Schema, do you use Twitter? If time is an issue, maybe it could be worth making occasional updates there so we can see what you're doing. A daily "first pass on shield balancing today" or "giving new AI a test, take a look (youtube link)" I think it could go a long way.
If you already do this, try publicising it.
Maybe look into having your Twitter posts also be posted to the site. The DayZ forums have a topic called 'Dev Tracker' that automatically posts Twitter and Reddit posts from the DayZ devs. That tends to keep people happy between dev blogs and updates.
In fact, having Twitter also update on the forums in beneficial to people who don't use Twitter, such as myself.
Again, it doesn't have to be too frequent - a few times a week would be enough for most. People just like to know what's going on. This is a great community, and people feel invested in the game that the community is centered around. I guess people feel disheartened when they feel that they're being left in the dark - even if that isn't necessarily the case.