UENSA TM-84-ID Demo 2018-08-01

    Game version
    The TM-84-ID modules's description isn't really clear without an example. This shipyard shows how to wire theses modules and also demonstrate how they should be used.

    Modules : https://starmadedock.net/content/uensa-tm-84-id.7576/


    There are 2 sides on the shipyard, one with individuals receptors (easier to setup) for each dock, and a second one with a single receptor (it will require a custom dock selector) for 3 docks

    In this example, yellow ships go in the yellow and yellow/red docks and red ships go into the red and yellow/red docks.

    To activate the ENA (enable) pin of the modules you have to park the ship in the dark grey gate, when the blue lights are on, that mean the ENA is active. (I wanted to just demonstrate the modules so I didn't polish the rest of the station, once the blue lighs are on don't move at all, the trigger is a bit glichy)

    Then simply double click on the only inner ship remote of the ships and wait until there is a reaction. If the ship type/id is right and there is an available place for the corresponding ship, the forcefield of the dock will shut down for a few seconds, in the other case you will get a message with the reason of the rejection.


    Sometime you can get wrong results/answer or no response at all (if that happen just resend a message again), from testing I determined that it comes from the wireless modules that are a bit buggy when transmitting from different entities, when I tested the system on the same entity it worked seamlessly.


    On the left, the side with a single computer for 3 docks and on the right there is a computer for each dock.

    On the top right there is the antenna made of wireless modules blocks, for each block there is a single ship connected to it (the connection is 2 ways).

    First release
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