The League of Australian Shitposters


    GDPR 302420

    League of Australian Shitposters News Updoot

    We are on a roll

    Phantomhive and The Fringe suffer losses once again!

    Not 1 hour ago, 9th Strike Force sent out a fleet consisting of two Verdict-gunships to The Fringe and then Phantomhive.

    The attack on The Fringie was successfull, The Fringe undocked a miner which was quickly destroyed, captured and salvaged.
    The Miner in question, designated "Eater" after being overheated was rebooted, factioned and fleet moved away all while taking fire from The Fringe homebase defences.

    The attack on Phantomhive was equally successfull, an approx 20k vessel designated as "Cotton Mouth Raider" was sent via a fleet to the Phantomhive homebase as reinforcements while it was besieged by the 9th Strike Force, the vessel was destroyed by the two Verdict-class gunships in spite of being outmassed significantly, the vessel was captured but could not be fleet moved away as it was already in a fleet, so the pilots EVA'd towards the ship and buildblocked whatever they could before destroying the remains.

    Shitpost levels are still be measured at this time.

    In other news, the two 9th Strike Force pilots had bounties placed on them by DestroyerofWorlds for 10 million credits each, the bounties were claimed by the two pilots empyting their inventories and killing eachover, both getting the bounty payouts.

    [doublepost=1514599863,1514599758][/doublepost]Oh forget to mention the pilot of the Eater ragequit after we killed it lmao


    Alpha is not an excuse
    Jan 3, 2016
    Reaction score

    In other news, the two 9th Strike Force pilots had bounties placed on them by DestroyerofWorlds for 10 million credits each, the bounties were claimed by the two pilots empyting their inventories and killing eachover, both getting the bounty payouts.


    GDPR 302420

    One of the dudes we attacked (Phantomhive) just ragequit the server! LMAO

    Apparently it was a retaliation attcack in response to an earlier raid by Phantomhive. Can dish out the heat but cant take the heat!


    Nov 17, 2013
    Reaction score
    big was the one who did all the damage, he killed a 139k mass ship that was undocked, as a response to them attack a dark freind.
    I said Meow.
    Fuck you dude.
    [doublepost=1514770233,1514770175][/doublepost]I just love the change of tone so much between those statements.

    GDPR 302420

    Random discord message from Calhoun while I am trying to fix my shitty internet.

    A few minutes later and apparently Calhoun ninja'd the light and dark frieghters.

    Uhh GG(?)

    Calhoun pls take screenshots next time so I can make a proper newspost :u
    • Like
    Reactions: NaStral
    Apr 25, 2017
    Reaction score
    Whats your ingame name?


    What previous factions have you been apart of?

    TryHardTechnologies (pre Trexit), CrimsonVulture

    How many grams of vegimite do you consume on average per week?

    1 more than u

    Are you Australian?


    totally not a lie

    pls belief me

    Do you like shitposting?

    sure thing m9

    Are you ok with using discord to communicate with your fellow shitposters?


    How old are you? (In years)

    as old as the commonwealth of Australia

    How much of a cunt are you?

    am very cunt

    What is the name of the Australian National Anthem that was composed by Men at Work?

    The screams of dying emus to the beat of a machine gun

    What did you name your pet Kangaroo?


    Do you drink fosters?


    Here a proof of some of my above statements
    Apr 25, 2017
    Reaction score
    Is it because I'm useless, an obvious alt or both?
    banana thonk v2.png
    or are you a bananaphobe?