Ptolemy Class Battlestar

    Ptolemy Class Battlestar 1.0

    Built to be as small as possible whilst still earning the title "Battlestar", the Ptolemy functions more akin to a destroyer then a battleship, using a considerable amount of turrets and missiles to deal with groups of smaller enemies, and forsakes heavy armour in favor of quick charging ion shields. The ship also comes complete with the newest iteration of the Python drone seen on the Tetsudo, which use a strong cannon/pulse/punch weapon and are very agile, making them great for both overwhelming targets and drawing heat away from the mothership.

    Compared to other Battlestars or Battlestar-esque builds it's much cheaper and easier to deploy, whilst still having more then enough firepower to handle pirate bases and the like, making it an ideal ship for PvE.

    The Ptolemy features a cramped, yet functional, interior complete with crew, cargo and transporter facilities, intended to be easy to refit once the quarters update drops, though obviously we'll have to wait to see how that works out.

    The Ptolemy is armed with:
    -A single output rapid fire cannon, capable of shredding smaller ships quickly.
    -2 sets of quad lock on missiles
    -5 heavy punch cannon turrets
    -6 rapid fire turrets
    -9 mini-missile turrets
    -numerous SAM-mk2 AMS turrets
    -ionised shielding
    -20 Python drones

    Stats listed in the imgur album below.

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