Whats WRONG with the Community???


    The Shrink
    Aug 4, 2013
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    So, I'm going to resist the urge to nitpick a few posts above me ("more than ten hours a day" indeed...) and give my two cents as to what the issue is with the community. I will say this is sort of a hunch on my part, based on my observations of the community.

    I believe that the majority of major arguments between forum posters on this site are due to differing visions of what the game is going to be at the end. Some seem to think it's going to be a pretty direct analog of Minecraft ('Star-craft' if you will), a space RPG sandbox. IN SPACE! Others think it will be a simulator (once again IN SPACE!) with oxygen, happiness for NPCs, etc. After reading the Developement direction I get the feeling of something like a mix between Majesty and Age of Wonders III with a little Allegiance, (none of which I will link despite their obscurity because I'm definitely an elitist snob who does nothing to grow the community of anything), also IN SPACE! Others seem to think the game is going to be.... nothing, I guess. they get upset about there being nothing to do and act like killing pirates is going to be the end of the gameplay. in space.

    Now chances are we are all horribly wrong, or at least only right by shear luck, but either way I feel like the next few months of updates are going to help unify our visions for this game so we can move forward together, with an unbreakable shared purpose that will help us raise this community into the stuff of legend, riding a banner of goodwill and brotherly/sisterly love that will....

    HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! I had you going for a second I bet. But seriously, I think we'll see less and less of the major flame wars as more of us finally catch the vision of the end goal for Starmade, and I have high hopes for the next ~three months of development. And then of course, if we can hold on through to a stable Beta we should be ready to really kick the growth into high gear.

    And THAT is when we'll really see some trolls.
    Nice one.
    I never thought this should (or would) be something like Minecraft. The resemblance ends with the use of blocks and procedural generation of the universe. The scale was so much larger even from the first time I started playing 3 years ago, it was blindingly obvious this game has very little to do with Minecraft.
    I'm strongly opposed to the simulation endgame goal too - if I want to care for the emotional and physical needs of people I have only partial or no control of, I'll play Sims or go out and start something called a family (pun intended :D )

    Right now, I'm curiously waiting to get a glimpse of what the devs imagined the whole point of playing Starmade would be. Right now, the community and server operators are not strong and organized enough to start creating their own major content that could progressively compel players to keep playing and have a balanced enough risk-reward (by reward I don't necessary mean ingame items or credits, but the fun factor of participating too) equation to get people involved. Very few tournaments are held at very irregular times, servers don't have high risk, high reward zones that would get people to clash over, even build contests are pretty rare, and what's worse, their vast majorty require aesthetic skills over an extensive knowledge of system efficiency.

    So nonetheless, I'm curious how the community AND the dev team will tackle these issues.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
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    servers don't have high risk, high reward zones that would get people to clash over,
    SS actually had some of these, and they were... pretty disappointing. At least the ones I went to, anyway. First one had one ganking and a handful of skirmishes, second one just had some guy with a massive but poorly constructed titan sit there that killed a few frigates. I mean, a handful of fights is fun, but I expected a LITTLE more combat from an event that lasted an hour.


    The Shrink
    Aug 4, 2013
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    SS actually had some of these, and they were... pretty disappointing. At least the ones I went to, anyway. First one had one ganking and a handful of skirmishes, second one just had some guy with a massive but poorly constructed titan sit there that killed a few frigates. I mean, a handful of fights is fun, but I expected a LITTLE more combat from an event that lasted an hour.
    Right now, the community and server operators are not strong and organized enough to start creating their own major content that could progressively compel players to keep playing and have a balanced enough risk-reward (by reward I don't necessary mean ingame items or credits, but the fun factor of participating too) equation to get people involved
    That's what I meant. A for effort, F for execution.

    Also, we used to have Thunderdome. The game has advanced so far since, where is the "sport" of Starmade, like Minecraft had spleef and survival games? There have been so many suggestions around about a ball game with only motion effect weapons allowed, or organized arena fights, where are all the master builders when we need them to construct space stadiums for those events to take place?
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    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    Space stadium eh... Sounds like an excuse to use a metric shitton of rails for no good reason.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    I see OP the same way I see many people that come through the server.

    "Anyone have a faction I can join?"

    "No, but we can give you a lift to unclaimed space."

    *XXXX has left the server*

    Aka, "I want everything handed to me right from the start, or I'll just go somewhere else that will."
    Jul 20, 2013
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    I see OP the same way I see many people that come through the server.

    "Anyone have a faction I can join?"

    "No, but we can give you a lift to unclaimed space."

    *XXXX has left the server*

    Aka, "I want everything handed to me right from the start, or I'll just go somewhere else that will."

    So so true.


    Aug 11, 2013
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    Ok, it hought long and hard about this post. Usually im like "meh, there will be stupid replies, noone reads long posts anyway, blabla".
    But I like Starmade too much to "simply let it go" like I usually do.
    This Community is BAD. Its the worst ive ever seen in a Sandbox game.
    Why? Well, everybody seems to work for him / herself.
    It starts with Blueprints and Ships and Desings. Everyone is locked and lockable. Seriously? WHY? But it doesnt stop at Ingame-Stuff.
    There are no fancy Youtube "howtos" except for Bench, who is working for Starmade AFAIK. There are just Youtube Videos of "look what I did" and "im so great, I might share a tiny bid of my Wisdom with you".
    The Player made Wiki is heavily outdated (Rails are not THAT new).
    When it comes to modding and stuff, everything is "find it yourself or die".
    Google searches are delivering more Minecraft results than starmade.
    When it comes to server stuff this gets even worse. Noone cares to document what theyre doing and sharing with the Public.
    I know, everyone put hard work in his / her project. Youre not getting paid.
    BUT - this attitude will keep new players from joining and, exchange is a vital Part of Sandbox Games.
    This is not something the Devs screwed up. Thats a Community Issue (it starts with "WTF is the Community Council? Where is the Howto for That?)
    Take a minute and think very hard where you want starmade to be in a year. A bunch of Elitists where noone new joins and every player that leaves will be missed?

    Now, a little Warning: If you decide to reply to this post, make sure you read it completely. Dont pick a single Argument to "disproove" it. You may, of course say, thats stupid. But take the whole thing into consideration. Dont link to a HowTo that might be found after reading 500 Pages of Sourcecode. You get my point. Im talking from the perspective of someone who is rather new. I have talked to a few other new people, they had the same opinion about this. It seems to be difficult.
    Another addition, im really good at "letting it go" or "walking away". You might not get a reply from me, simply because I feel people ignored the "warning" above too much. Thats ok, I guess, there are many reasons to not like a Game and while this would be a "first", community is one of them.
    You've not played LoL, have you? The bile and angst going on there makes most other gaming communities look and smell like rose gardens. That being said, the community here is actually pretty decent.

    I am not sure what you mean by "locked and lockable"? Anything posted to community content can be downloaded, imported and enjoyed in your own single player game, or favourite server.

    There are plenty of howtos on YouTube. Even if a video is simply "look what I did" there are plenty of clues on how to replicate what was done.

    You're a player. If you think the wiki is outdated, feel free to update it. Missing info? Ask the devs for it, or ask how to find it, then post it. This is kind of silly to complain about because the EDIT button is, like, right there dude.

    As for server stuff, uhm, no where is it written that people have to document and share.

    I seriously doubt many players are lost because they cannot have something someone else made.

    People aren't entitled to the stuff other people build. If someone shares it, cool. If not? Build something yourself. No good videos on how to to X, Y or X? Get a microphone and recording software and make some.

    You speak of exchange, and you seem to think that people keep stuff to themselves. You've been here a month. In the three years I've been around, I have seen plenty of exchange. Take a look at the drone thread, for example. There is plenty of information on how to create and launch a horde of drones, and the people in that thread will answer questions and offer suggestions. There's an other one on using warheads. Still more on how to build ships, logic tutorials and more. The shipyard thread also contains a plethora of info.

    And outside the forums there are G+ groups, Facebook groups, YouTube groups...

    The community for StarMade is doing just fine. New people continue to join. Old folks who've left occasionally come back to see what's new.

    No one will give you what you want on a silver platter. If you cannot find what you're looking for, ask for it politely. If it's still not there, then you'll have to take the lead and create it yourself.
    Jan 31, 2015
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    Wait... isn't Eve a sandbox game?

    A more treacherous hive of scum and villainy than that, you will not find.

    The community here is completely warm and fuzzy by comparison.

    Reilly Reese

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    Wait... isn't Eve a sandbox game?

    A more treacherous hive of scum and villainy than that, you will not find.

    The community here is completely warm and fuzzy by comparison.
    Goonswarm gankers were the worst. xD
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    The Shrink
    Aug 4, 2013
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    Wait... isn't Eve a sandbox game?

    A more treacherous hive of scum and villainy than that, you will not find.

    The community here is completely warm and fuzzy by comparison.
    Yea. If you want to see a REALLY toxic community, see the following 4 games:
    - EVE Online
    - World of Warcraft
    - League of Legends
    - DOTA (2)
    Dec 25, 2015
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    poorly constructed titan .
    my ship was not that bad for being the first larger ship. and only 390k, was no where complete. althou that is a impression some get from playing starmade, is the extremely high standards people have. about what is or is not good. if its not min/max it sucks... ie the impression the game is full of snobs..

    I think i just answered the question of why so little trading of content. people might simply be self conscious enough not to post a ship on the dock because it will be ranked against someone who has been playing for a few years and has been through the stage of bad design.. then a a person who has been playing for 2 months. the point that everything is fine art or carved to perfection or do not even bother with the community, or playing on a multiplayer server. before i started really playing i did watch a lot of youtube videos. the early mushroom fleet gave a impression of easy going, laid back. everyone is building and you do not have to have a degree in art. or a degree in engineering to build and show off
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    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    Ok now I'm curious. :)
    I'd suggest you google "EVE Fountain War", you can find one of the biggest, if not THE biggest, wars in gaming, conducted primarily by the Goons, however, that's besides the ganking wave and misery that they rought. :p
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    Dec 17, 2014
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    my ship was not that bad for being the first larger ship. and only 390k, was no where complete. althou that is a impression some get from playing starmade, is the extremely high standards people have. about what is or is not good. if its not min/max it sucks... ie the impression the game is full of snobs..

    I think i just answered the question of why so little trading of content. people might simply be self conscious enough not to post a ship on the dock because it will be ranked against someone who has been playing for a few years and has been through the stage of bad design.. then a a person who has been playing for 2 months. the point that everything is fine art or carved to perfection or do not even bother with the community, or playing on a multiplayer server. before i started really playing i did watch a lot of youtube videos. the early mushroom fleet gave a impression of easy going, laid back. everyone is building and you do not have to have a degree in art. or a degree in engineering to build and show off
    Thanks for saying this. I've been on a survival pve server for several months now and have built, fought, lost and rebuilt so many ship of different scales that I will likely never post to these forums for that reason. We have some really great and really creative players who feel like their in the same boat. Its a shame. I'm not going to whine about it but it really a factor in the reason many players keep their builds close to their chests. You cant really stretch the orthodoxy too much here.


    Aug 11, 2013
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    I'd suggest you google "EVE Fountain War", you can find one of the biggest, if not THE biggest, wars in gaming, conducted primarily by the Goons, however, that's besides the ganking wave and misery that they rought. :p
    Multiple wars. Many more squirmishes. Trolling BoB. Outlasting BoB. Hah, trolling Jita.
    Thanks for saying this. I've been on a survival pve server for several months now and have built, fought, lost and rebuilt so many ship of different scales that I will likely never post to these forums for that reason. We have some really great and really creative players who feel like their in the same boat. Its a shame. I'm not going to whine about it but it really a factor in the reason many players keep their builds close to their chests. You cant really stretch the orthodoxy too much here.
    I don't think people aren't sharing because they are ashamed. I think many aren't sharing due to the blood, sweat and tears that have gone into their ship designs. Like the first time you realize your ship is tanking the whole wave of pirates. You feel accomplished. Even more when you face another player and come out on top.

    Some people like to share these successful designs. Others figure that people should learn on their own like they had to. Nothing wrong with either line of thinking.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    Space stadium eh... Sounds like an excuse to use a metric shitton of rails for no good reason.
    Stadiums, rails, logic... You know I think Azereiah still has that chunk of planet left for auto-gravity shenanigans. And NFD is a lot more stable compared to when we did the skid racing.

    If you wanna draw up some plans/dimensions/etc, I'd be happy to toss together a mock arena to try out the idea. Been craving an excuse to go ham on rails lately.


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    Stadiums, rails, logic... You know I think Azereiah still has that chunk of planet left for auto-gravity shenanigans. And NFD is a lot more stable compared to when we did the skid racing.

    If you wanna draw up some plans/dimensions/etc, I'd be happy to toss together a mock arena to try out the idea. Been craving an excuse to go ham on rails lately.
    Sounds fun, I already have the sector export downloaded but I may need to give it to Debbie or another admin to actually put on the server.