being beyond salvation, smash it. Until you actually do that you're standing on questionable ground with questionable motivations.

    And don't tell me you can't because the system is already against you. I've seen 0 (zero) out of the loudest complainers even try. This is just like the news argument. And just like that argument nothing will come of it.

    Why so serious?


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    Sometimes, mybe. I once asked how to make custom factories, but he didn't answer to that (but I can understand that, it probably isn't possible to so so until the modding API is finished). But when he does answer, he is quite clear about everything (while still keeping the details from me of course, since he probably didn't even know them at the time). So yeah, I don't know any other game (well, one, but that one doesn't really count, the post per week count is like 0.1) where the devs actually respond to posts and even (!) PMs. I guess we're lucky the community is so small.

    So... What now? Imaginary disagree button? Sarcastic funny button? No, I'll just not rate it. This post is my answer/rating.
    I'm talking about discussion relating to the default balance, not asking him how to do something (different). I have no problem talking with him about other stuff. When it comes to what he does for the game, though? Well... refer to the gif in my previous post :P

    I can understand, though, as he doesn't always get very friendly feedback. But I just want to talk, not yell at him (as do many other people).
    Jun 20, 2013
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    i have only seen 0 of my ships show up on anything official, as with most ship builders int eh community. yet MF ships show up all the time. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    tenk11kamikaza made a video of the ship in your signature
    Jun 19, 2014
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    I'm talking about discussion relating to the default balance, not asking him how to do something (different). I have no problem talking with him about other stuff. When it comes to what he does for the game, though? Well... refer to the gif in my previous post :p

    I can understand, though, as he doesn't always get very friendly feedback. But I just want to talk, not yell at him (as do many other people).
    Ah, I see. Well, as developer you do need to be careful what you answer to, and since nobody actually knows your intention when you discuss things via internet (body language, etc. that can't be seen, but is vital to the discussion), so ai guess we shouldn't be too hard on him. He is really god at what he does, after all.


    Count Duku
    Sep 4, 2013
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    I had to do it over the forum, which is a no no, but I did ask if I could send a separate zip file, but I didn't get an answer.

    1) Community Content
    Submit through the community content section. Upload it there then post a link in this thread or the showcase thread.

    2) Dropbox
    If you don't want to share it public. Upload to Dropbox for Free and private message me the link.

    3) MediaFire
    Same deal as dropbox, upload and private message me the link.

    4) Email me
    If you don't want to use an upload service, private message me for my email and you can email it to me.
    Sep 10, 2014
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    I don´t get this community... everyone wants to be the mature one and all I read is: "Why do they show this ships and not mine? I can build awesome ships! SHOW MY SHIPS! SHOW MY SERVER! I WANT TO BE FAMOUS FOR BUILDING SHIPS!"...

    Everyone who thinks that building ships is something special is wrong. Building ships is like the easiest part of this whole thing. How about all the mature complainers contribute something that is actuall work instead of just playing the game and wanting to show of your ships?

    There´s so much space for tutorials or you can contribute something to the wiki. There are endless possibilitys to actively contribute something usefull. But all you do is: "Show my ships and my server. Me wants in TV!"

    I feel sorry for the MF guys. They are the heroes starmade deserves but not the one it needs right now.
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    Oct 24, 2014
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    Let's step back and ask ourselves what is our primary desire? Is it to get our name in lights, or a gold star on our foreheads? I think it is to see Shine complete and share an AWESOME game! Last time I checked this wasn't STAR CITIZEN. I doubt Schema has 62 million dollars in his back pocket to go hire Stephen Spielberg to produce a professional trailer. Mushroom Fleet has some awesome ship designers and they are willing to help create some cool stuff that shows the game in a good light. If Schema can finish a cool game on a limited budget without selling out to EA GAMES or MICROSOFT I say do whatever it takes, even if it means farming work out to a select few.
    Aug 31, 2013
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    what i mean is that it's not an official starmade schine-team released video. i'm not saying i want to be the on on there, but come on, there's a ton of builders on here that should be on the official trailers. crusade, incap, kep, nuclear donut, to name a few... a whole lot of peoples ships should be shown off to showcase the game. but when only a single server's ships get exposure, it excludes the part of the community that isn't on that server or have no ability to play on a multiplayer server (example: crusade due to internet connection speeds). dalmont and raiben, and skylord get lots of exposure, but there's a whole world of builders who are freaking amazing.

    i've not seen crusade's kep's incap's leanson's and many more builders' work on official trailer releases, even though they're in the club of high-quality ship builds with the well known builders on MF server.
    Jul 15, 2013
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    So I meant to post in here a long time ago, didn't realize that in fact it didn't post. There has been quite the discussion, if you can call some parts of it a discussion, since I've first read this and written a reply. So my apologies if this sounds a bit late in the conversation.

    First off, the actual topic to begin with. Is there some form of inequality/favoritism to MF in regards of the trailers? (I think that was the main topic at least) I guess if you wanted to have your ship seen for a whole 2 seconds in a quick unofficial, not really important trailer teaser, sure. Why the hell not. But it appears too little to get really butthurt about, seriously 2 seconds of a quick teaser. Its not like that showed any of the ships in action, for all we now all those ships are complete garbage (and if they're MF ships, I wouldn't doubt it). The trailer was made on MF and I wouldn't have expected whoever was organizing it to jump onto my server and ask every individual if they wanted a chance to have their ship seen for 2 seconds of a trailer. In fact if someone did that, I would just assume they're advertising for the MF server, and then I would tell them to fuck off. The real trailer is still being made and there was/is a submission method to get your ship seen for another couple of seconds on some trailer than no one will care about within weeks after its done. So you still got a fair chance against those evil MF guys when it comes to the actual trailer.

    Now this next part has to do with my opinion of MF and really has nothing to do with the main topic, like the majority of this thread. But why not get out of the way anyways, right?
    Personally I dislike mushroom fleet, if I wanted to see a bunch of man children fuck around while listening to the loudest, most annoying music on earth, I would have gone to a gay bar. But obviously its only your choice to watch a their content, the basic argument you see all over youtube; if you don't like it, don't watch it. But the majority of my issues with them come from outside their little youtube channel. It wasn't too long ago that on the 'starmade server list' that the server I admin for and their server was basically neck and neck (for the like the 15th spot so who cares really). The server I play is a small, honest little server with an active community of 20 at most. Compare that to the 'elitist' Mushroom Fleet, there would typically be a larger margin between the two. During that time MF players have come onto our server just for the soul purpose of advertising the MF server. Saying things like 'This server blows, come play on a real server, mushroom fleet', all done in unreadable spelling and grammar. Yeah my spelling and grammar sucks too, but most people understand me at least. They constantly harassed us and I had to ban many IP's and user names. But you see this attitude all over the forums, in fact im surprised that many of these posts haven't been removed as "Anti-Mushroom Fleet Propaganda". It wasn't too long ago that every post I saw that had anything negative about MF was instantly met with hate from 20 different people, leaders of MF included. But the reason why you don't see so much of the MF lynch mob anymore is because MF doesn't even represent the whole or even majority of the SM community. Even the forums don't represent the majority, about 90% of the players on my server haven't even looked at the forums. This is just one small segment of whats going on in this game, it would be impossible to show it all in a 30 second trailer. Yeah there are more members on here and the Forum community has increased, but that's because the game is getting better (debatable) and the more attention it gets, the more of the community you will see here. Wont be too long until MF represents only 1% of the active SM community.

    Also Picard Thread:
    Oct 24, 2014
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    but there's a whole world of builders who are freaking amazing.
    I agree, there are TONS of really great builders out there and if the developers want to take time to search out the best of the best, that is fine. But if they are busy doing other things like improving GAMEPLAY and can't spend a bunch of time putting on a fashion show, that is fine with me.
    Aug 31, 2013
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    okay we done here? i wanna get back to my no-name building projects. (also played on the MF server once. didn't like the reset thing they did frequently because it meant i could never do a big build on the server, nor complete a large project. this goes for a lot of the servers i've played on in the past. this is why i singleplayer almost everything.)

    and as for searching out ships/shipwrights:
    that's what the ship-submission thread Bench opened is supposed to be for.
    Jan 22, 2014
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    and it just so happens that 2-3 best builders (by votes) in the community are playing on MF.
    I can't believe nobody commented on this (mainly because people usually jump on statements like this), so I will. You did not get all those votes because you are the greatest builders, but because you are famous. This sadly is how it usually goes in votes/elections/whatever, and was also pointed out at various occasions, i.e. in the voting threads and on IRC discussions. At least one person even admitted to me that they voted for Dalmont's trade station just because he was famous, although they thought it didn't even fit the TG theme. I'm not trying to stir shit or discredit you as builders. You are fair builders, but using community votes as proof is really problematic here.
    The (/a) point is that I'm under the impression a lot of people feel you mainly get recognition because you get recognition. You know, like celebrity news. "Oh, that guy went to a party, isn't that exciting? Nobody ever goes to parties, except him!!"

    "You are granting us with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with the Service. You retain copyright over the Content."
    To the entity "Gamer Dock LTD", not to Schine. Also, a game trailer is not "in connection with the service".

    My personal opinion on the original topic: I don't think it is, genenrally speaking, a problem if people who make some semi-official video only use their own ships. However, it becomes problematic when it's always the same guys making that stuff. It's not like the Steam release were some "oh, right, let's do this" panic reaction thing, it has been in the works for as long as I've been a tester. It would have been an option to ask the community as a whole if someone skilled wanted to participate (whithout mentioning details, of course), instead of secretly asking the people that are always asked. And yes, I know that this particular topic has been beaton to death. Seems to be prevailing, though.
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