My "golden age of Starmade" was from July 2017 to October 2017 cause of many combined reasons.
- I designed my best turret and my best engins in this time.
- I upgraded my computer with new RAM, CPU and GPU witch greatly improved the performance of starmade.
- Vacation, work accident and sickness managed me a lot of freetime means a lot time for starmade.
- Bourght a lot of music during this time. And hearing music during building is always a good thing.
- Cake server and starmade running stable the last months.
I dont care much about systems (mostly because I hate most of the old systems), I just want build cool looking ships.
I dont being pissed cause I have to rebuild my systems after power update (mostly cause my ships are mostly empty hulls).
I'm not invested a single minute testing the new power system.
(Why should I test the new power with old weapons and old defence systems?)
I'm optimistic with the future, I'm optimistic with starmade, I dont cry a single tear for the past.