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    Uktena Industrial Support Carrier 2018-10-23

    Game version
    So even though I believe the proposed changes to power will only make this a better ship than it already is, I'm going to release it now, as is, then get a more finalized version published once game mechanics are similarly finalized.

    With that little disclaimer out of the way, I am proud to present the Uktena Industrial Support Carrier. It is designed to engage in long-range construction, repair and system exploitation activities of all sorts. It can be crewed comfortably by a single player, but spacious enough and with the subsidiary vessels for up to 9 pilots. It is, in short, an industrial outpost on thrusters.

    With a 100k cargo hold that is more than large enough to receive a full load of ore from the 4 hotbar-launched Piglet mining craft which have 22k cargo capacity each, resource acquisition for whatever project you're working on is painless and largely automated. Unload rails in the bays mean never having to leave the captain's chair.

    Because the Piglets can double as crew quarters, they have direct internal access to the primary vessel via crystal armored walkway. For security, when they are launched, force-fields snap into place over the empty bays until the return function is toggled again, preventing intrusion.

    Attached to the tail section are two Lil Shaman rescue and repair craft, also with internal access hatch, though these are manually operated, since the craft must be as well.

    The Uktena is also built to be a little powerhouse. Capable of being a ship you turn into a mining outpost station once it arrives on-site, a gate-building rig, or even a just a good tug capable of getting damaged capships back to base, it was designed from the bottom up to be a bit OP for it's size.

    It is chambered for power, defense, mobility and FTL, allowing you to reconfigure for a wide variety of applications. Power, thrust and shields have generous base-values, so re-configuring the chambers will in no way hamper ship operations. Only improve them to your tastes.

    The thruster package is powerful and undifferentiated, so the full range of performance customization is available there as well, though as is, it is quite zippy for it's size.


    It has no armaments or turrets of it's own, but can easily support a reasonable loadout if you desire.

    Rest assured however, that with 2 under-bow mounted Bowtie Fighters which can be launched from the hotbar individually, (or crewed via semi-shielded catwalk access) the Uktena is hardly defenseless.

    Whatever is big enough to seriously threaten the Uktena is also slow enough to be outrun by it easily. Even without it's long-jump FTL drives in play, should there be warp-jamming.

    Also seen in the above image are the two large mandibular tractor beams under the bow which are capable of moving large asteroids and even another Uktena around with ease.
    These are meant to assist with automated mining operations involving the Piglets. Just bring them roids from neighboring sectors to feed upon with these tractors.

    The ship is RP-blank. In this case that means there is lighting, along with gravity access via walkway or elevator to all areas of the ship which has been divided up into various levels and the inside has been 'dry-walled'. I personally like the open spaces, but it can easily be divided up in whatever way you and your crew see fit.

    In the bow section are two small blast door-shielded bays able to house personal transport craft of your choosing.

    Let's details.

    The two internal elevators stop at every level, but if you want to get rid of that feature, simply remove the button and sideways rail at each level, adjacent to the main rail.

    Due to the unpredictable nature of individual player's docking systems and requirements, I have not included any docking on the Uktena, though it can easily be added to the sides of the upper and lower observation towers or the tail section, just aft of the repair ships, by making a hole in the hull for a docking tube as an off-hand suggestion.

    Because of the power core's 6 dimensional stabilization, the ship core must be accessed on the upper left or right-hand corners of the block until the power streams are removed by the Dev's intended changes, so the pilot's seat is actually rear-facing, sitting above and in front of the core to compensate for this difficulty.

    The very special feature of the Uktena is that the ship is specifically designed for rapid disaster-response or gate-building anywhere in the galaxy and beyond, via black hole slingshot travel.

    Instead of traveling through black holes, it can use them for acceleration, then jump beyond it into the next system without appreciably losing speed. In doing this, it is possible to reach cruising speeds upward of 700 m/s, as seen here in testing:

    The Uktena's thrust package is more than powerful enough to allow side-thrust steering at these speeds, so maneuvering for a course to any specific destination while losing little or no speed is possible with some practice.

    You can get anywhere, very quickly, regardless of the availability of jump-gates or direct black hole pathways. It's also a lot of fun to fly a mountain at almost a kilometer a second. lol

    It may lack some final RP polish, but even doing so will only serve to pretty-up a high-performance vessel. I hope you enjoy tinkering with the mobile industrial base I built for myself as much I have. :)
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