"Logic loop protection: Signal stopped from traveling to another entity!"


    stuff builder
    Jun 12, 2017
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    Hi all, I recently got back in the game, and now all my wireless modules, when activated display that message, no matter the complexity of the logic system. But those systems still works perfectly.

    Is that a bug? If not how to get rid of it?
    Aug 12, 2013
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    Hi all, I recently got back in the game, and now all my wireless modules, when activated display that message, no matter the complexity of the logic system. But those systems still works perfectly.

    Is that a bug? If not how to get rid of it?
    I've run into this as well, and my only guess is that it's a bug introduced by a recent update that doesn't hurt the functioning of the system, but only displays annoying/pointless text. I do not know of a fix for it, and am not sure it can be fixed by anything other than a future update.
    Jan 26, 2016
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    I'm pretty sure it was put in there to try and break wireless logic clocks but it doesn't even do that. I haven't noticed any issue with the functionality of wireless except that annoying red texxt. In terms of a fix, I don't believe there's anything in the options to remove text like that.
    Mar 10, 2016
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    Ok, reported, as you can read in the thread I linked above.

    Let's hope the devs pick it up soon, because we can't really start/continue logic-heavy projects when it's as if a flip of a coin would determine whether stuff work or not.


    stuff builder
    Jun 12, 2017
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    Ok, reported, as you can read in the thread I linked above.

    Let's hope the devs pick it up soon, because we can't really start/continue logic-heavy projects when it's as if a flip of a coin would determine whether stuff work or not.


    BTW, is there an accessible file for warning messages like that one, leaving the message empty so that it's invisible could be a temporary fix Windows 10 style, "If you don't see the problem then there is no problem".
    I tried to look for it in the Starmade folder, especially the data one, but I didn't found it.
    Mar 10, 2016
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    BTW, is there an accessible file for warning messages like that one, leaving the message empty so that it's invisible could be a temporary fix Windows 10 style, "If you don't see the problem then there is no problem".
    I tried to look for it in the Starmade folder, especially the data one, but I didn't found it.

    Yes, I found a file by file-contents-searching for the "Logic loop protection" line.

    It's an XML file, titled "defaultPack", which you can find in the "StarMade/data/language" folder.

    (In the same folder you will find translation folders, each containing a translated copy of the aforementioned file, all titled as "pack". If you play the game in a different language than the default, you will have to edit the "pack" file in the translation folder corresponding to your selected language.)

    EDIT: I tried replacing the line with ".", but the message still appeared in-game, despite the fact that the contents of that file didn't reset, so it must be somewhere else.
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    Oct 8, 2014
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    I realize this thread is a month old, but I'm going to reply anyway because its the logic sub-forum and has had like 4 threads since then, and also because I feel I can contribute something to this.

    I believe that specific error message appears whenever you try to send an instant pulse (https://starmadedock.net/threads/instant-pulses-and-some-starmades-logic-details.8117/) through wireless.

    You'd be surprised if you counted the number of instant pulses that are generated by mistake even the simplest of circuits you create, which is why most people may not even be aware an instant pulse is being sent through wireless by them, hence the surprise new error message.
    To clarify, a 0.5sec ON you sent could actually be a 0.5sec ON followed by an instant pulse ON (a simple circuit component used to create this is used alomost everywhere). The instant pulse part of the signal is ignored the wireless modules which give the error message as they ignore it, but the 0.5sec ON is sent, and you think its a useless error message because you do not see any noticeable change in the signal, or the circuit behavior (most of the time, circuits work just fine and do not differentiate between a 0.5sec ON and a 0.5sec ON followed by an instant pulse ON). (Most players only notice instant pulses when it matters lol)

    If the error message is what I think it is, then this feature (yes, its a feature, and there must be some good reason Schema decided to implement this (optimization of some sort maybe? I wouldn't be surprised if instant pulses through wireless caused the game mini 'heart attacks')) shouldn't break 99.9% of circuits, and if you are in the 0.1% of people who *do* send instant pulses through wireless (I have no idea why someone would do that, but whatever), then bad news- your circuits are broke, and you'll simply have to change them to generate an instant pulse on the other entity instead of sending em through wireless.
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    Professional Quickfire Hater
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    I realize this thread is a month old, but I'm going to reply anyway because its the logic sub-forum and has had like 4 threads since then, and also because I feel I can contribute something to this.

    I believe that specific error message appears whenever you try to send an instant pulse (https://starmadedock.net/threads/instant-pulses-and-some-starmades-logic-details.8117/) through wireless.

    You'd be surprised if you counted the number of instant pulses that are generated by mistake even the simplest of circuits you create, which is why most people may not even be aware an instant pulse is being sent through wireless by them, hence the surprise new error message.
    To clarify, a 0.5sec ON you sent could actually be a 0.5sec ON followed by an instant pulse ON (a simple circuit component used to create this is used alomost everywhere). The instant pulse part of the signal is ignored the wireless modules which give the error message as they ignore it, but the 0.5sec ON is sent, and you think its a useless error message because you do not see any noticeable change in the signal, or the circuit behavior (most of the time, circuits work just fine and do not differentiate between a 0.5sec ON and a 0.5sec ON followed by an instant pulse ON). (Most players only notice instant pulses when it matters lol)

    If the error message is what I think it is, then this feature (yes, its a feature, and there must be some good reason Schema decided to implement this (optimization of some sort maybe? I wouldn't be surprised if instant pulses through wireless caused the game mini 'heart attacks')) shouldn't break 99.9% of circuits, and if you are in the 0.1% of people who *do* send instant pulses through wireless (I have no idea why someone would do that, but whatever), then bad news- your circuits are broke, and you'll simply have to change them to generate an instant pulse on the other entity instead of sending em through wireless.
    However, Sending wireless across entities still works.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
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    ...and if you are in the 0.1% of people who *do* send instant pulses through wireless (I have no idea why someone would do that, but whatever)
    I do. I use them for remote activated AI turrets.

    Inner-ship remote > Wireless Module > Wireless Module of 2nd entity > Bobby AI...

    The result is an on/off setting for all your AI controlled weapons; which is especially useful for when your turrets are set to "selected target" so you don't inadvertently shoot friendlies or neutrals.

    The good news is this setup was not broken by the change. The bad news is you get a massive flood of red text (multiplied by the number of turrets) which is rather distracting and annoying.
    Mar 31, 2016
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    I'm having an issue with this, where I'm trying to create a system that can activate/deactivate turrets through a wireless logic system. I've tried to do this using an inner-ship remote connected to a wireless logic module which is then also connected to the turret's wireless logic modules connected to the AI modules on the turrets.

    As far as I can tell, this weird error message is preventing the signal from reaching the turrets, if anyone has a fix for this problem, then please let me know. Or if not, I can just wait for a bug-fix, if it is indeed a bug.

    Any info would be appreciated, I can also give screenshots if you require.

    Edit: After further testing, I've found that the wireless logic blocks automatically disconnect after changing the state of one of them. Maybe I'm not connecting them properly, but it says they are connected in the top right of the screen. I've been pressing c on the block in astronaut mode and pressing v on the target block, which gives the message in the top right.

    Edit 2: I've realised I can control the turrets through the entity structure UI, but I'd still prefer a more convenient system where I can use an inner-ship remote, so if that was going to be a suggestion, I can say I've already considered that.

    Again, thanks for any help or information you can provide.
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    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    One thing it sounds like you might not know is that a wireless block can only be connected to one other wireless block. Trying to connect to another overwrites the first connection.

    Good luck.
    Feb 10, 2017
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    I do. I use them for remote activated AI turrets.

    Inner-ship remote > Wireless Module > Wireless Module of 2nd entity > Bobby AI...
    I've had issues with this setup when loading and crossing sectors. Specifically having a wireless constantly on can result in problems. The wireless can sometimes glitch and be on on one entity and off on another. I don't know if this is still an issue as it's been sometime since I encountered it and started using a workaround. I now never leave a wireless signal switched on. I only ever send a pulse through wireless instead. It requires a bit of extra logic, ie your example would need a toggle on the turret/s between the wireless and the Bobby and a button on the inner remote but it's more reliable and doesn't get borked up with loading issues.

    I believe that specific error message appears whenever you try to send an instant pulse (https://starmadedock.net/threads/instant-pulses-and-some-starmades-logic-details.8117/) through wireless.
    Have tested and I get this error with an instant pulse, a full pulse and a constant signal.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
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    I've had issues with this setup when loading and crossing sectors. Specifically having a wireless constantly on can result in problems. The wireless can sometimes glitch and be on on one entity and off on another. I don't know if this is still an issue as it's been sometime since I encountered it and started using a workaround. I now never leave a wireless signal switched on. I only ever send a pulse through wireless instead. It requires a bit of extra logic, ie your example would need a toggle on the turret/s between the wireless and the Bobby and a button on the inner remote but it's more reliable and doesn't get borked up with loading issues.
    Strange... I haven't had any issues with turret logic going out of sync once connected. Then again, it's been a couple of months since I last played.

    In the error you described, toggling the remote off and back on again should re-sync the two wireless blocks; as both remotes and wireless only activate when they receive an ON signal.

    Is it possible you have a NOT signal somewhere in your logic circuit? I know that can cause things to de-sync.
    Feb 10, 2017
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    Strange... I haven't had any issues with turret logic going out of sync once connected. Then again, it's been a couple of months since I last played.

    In the error you described, toggling the remote off and back on again should re-sync the two wireless blocks; as both remotes and wireless only activate when they receive an ON signal.

    Is it possible you have a NOT signal somewhere in your logic circuit? I know that can cause things to de-sync.
    It's been ages since I started doing this, as in couple of years, IIRC I had an issue where some turrets turned off over a sector boundary which was not ideal to have to toggle all the turrets again mid shoot out and also with defense ships being reloaded and not having all guns remaining switched on. I was relatively new to the game so it could have been noobness, /shrug.
    Anyways, I've gone and integrated only ever pulsing wireless into all my logic now and thought it might be worth mentioning as a precautionary.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
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    I've gone and integrated only ever pulsing wireless into all my logic now
    I'm curious how this works. Can you expand on this method a bit?
    Feb 10, 2017
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    I'm curious how this works. Can you expand on this method a bit?
    Just means I either have a toggle mechanism or an on/off switch on any wireless connections so a pulse of the wireless is all that is needed to activate or deactivate what ever the wireless is connected to. Use the wireless like a button press rather then an activator.