Corellian Freighter

    Corellian Freighter v0.19498

    The YT-1300 is a Corellian Freighter, popular because it was cheap and could be reconfigured to match most any mission. Thus with some illegal modifications a variant became well known as the 'Millennium Falcon'. This scratch build took some serious thinking to get so much in such a small displacement.

    Mass: 422
    Length: 43m
    Height: 10m
    Width: 33m
    Power: 237K (recharge 30K/sec)
    Thrust: 723
    Shields: 14K (recharge 632/sec)
    Weaponry: 2x Cannons (rapid & punch) = dps

    Jump Drive (fast)
    Scanner (strong)
    Radar Jammer
    Some parts of the 'hull' as scanner modules or jump modules so protect your rear-end if your shields fail.. all your armour is forward facing. She is very fast (see that mass/thrust ratio) and turns well. The power system is balanced to a fine point, just don't jam while fighting (unless you want to add more power in the engine room).

    I left it basic grey as 'white' just look too shiny for a freighter but it's mono-chromatic so feel free to change the colour scheme with a block replace. Not only that but it was harder to 'hide' the jump modules and scanner modules on a white hull where the grey blends in.
    Interior is RP finished (and I believe quite well for the limited space). There is even a nice table for a game of chess. Just be sure and let the Wookie win.


    If you like it, give it a rating :)
    Check out my other ships on my Profile page
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    As true to the original as voxel gaming will allow. Kudos to being able to make it so complete given the hindering 1 meter blocks. Very well done!