We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships.

    May 5, 2014
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    Mixed up some of the grill floor with meshes, going to be a layer of power tanks underneath the metal.

    Also, my random attempt at a Borg alcove, pretty hard to get a decent design for one of these given the measurements involved and the size of blocks. Since this is just a small Borg ship I've only created four alcoves total, in the big ships I want to have those huge internal structures with dozens of alcoves all lined up with access corridors to engineering sections and other important areas. Shame we can't have plex lifts in ships..



    Nov 14, 2013
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    Mixed up some of the grill floor with meshes, going to be a layer of power tanks underneath the metal.

    Also, my random attempt at a Borg alcove, pretty hard to get a decent design for one of these given the measurements involved and the size of blocks. Since this is just a small Borg ship I've only created four alcoves total, in the big ships I want to have those huge internal structures with dozens of alcoves all lined up with access corridors to engineering sections and other important areas. Shame we can't have plex lifts in ships..

    Not bad. You should probably raise the floor by one block and leave a gap under it, though, and remove the metal grilles on the ceiling for the most part (Replace with black hull, leave some systems exposed)

    ...Also, it somehow still feels too bright - it's just bright green now. :P

    ...Remember, power tanks give off subtle green light. The ship should mostly rely on that.
    May 5, 2014
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    It's actually pretty dark, if you turned shadows on you would literally see nothing xD I could tone down a tiny bit more on the lighting level, but I do want to be able to find my way around and not bump into stuff in the dark. :P Borg ships do also have white lights in their corridors, in fact in the episodes "scorpion" of the voyager series they go into a cube that has a pretty large amount of normal white lighting. Whether that was just to accommodate human vision, or actually there all the time, we don't know. The main problem is I can't mix lighting very well, it's either annoyingly white or annoyingly green, there doesn't seem to be a nice middle ground where I can place some white lights and green lights and they'll blend. Just relying on the power tanks imo makes it too dark to really see, I'm not Borg IRL unfortunately xD

    I agree on the ceiling though, that just happened because of the symmetry turned on.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    It's actually pretty dark, if you turned shadows on you would literally see nothing xD I could tone down a tiny bit more on the lighting level, but I do want to be able to find my way around and not bump into stuff in the dark. :p Borg ships do also have white lights in their corridors, in fact in the episodes "scorpion" of the voyager series they go into a cube that has a pretty large amount of normal white lighting. Whether that was just to accommodate human vision, or actually there all the time, we don't know. The main problem is I can't mix lighting very well, it's either annoyingly white or annoyingly green, there doesn't seem to be a nice middle ground where I can place some white lights and green lights and they'll blend. Just relying on the power tanks imo makes it too dark to really see, I'm not Borg IRL unfortunately xD

    I agree on the ceiling though, that just happened because of the symmetry turned on.
    Hm; it looked bright green to me :P

    Either way, I understand... Also, I might try my hand at a Borg interior as well later on and see if I can create what I'm imagining.
    May 5, 2014
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    A -very- early iteration of the new hull armour for the Immortal Class MK-II, it still needs a lot of work. It's being based loosely around a type of Borg Hypercube design - a 4-dimensional Borg vessel from an alternate future that could only exist within transwarp conduits (we think). Even though the size of the ship prohibits designs that are not blocky, it looks much better than the MK-I shitty "frame" armour, dunno wtf I was thinking when I made that. xD Anyway, should be done with this refit today, after that I'm going to work on a new ship for a little while before refitting the rest. :)

    May 5, 2014
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    My favourite shot of the new Immortal Class hull design, this side gives a really cool optical illusion of "pinched in" edges. Anyway, the refit (was actually more of a complete rebuild from the skeleton up) is complete, I'll be posting up the MK-II and it's new turrets for download tomorrow morning. :D

    Apr 25, 2013
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    The Borg and V'Ger have a direct relationship because Voyager 6 was just strollin' through the interstellar neighborhood and passed by the Borg's crib and the Borg were all like "dang son, she looks fine". So the Borg asked Voyager 6 out on a date and so they went and had dinner at Unimatrix 01 that night, but then the Borg stood old Voyager 6 up, and Voyager 6 got super pissed and went on a rampage through the galaxy, her anger turning her into the dreaded V'Ger because she was on her spaceship period. She then blamed the date's failure on her parents and headed back to Earth to give her dad the middle finger. But then her ex-boyfriend Enterprise showed up and stopped her and then Kirk went back and sat on his throne as the Fresh Prince of Starfleet
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    Mar 2, 2014
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    The Borg and V'Ger have a direct relationship because Voyager 6 was just strollin' through the interstellar neighborhood and passed by the Borg's crib and the Borg were all like "dang son, she looks fine". So the Borg asked Voyager 6 out on a date and so they went and had dinner at Unimatrix 01 that night, but then the Borg stood old Voyager 6 up, and Voyager 6 got super pissed and went on a rampage through the galaxy, her anger turning her into the dreaded V'Ger because she was on her spaceship period. She then blamed the date's failure on her parents and headed back to Earth to give her dad the middle finger. But then her ex-boyfriend Enterprise showed up and stopped her and then Kirk went back and sat on his throne as the Fresh Prince of Starfleet
    Dear kids, this is what happens when people take drugs. :confused:
    May 5, 2014
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    The Borg and V'Ger have a direct relationship because Voyager 6 was just strollin' through the interstellar neighborhood and passed by the Borg's crib and the Borg were all like "dang son, she looks fine". So the Borg asked Voyager 6 out on a date and so they went and had dinner at Unimatrix 01 that night, but then the Borg stood old Voyager 6 up, and Voyager 6 got super pissed and went on a rampage through the galaxy, her anger turning her into the dreaded V'Ger because she was on her spaceship period. She then blamed the date's failure on her parents and headed back to Earth to give her dad the middle finger. But then her ex-boyfriend Enterprise showed up and stopped her and then Kirk went back and sat on his throne as the Fresh Prince of Starfleet
    Here, have some wat.
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    Apr 4, 2014
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    Vakna you have proved to me that building something as simple as a cube can make you famous... my mind has been blown... and keep up the great work I am really looking forward to a remake of the large borg cube :D! Also people seem to love the borg :P.
    May 5, 2014
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    Vakna you have proved to me that building something as simple as a cube can make you famous... my mind has been blown... and keep up the great work I am really looking forward to a remake of the large borg cube :D! Also people seem to love the borg :p.
    I wouldn't say famous, there's like 4-5 people that are actively interested in my stuff, that's all. >.<

    As for the cube thing, I actually had no idea about the stigma surrounding them in the community when I started doing this, in fact I didn't even join the forums until I had the first couple basic designs built. I'm just doing what I enjoy and sharing it with whoever is interested! :)

    And the Borg, well, they are an iconic and mysterious enemy that any Trekkie will know and most likely love! A lot of us grew up watching TNG and Voyager where they had some awesome screen time and story telling.


    Aug 11, 2013
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    Oh, Vakna, I think there are more than 4-5 people interested. :D
    Apr 4, 2014
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    I wouldn't say famous, there's like 4-5 people that are actively interested in my stuff, that's all. >.<

    As for the cube thing, I actually had no idea about the stigma surrounding them in the community when I started doing this, in fact I didn't even join the forums until I had the first couple basic designs built. I'm just doing what I enjoy and sharing it with whoever is interested! :)

    And the Borg, well, they are an iconic and mysterious enemy that any Trekkie will know and most likely love! A lot of us grew up watching TNG and Voyager where they had some awesome screen time and story telling.
    yeah I love the borg :). also this post has 2.2k+ views... that's insane! sorta :p. also keep up the great work :D! and do you have any idea when you will refit the large class borg cube? its your best one :D!
    Apr 4, 2014
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    A sneak little peak into the colossal size of my next Borg construct, as a point of reference, the custom built core at it's center is 55m^3, and the thin power cube wire-frame for the outer hull itself generates ~300,000 e/sec. The best part? This is not even close to the biggest vessels I have planned out. :)

    Prepare your ships well, Starfleet!

    *cringe* its going to suck for whoever goes against this thing lol.
    May 5, 2014
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    The Trading Guild picked up a transmission early this morning flooding all subspace communication channels. The message was as follows.

    Transmission Type: Urgent, Distress Call
    Station: Pirate Base R97
    Location: Sector 2, 2, 5

    Transmission Start

    Pirate Base Controller: Calling all forces within range, retreat to base, alert type red,
    ready all defenses!

    Computer Voice: Warning, perimeter breached, sensor grid offline, defense bouy 6 not responding.

    Pirate Base Controller: All forces, attack pattern alpha, focus all fire on the lead cu-

    (transmission crackles, deep hive-like voice fills all communication frequencies)

    ???: We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological
    and technological disctinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance,
    is futile.

    Isanth Commander: Shields are down! Hull breaches in sections 3, 4 and 7, re-route all emergency
    power to struc-

    Computer Voice: Warning, intruder alert. Warning, intruder alert.

    Isanth Commander: They're boarding us! Men, grab the pulse rifles and form a def-

    (a single blood-curdling scream sounds over the comm channel before it crackles and goes dead)

    Transmission End

    Long range scans picked up only a densely populated debris field at the source of the transmission, though preliminary analysis of warp trails and weapon signatures indicate some of the defending pirate ships are missing from the debris field, and the unknown aggressors could not be found on any long range sensor sweeps...
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    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Is this the start of your faction?