I've noticed that the weapons menu isn't as helpful as it could be. For instance if I have tons of weapon/system computers that all have their own slave it becomes confusing when u lose track or don't know what modules connect to what computer. For that matter the the menu only tells me the total modules connected. Which doesn't help when you're trying to make all arrays deal the same amount of damage. So I suggest that some minor but extremely helpful improvements. I've also included a picture to help illustrate.
1. Select Computer buttons
Just being able to select a computer in the chain by bringing up the weapons menu should cut down on the needless amount of searching/cycling through computers with the left/right arrow keys.
2. Block Counts for individual arrays in the "Details" window
I shouldn't have to guess how many blocks are in a specific array. I wana know how many blocks there are in all my arrays, that way I can see if one is lacking. This one should also apply to the structure menu as well.

1. Select Computer buttons
Just being able to select a computer in the chain by bringing up the weapons menu should cut down on the needless amount of searching/cycling through computers with the left/right arrow keys.
2. Block Counts for individual arrays in the "Details" window
I shouldn't have to guess how many blocks are in a specific array. I wana know how many blocks there are in all my arrays, that way I can see if one is lacking. This one should also apply to the structure menu as well.