Who's Bright Idea was this?!


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
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    Some form of regenerating resource income is absolutely needed in Starmade. The game currently doesn't support the player-base or infrastructure required to make heavy industry and material shipping viable... And I feel that utilizing pirate/trade guild spawning mechanics is too game-y for many people's tastes.
    I can't really find fault with faction territory being able to slowly respawn resources. That'd give some more meaning to controlling lots of territory and double as good incentives for a faction's enemies (especially lone wolves) to discretely siphon away a few rocks where they can.
    Along the same lines mantle extractors would be another idea I favor because of it's implications in territory control. Extractors would have enough worth that they pretty much have to be targeted during attacks.
    Aug 22, 2015
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    I understand the need to patch exploits, that's cool. They break the game for everyone however, to remove a vital part of the game that damages not only factions but combat severely is a little rash and knee-jerking. Had an alternate form of resource gathering come out as well as patching the exploit we wouldn't be having the conversation. However, if you were to look at StarSide itself which is a hardcore grinding server, we have lengthened the process to unbearable degrees and provided no solution or ease of suffering to the individuals having to fly 30mins-1hr just to get enough blocks to make a corvette and then have it destroyed by pirates or players in less time. This was not a critically thought out move and was a very hasty patch to a bug that kept servers stable for the time being.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    I find it funny that everyone said asteroid mining was completely worthless until Schine removed their ability to respawn.


    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
    May 12, 2014
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    I find it funny that everyone said asteroid mining was completely worthless until Schine removed their ability to respawn.
    Yea, it's payback time. Suckas!

    It would be interesting to see some other ways to get minerals that aren't only mining, such as farming creatures that grow them or something, being a tougher option but more reliable than asteroids. Making asteroids a good way to get starting materials but after they are cleared you have to get more hardcore with other methods, or of course, search for them in further unexplored areas.
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    Sep 2, 2015
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    So the system needed a patch...not to be completely removed without any kind of alternative resource gathering.
    There will be renewable resources in starmade It just can't happen overnight yes it is trying to have to deal with all of these problems that the game has now, no being in alpha isn't justification for a game to have any and all issues (this issue however is / was one that was alpha acceptable ) but you are playing for free right and you understand that the game isn't finshed yet, and hopefully that some things aren't as simple a fix as switching one config file.

    The game with a slight resource scarcity is better than a game where everyone who was in the know had free access to literally LITERALLY unlimited resources in a "survival" setting.
    Feb 19, 2015
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    Yeah but EVE's asteroids need to respawn because they do not have an infinite universe.
    As EVE player you should know that its not the only reason why EVE needs regenerative resources, think about how much resources get lost each day due to ships popping, items being used, cargo being lost... the rat drops alone cant fuel that demand.

    And honestly, the infinite universe argument is not really a good argument in this, its one of the worst. Unles you like universe resets, database sizes getting out of hand, players never building themselfs a decent home since they will have to move anyways, people shunning established servers because of the large distances to travel in the beginning, or quitting servers due to getting annoyed with the long travel times to reach any other people or remaining resources.

    Ive seen all that even in the time asteroids still did respawn.
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    Feb 22, 2015
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    It's been stated that asteroids will respawn with faction points.
    It's been stated that StarMade is moving into an update cycle which will include faction changes.

    Chill. Be patient.

    Or go program it yourself. It's not like it's hard or anything. Anyone can do it, really.

    Oh, wait....
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Asteroids in belts should spawn and despawn and respawn naturally as if to simulate the rocks moving around/orbiting whatever. You never know what you'll get the when you jump into the system. Adjust the time it takes to respawn new ones to encourage travel.

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
    Oct 13, 2013
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    Most people have a good point. The respawn was the bread of the economy on any server and without some replacement things are going to change real fast for people.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    "Planet mining is the only worthwhile mining, don't bother with asteroids once you get enough resources for a planet miner."

    *Asteroid Respawning is removed*

    "Respawning asteroids were essential to the game economy! Everything is crumbling without them!"
    Feb 19, 2015
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    "Planet mining is the only worthwhile mining, don't bother with asteroids once you get enough resources for a planet miner."

    *Asteroid Respawning is removed*

    "Respawning asteroids were essential to the game economy! Everything is crumbling without them!"
    It is kinda funny.

    But, it is kinda half correct.
    For those who want resources fast, planets are the best option due to having a large amount of resources in a single location.
    This large deposit of resources in one location also allows for a more efficient form of auto mining.
    Planets are also the only minable objects that regulary feature all types of resources, some asteroid kinds are rare to the point that some people never saw all of them. So they are again the most desired object to mine in that regard, as without some luck you would not be able to get a hold of all types of resources by mining only asteroids.

    So if you have them, mine them, they are much more worthwhile.

    But if you do move a shit ton of asteroids into one sector, and especially if your lucky with the asteroid types, abuse the way they respawn, then they can be even more worthwhile than a planet.

    But then again, many players still cant do planet mining without their PCs throwing a fit, and some servers even have rules against planet mining, or rules that limit the salvage beams to numbers below any worthwhile numbers, so for them planets are not an option.
    Last edited:


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    It would help with resource drain around spawn if there were four different spawns at each "corner" of the main galactic body (not the arms, that puts newbies too close to void space).
    Maybe have spawn location be a function of game difficulty? (E.g. Easy spawns you towards the galactic core in the midst of a thriving technocracy with lots of shops, lots of trade faction, and fewer pirates. Hard spawns you on a little blue backwater planet, third from the star, 2/3rds out from the galactic core on an arm....)


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Having configurable things for asteroid and planet respawning would shut some of these people up. Also the argument of it giving use infinite resources is a tad flawed we still had to hunt for things also making it so when asteroids were totally mined they got removed from the DB even outside of normal saving would have ended the exploit issue, but this would also mean randomly regenerating the asteroids along the belts making us still have to hunt.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Yeah... At this stage in the game I'd rather let people have infinite resources than this. This just kills the game.
    I find it funny that everyone said asteroid mining was completely worthless until Schine removed their ability to respawn.
    It wasn't worthless on servers that boosted the resource multiplier.
    Aug 19, 2013
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    It wasn't worthless on servers that boosted the resource multiplier.
    .... Or on servers that banned planet mining, you know... due to the unbearable lag and the data bloat.

    I find knowitalls funnier.


    Sep 1, 2015
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    It was broken. It was never intended to work that way. Players were not complaining because it was an exploit that benefited them. It allowed them to get near infinite resources with minimal effort. I know. My faction on the Starside server dragged asteroids to the base and mined. The asteroids respawned every 5 minutes if they left the sector and returned. That is frankly a bit cheapening when we are trying to get players out into the universe and claim more than just a single star system. It's not that we do not care, it's that we need to create a system where exploits are not the primary way of progressing through the game. The original idea is that asteroids respawn when factions accumulated enough faction points to spend on them. Whether this is the solution we will implement is another discussion that Schine will need to have.
    Just because you consider it an exploit doesn't mean it is, think about it, this whole idea of removing asteroid respawning is ridiculous as Spaz said, your asking to kill the new player base and give the more established factions more power.

    Also what you said here:
    It allowed them to get near infinite resources with minimal effort

    I call lies (for lack of a better word) on that statement, the devs clearly have not played their own game, asteroid mining is risky, time consuming and boring, minimal effort is NOT the term that should be used, by saying that your implying that its not, risky, time consuming and boring, if your so serious about removing a so called "exploit" at least make an alternative way to get an infinite amount of resources (such as what Com4ade said about respawning asteroids with FP) rather than remove it entirely.
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    Sep 5, 2013
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    The lack of resources near spawn is a business opportunity. You should be selling asteroids to noobs using the method described here:
    While you wait I suggest you make an asteroid scoop.
    What this entails:
    1. Prepare a warp gate at your claimed system for receiving asteroids it doesn't need to be big. A 3x3 warp gate can receive any size.
    2. Get a marker beam and set it to that warp gate.
    3. Gather gate materials for making a large enough gate to fit an asteroid through (warp computer, warp modules, reactors, power capacitors, build blocks)
    4. You'll need a ship with a 100% pull/push effect weapon or enough mass to bump asteroids around.
    5. Search out any group of asteroids and build a gate on one of them.
    6. Bump or push/pull beam the other asteroids through the gate to send them to your claimed sector.
    7. Deconstruct or harvest the warp gate asteroid and return to the base in claimed territory to harvest with your mining bonus.
    It's like a cattle drive of asteroids.
    found in this thread:


    Sep 1, 2015
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    you are an idiot, if you had bothered to read any of the above statements instead of coming in here without having actually read any of the discussion you would realize that the (lies, heresy, exploit) in question was the ability to take an asteroid change it and have those changes spawned again and again.

    The ability to make an asteroid out of 1 tekt block 20k shield rechargers 20k shield capacitors and 10k missile tubes and have it respawn every 5 - 10 minutes is the definition of an "EXPLOIT" which means to abuse the system in an unintended way.

    So in closing you have CLEARLY not played the game you are talking about there is a planned feature for renewable resources in the game, asteroids spawning with millions of credits worth of modules computers and whatever else a player wanted to spawn in is not it.
    First of all there is no need for personal attacks, calling someone an "idiot" for expressing their opinion is highly inappropriate and is extremely rude.
    Secondly i believe that this "exploit" as the OP has stated (that i did read) if removed will screw over all new players and give factions who were around before this more power, how?
    as the OP has stated a new faction will have to travel long distances to and from their homebase just to get resources that were mined out by bigger factions that already have miners, during this travelling they can be ambushed, lose connection and who knows what else, the universe may be infinite but there is not a high enough amount of asteroids per sector to sustain all the factions, new players will be targeted for their resources because they are easy targets, resulting in a large amount of the playerbase gone, if the devs really want to remove this "exploit"
    then at least remove as they same time that they add this planned feature for asteroid spawning you are talking about, that way there wont be 1-2 months of new players being screwed over.
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    Jun 20, 2013
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    you are an idiot, if you had bothered to read any of the above statements instead of coming in here without having actually read any of the discussion you would realize that the (lies, heresy, exploit) in question was the ability to take an asteroid change it and have those changes spawned again and again.

    The ability to make an asteroid out of 1 tekt block 20k shield rechargers 20k shield capacitors and 10k missile tubes and have it respawn every 5 - 10 minutes is the definition of an "EXPLOIT" which means to abuse the system in an unintended way.

    So in closing you have CLEARLY not played the game you are talking about there is a planned feature for renewable resources in the game, asteroids spawning with millions of credits worth of modules computers and whatever else a player wanted to spawn in is not it.
    bruh, have you read Spazinout 's post?
    Sep 2, 2015
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    First of all there is no need for personal attacks, calling someone an "idiot" for expressing their opinion is highly inappropriate and is extremely rude.
    Secondly i believe that this "exploit" as the OP has stated (that i did read) if removed will screw over all new players and give factions who were around before this more power, how?
    as the OP has stated a new faction will have to travel long distances to and from their homebase just to get resources that were mined out by bigger factions that already have miners, during this travelling they can be ambushed, lose connection and who knows what else, the universe may be infinite but there is not a high enough amount of asteroids per sector to sustain all the factions, new players will be targeted for their resources because they are easy targets, resulting in a large amount of the playerbase gone, if the devs really want to remove this "exploit"
    then at least remove as they same time that they add this planned feature for asteroid spawning you are talking about, that way there wont be 1-2 months of new players being screwed over.

    You might not know this if you haven't taken psychology classes but people actually like to be screwed over, it gives them a reason to stand back up gives them something to work towards, and overall makes the average mundane human being feel like life is worth living if they have obstacles to overcome.

    Being handed things on a silver platter actually leads too/helps develop negative and potentially life damaging things in a real world scenario.

    In a game like this it does something similar It first and foremost sets people up for failure if you get used to a broken easy system when it gets corrected you actually feel cheated oh all this work bleh no reward poor poor me, secondly most normal people like being rewarded for their work, and humans are psychologically programmed from a young age to feel good about themselves when they "accomplish something" finish a task get an A on their homework take first place in their middleschool track competition, get praised by a friend or mentor, any time someone feels they have "progressed" if you take that progression away it removes incentive to keep doing the activity except for people that do it for a different reason, Taking away this exploit right now even without a replacement system ready will do more good for starmade as a whole even if the current situation "feels" bad.

    Video games and other media as a whole are designed to take you away from your real life problems and give you something to feel good about if you take that media's ability to make a person feel good away they will quit using that media and having people quit the game cause they don't actually have to put any effort in is not worth having a few people cry that resources are "too scarce" in this one specific build of the game.
    bruh, have you read Spazinout 's post?
    which one i've read every post in this thread, more than once now, that doesn't change the fact that the Dbl post i quoted called Criss a liar and used anecdotal "shitty anecdotal" evidence as well as his own opinion to try to say that the developers don't play their own game because they call being able to custom shape asteroids to a players liking as well as drag asteroids back to your base and harvest them every few minutes not an exploit, and i'm sorry but i've just gotta call out that much bullshit in one thread.

    Its his first post and I wasn't trying to be overly harsh but maybe a discussion on game balance especially a discussion on balance that you have no idea what you are talking about is not the place to start throwing around terms like liar and talking about the death of the new player base when if you will read the other post i wrote in this thready before replying to you actually factually describes just the opposite situation.