TSS CL-2 Winter's Unrelenting Storm

    TSS CL-2 Winter's Unrelenting Storm 2016-11-20

    Ares Aerospace is proud to announce the launch of our first Tempest Class Light Cruiser, the TSS CL-2 Winter's Unrelenting Storm!

    Mass: 60,068
    Length: 307 Meters
    Height: 110 Meters
    Width: 97 M

    Mass/Thrust Ratio 0.7

    This ship was designed to fill a flotilla leader role in a squadron of escort ships. She has a very flexible weapon mix, suitable for almost any situation, all built around our new cutting-edge Micro Singularity Projector Siege Cannon! (3150 Cannon, 3150 Pulse, 3150 Exp)

    This bleeding edge weapon system utilizes compressed gravitics-mass tech to power a MSP and project a small cl0ud of micro-singularities composed of extreme density strange matter in either point-penetration mode, perfect for punching a small hole through massed armor plates or in pattern dispersal mode, which wreaks havoc on smaller ships or anything within 50 meters of the surface of large vessels.

    To round out her weapon mix we've also included a more conventional weapon package consisting of the following systems.

    - Quad Array of Heavy Autocannons (1500 Cannon, 1500 Cannon, 1500 Punch)

    - Eight Vertical Launch Swarmer Missile Silos (3200 Missile, 3200 Missile, 3200 Exp)

    - Four Laser Guided Long Range Anti Ship Missile Tubes (3000 Missile, 3000 Beam)

    - Twin Tactical Nuclear Torpedo Bays with a combined yield of 4 Megatons (1000 Missile, 1000 Pulse, 1000 Exp)

    - Twin Medium Output Long Range Ion Beam Shield Disruptors (1500 Beam, 1500 Beam, 1500 Ion)

    For Secondary weapons, we included an array of light turrets with full spectrum coverage for a fast moving 360 theatre.

    - Two Mk 432 Heavy Railcannon Turrets (144 Cannon, 144 Pulse, 144 Punch)

    - Four Mk 378 High Output Medium Autocannons (126 Cannon, 126 Cannon, 126 Overdrive)

    - Six Short Range/High Rate of Fire Close in Guided Missile Turrets (90 Missile, 11 Beam)

    - Eighteen Low Profile Phalanx Two Point Defense Turrets (1 Cannon, 1 Cannon)

    Nor have we neglected the support and defensive systems!

    The hull is made of a double layer of standard composite armor, with enhanced advanced composite alloy plates over much of the exterior and completely enclosing the 7 deck crewed sections of this ship.

    The Tempest class light cruiser have a very favorable .7 Thrust-Mass Ratio Gravitic Space Time Effect Thruster Array. This is quite fast for a ship of this mass.

    She has been equipped with a medium shield generator array that projects a surface hugging gravitic shield bubble that will deflect and absorb up to 5.3 Million SM-Jewels of incoming fire, this array is supported by a mk 10K recharge system that regenerates almost 11K SM-Jewels of energy per second under ideal circumstances. (10,859 Shield Recharge blocks, 61,407 Shield Capacitors)

    The shield system is backed up by a Mk17K medium Ion Enhancer that boosts the shields resistance to damage by nearly 35%. (17,263 Defensive Ion System 34.5% hardening)

    To power this very capable vessel, she comes with a standard 2 Million E/S Quantum Effect Vacuum Energy array backed up by a pair of our brand new Plasma Cell Reactors each outputting an addition 2 Million E/S for a complete power system capable of supplying 6 Million E/S for sustained periods!

    Head over to our Galnet Sight as quickly as possible for details, conditions, costs, and contracts needed to add one (or more!) of these fine ships to your fleet today!

    End RP

    Main Airlocks

    Hangar Doors

    This has been the ship I've been primarily working on for the last 6 months or so, I have to admit I'm very happy with the exterior, but I'm not as happy with the interior. It's not a bad interior, just not very inspired.

    Hit the button, turn 'em green and check out the exterior!

    I put together the shell that would eventually become this ship prior to the fleet build contests and been kicking myself the whole time for how I laid out the decks plans way back in Feb. My next ship will have decks that are 5 blocks high with room between the ceiling and floor so I can actually detail them the way I want to!

    PS Raiben, I didn't incorporate your advice as I should have into this ship, but I will use your feedback on my next ship! I was just kind of done with this build by the time I had the interior detailed :P
    Tamren Shade
    First release
    Last update
    4.50 star(s) 2 ratings

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    I really like its look and most everything about it, the turrets are a little small but you do have a lot of them. Its definitely not a cruiser. It has a few too many weak spots for my liking and too much very exposed interior, but overall acceptable. Roleplay wise it has much too little interior, though the interior you have is very nice.

    Very good overall, just not worthy of 5 stars without defining it as PVP or Roleplay with a tag.
    Tamren Shade
    Tamren Shade
    Thank! And your criticism is entirely fair, she is somewhere between a RP ship and a PVP ship.

    My objective when I was working on the ship was to really push myself to detail well, and build some decent looking turrets. I wanted enough interior to play around with, but I also wanted her to have enough firepower and support systems to be viable in a PVE environment.

    I got the looks down, but on the server she's underperforming a bit going after custom pirate stations. I have some ideas, but I think I'll send you a private message with some questions about pushing up the Winter's combat potential. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
    Beautifully detailed, very militaristic looking ship with no unnecessary "rule of cool" spaceship stuff that a lot of builders add (and would realistically only add structural weak points to a warship). However, kinda feels like a glass cannon, with devastating firepower but lacking on the defensive side. Even with the Ion, this much shielding for this size of ship just won't cut it.
    What I would do to improve on the design:
    - To allow use for fleet operations, switch the swarmer secondary weapon to a damage beam computer with 1 beam block, and increase number of outputs to compensate number of missiles launched. You get same reload time, same overall damage, but higher missile speed and a chance to select your target.
    - Use the freed up blocks to throw in extra Ion modules to boost the shield efficiency.
    - Switch the ion beams to cannon/beam, long-range beam hit detection is still questionable (if not fired by AI, don't hope on hitting anything not in your sector)
    - Alternatively, scrap the ions altogether for more defensive Ion/shield blocks. It already has more than enough weapons anyway. There is such a thing as too many guns.
    - Missile/pulse tac nukes, while they do sound great, will never hit anything that moves with a decent speed and has any kind of point defense. They are essentially station busters (provided the station has no missile defence either)
    Otherwise, very nice ship, and I'd definitely use it in a fleet as fire support (but definitely not as a frontline vessel, too squishy for that)
    Tamren Shade
    Tamren Shade
    Thanks for the review and of course the stars!

    I will admit, beautifully detailed was my primary goal on this ship, and why she took so long.

    By total block count I have about 10% devoted to weapons, 20% devoted to shields/Ion defensive, 40% Devoted to armor, 15% Devoted to Thrusters, and the final 15% devoted to power systems, interior, and misc.

    In hindsight it would have been better for me to go for pierce and punch defensive effects giving the amount of armor I have.

    With this ship I wanted to experiment with several different weapon systems in field conditions, which kind of led to the arguably excessive amount of Dakka I installed :p

    I do really like the idea of changing out the swarmer battery for a multiple output M-B system and that would make it more suited to the role I envisioned.

    The nukes only use up about 3000 blocks out of my 440K ship and they are strictly a special case weapon, for busting stations or hastening the death of a ship that's been stripped of AMS turrets. I don't use them unless the target is slow and bereft of point defense system.

    The shield criticism is fair, the light shields are one of the drawbacks I accepted for the .7 T/M Ratio and armor. I could go back and thin out the extra thick hull and replace the inner layer of armor with shield capacitors and get a lot more blocks free then the 10k blocks I could get by dropping the ion beams and halving the secondary missile batteries.

    I was intending to build a light cruiser when I started, but somewhere along the line as I was building, the distinction between light cruiser and heavy cruiser started to blur. Which is evident in the final stats break down.

    I'll bounce back to this design at some point and probably split the line two ways.

    A lighter hulled, faster, shield-heavy proper light cruiser design and a slower, better armored heavy cruiser variant with full pierce/punch defensive systems and a hull made mostly of advance armor.