A Vaygr Officer's Testimony against the Vaygr Empire

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    GDPR 302420

    PSA: Before you report this post for "flaming" or what not to try and get it deleted (looking at you Zoro alt #452) I have consulted with Crusade and have received approval from him to post this thread. Crusade has also requested that I inform readers of this thread that I would have posted this in the factions subforum but I do not have permissions to post there (for good reason)

    My name is RedAlert_007, I was up until about a week ago a Vaygr Empire veteran and a Senior Officer within the Vaygr Empire.

    During my time in the Vaygr, I was exposed to and partook in actions both ingame and outside of it that would be considered by any sensible person to be immoral and toxic.

    I may have been a member of Vaygr, but I am also a StarMade player. I want this game to be successfull, unfortunately the actions of the Vaygr Empire had placed winning over helping this game become successfull. We as players are testing the game created by Schine. We are the ones who are helping the developers fix bugs

    Unfortunately. The actions of the Vaygr worked against this. We all know about the old "Vaygr exploit grr" drama that has surrounded the Vaygr for years now, well as I am about to show you, that is more true then Vaygr wants you to know.

    The Vaygr Empire used block duplication exploits, cheat engine and any other way they could find to win, they did not care for the games development. They only cared about padding their ego with victories.

    I will open my "Vaygr exposed" wall of text with a link to a google drive. This google drive contains a mirrored copy of the "Vaygr Database" which Zoro, Aceface and up until recently, myself has access to. It was there Vaygr had stored their doctrines, blueprints inteligence, public relations material and such. Me having full read/write access was able to see everything, including dicussion of exploits, macro programs and even material intended to be used for blackmail.

    Vaygr Database Mirror - Google Drive

    Be sure to read the document called "README" for more information about that.

    Now, the moment you have all been waiting for, what has Vaygr actually done? It goes into more then just exploits but here we go.

    NOTE: A majority of Vaygr members did not know about these exploits, the high command was generaly the only members who actually did it. Most of Vaygr's memberbase is innocent so please do not give the innocent line members who were unaware of what their faction was doing behind their backs any drama for it. Zoro, myself and Aceface were usually the ones who were using these exploits for the sake of the faction.

    I will make it clear that I am coming clean with ALL of Vaygr's deeds, including ones I had involvement in.

    • Used a shipyard design exploit to fill up blueprints for free, this exploit has been used on every server Vaygr has played on since GenXNova and posibily earlier.
    • Used cheat engine and utilised StarMade's lack of serverside verifacation for faction IDs to "infiltrate" factions. They would be able to steal from storages, factories and even take faction only blueprints without needing to get a spy/alt into the target factions ranks. This was used on Elwyn Returnity and its most prominent yield was several FCM blueprints.
    • Used cheat engine to duplicate blocks inside their inventories, this was used on servers dating back as far as Elwyn Eternity however its used become unpopular when Vaygr discovered the shipyard design exploit.
    • Utilised an old "Dev keybind" to see the names of entities a player was inside (I cannot remember the exact keybind off the top of my head but I believe it was Tab + I) used on Elwyn Eternity but was fixed before Vaygr expanded to their next server.
    • "Arkazan" the SMD community member who ran "Elwyn Infinity" was an alt of now ex-Vaygr member Sildaran. Zoro had the idea of stealing the, at the time delayed, Elwyn Eternity 2.0s thunder and have a server where he could benefit from Vaygr having access to BPs uploaded via the admin Arkazan.
    • Ever wondered why enemies of Vaygr do not get banned from their teamspeak when they join? Its because Zoro wants them to keep connecting so he can get the IP addresses of those enemies to use for whatever nefarious purpose he wishes.
    • Vaygr Emperor Zorozeenee had participated in the doxxing of several StarMade community members alongside Blackhawk because "its fukin funny"
    • Vaygr Empire had been testing and using a macro program called JitBit Macro Recorder to make autoscanning bots and such which they intended to use to defend stations on Reverse FP servers from warhead attacks. Also worth mentioning they got the software for free using a hacked CDkey
    • Vaygr have been using "alt factions" to harrass members of servers Vaygr is deployment on, they did this to make becoming a "vassal" of the Vaygr more appealing. The two ones I have personaly see used are "Drifter" and "Da Orkz" although chances are they will make new ones as the two I just listed are not compromised.
    • Vaygr Empire records every conversation they have in voice channels, if you are in a voice channel with a Vaygr member, its safe to assume you are being recorded. They will pick through recordings to try and find "useful intel"
    • The Vaygr Empire after learning that Trinova was considering playing EVE, formed up a bunch of EVE players for the purpose of driving them off, they intended to declare war and basicly do everything they could to prevent them from having fun.

    There you have it folks, the true Vaygr Empire revealed.

    You might be wondering how to beat Vaygr, so here are some simple tactics to allow you to win against Vaygr in a war.

    Method One: Don’t fight them, do not give them the satisfaction of a good fight.

    You kill their enjoyment and you kill their PvP, given enough times, their members will get bored and drop like flies, their ability to fight effectively will crumble.

    You kill their PvP and Vaygr will simply fade away into decline and unimportance.

    Method Two: Make server admins aware of Vaygr’s true colors.

    Link this thread and the google drive folder to server admins, as many as you can. Make sure they know what Vaygr truly is and how they are toxic for the server and StarMade as a whole. Let them know of the exploits and cheating that Vaygr practises on a daily basis.

    If that is not enough to get Vaygr banned, boycott the servers that refuse to ban the exploting, cheating menace that is Vaygr.

    Vaygr likes to join servers with activity, so only play on servers that Vaygr are banned from, give those servers population and Vaygr will not be able to fight. Do not give population to the servers that refuse to acknowledge the true nature of Vaygr.

    Doing this will eventually convince other admins that allowing Vaygr on their servers is not worth the cost to their playerbase.

    Method Three: If you have to fight Vaygr, use warheads.

    If you forced into a situation where you cannot deny Vaygr a fight, fight Vaygr with warheads and only warheads.

    Using warheads infuriates Zoro and other Vaygr battle commanders to the point of rage, a core with a power stick, a bobby AI module, 3 thrusters and a warhead at the front when uses en-masse in a fleet will yield good damage results and get some quality salt from Vaygr.

    If fleets are not an option, a Warhead cloaker works good as well, use a cheap cloaker that is costs so little it doesn't matter if you lose it. Chuck some warheads in your inventory and get ramming, target turret docks if possible. Almost all of Vaygr’s damage from their ships comes from select fire missile turrets, remove the turrets and the Vaygr doombricks become essentially disabled.
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    GDPR 302420

    I actually logged into SMD for this, can't wait to see the damage control :)
    He has already been putting his damage control into effect on the discords I leaked this mirrored google drive too.

    Trying to claim that I was the "only one exploiting" and that Zoro didn't approve of my exploits, which is, as you can imagine knowing Zoro, completely made up for the sake of damage control.
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    Jun 19, 2013
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    He has already been putting his damage control into effect on the discords I leaked this mirrored google drive too.

    Trying to claim that I was the "only one exploiting" and that Zoro didn't approve of my exploits, which is, as you can imagine knowing Zoro, completely made up for the sake of damage control.
    I knew that much already man, but now that you've said even more on the subject, AND on SMD, i'm just waiting for the new wave of damage control to wash over haha
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    why am i still here?
    Oct 1, 2016
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    Well I knew vaygr did some dodgy shit but not THAT much

    (this is not going to end well is it)

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    >3 UIS players intend to play EVE just for the hell of it but don't even do it.

    >Enough to warrant Vaygr going tryhard and actually organizing some sort of response big enough to be included here.

    I successfully wasted Vaygr time lmao.


    Nov 30, 2015
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    This is about as useful as a Calhoun flavoured lollipop!

    Theres nothing new / nothing previously unknown.

    Well, except that Calhoun tastes of snozzberries!


    GDPR 302420

    This is about as useful as a Calhoun flavoured lollipop!

    Theres nothing new / nothing previously unknown.

    Well, except that Calhoun tastes of snozzberries!

    It wasnt really known for sure AFAIK. Pretty much every major faction knew but proof to confirm this didn't really exist in public until the Blackhawk leaks, I think I have futher confirmed the things that most of the community knew for some time.

    But my testemony did get Vaygr "blanket banned" on Systemhack, which is something the BH leaks didnt do, not really sure what I did different tho.

    (Although if you are reading this Bogdan, not all of Vaygr is responsible, only myself, Zoro and Aceface really deserve the bans, every other member of Vaygr was unaware because we were told to keep it from them. We always had a conveniant excuse when a line member asked us how we got the homebase they just got established spawned overnight)
    Sep 4, 2013
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    >3 UIS players intend to play EVE just for the hell of it but don't even do it.

    >Enough to warrant Vaygr going tryhard and actually organizing some sort of response big enough to be included here.

    I successfully wasted Vaygr time lmao.
    I always wanted to try out EVE tho, red_alert and Twoniner (Both massive EVE fans) baited me into losing 6 months of my life till my subscription ran out :p

    After getting curb stomped to death by a Garmur I kinda got a little bit bored tho.

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    I always wanted to try out EVE tho, red_alert and Twoniner (Both massive EVE fans) baited me into losing 6 months of my life till my subscription ran out :p
    I am sorry for your loss. :P
    Jan 27, 2016
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    I gathered from the Vaygr Twitter feed that they were done with Starmade and moved on to Empyrion?

    The stopped long enough to toss an insult my way for daring to still like Starmade and then declared the twitter account dead.
    Aug 24, 2013
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    Quality content, well worth checking the Dock today. A lot of these pieces of info are things I've seen confirmed elsewhere, but that mostly goes to show the veracity of this as a whole. Glad this is all out in the open, for those that didn't already know the majority of this sordid business.

    Also, +1 for warhead sticks, gives me the warm fuzzies and I wasn't even directly involved in any such engagement between Arstotzka and Vaygr.
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    Jul 3, 2013
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    After reading this carefully and some heavy pondering, I'm questioning why you have made this motive, Red.

    Vaygr is known for its cheap methods in PvP for nearly the past four years. I vaguely remember this occurring while Vaygr was set up on NASS and somehow had access to admin powers. However, Vaygr was always known as a threat in the past to any server its presence was on. Although, Vaygr was weaker then and was easily countered by numbers. They took part in the alliance known as the Brotherhood for some time and stayed there until the DFN vs. Vaygr conflict arose on NASS, which UAF had somewhat taken part in at the time. This was when Vaygr's tactics of griefing and admin powers first shined. Only a month later, zoro teamed up with ridik_ulass of Euro-Corp to form the Odium Pact. Around this time was when Vaygr had definitely been using exploits, greifing, and hacking to not only their advantage, but Odium's more or less. I can say this because I remember when Vaygr made a footprint in my server and destroyed everything in one area.

    Since then, Vaygr has been seen as a faction that definitely has no honor in any battles, and made many attempts to spoil their media to cover it up and look like they were resourceful, powerful, and dangerous to anyone who tried to oppose them. Vaygr's "true colors" have been known for a long time and many veteran players, including myself, along with some newer players have known Vaygr would use these cheap tricks. I've already seen solid proof of it myself.

    Regardless, these actions are always frowned upon within the StarMade community. While you aren't a direct Vaygr member anymore (or as we know), you still are holding onto some weight from this yourself, Red. Yes, you may have been losing interest in the game and want to publish all of this before you walk out of the door, but something still does not seem right to me. You've been part of this faction for a very long time. You held authority in the Vaygr Empire. You used these methods against other players/factions. Now you've let us all know what Vaygr did with this after apparently leaving the ranks and walking away.

    Here's what I find questionable. Although you have admitted to committing these disgraceful actions, you act as if Vaygr is a snake after you've been with them for so long. For you to suddenly leave is questionable. Additionally, I do not see much remorse for your actions while you were within the ranks of Vaygr. The only valid reason I see is a dispute between you and other members of Vaygr or Odium, and even zorozeenee. It's evident that Vaygr may not like this. If that is the situation, they will without a second doubt take "revenge" on you. You either may have set yourself up for a personal attack, or this could all be simply an act.

    So in conclusion, RedAlert, I ask you this. Why did you leave Vaygr so abruptly? Is there anything you can present as solid proof (i.e. chat logs) as to why you left Vaygr? What other intention will this thread have besides informing the players what the Vaygr really does? And lastly, are you really done with Vaygr and Odium as a whole?
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