Yeah there is still a lot of greebling to do, as well as indenting turret sockets and some all around tidying up. Just wanted to give a little preview of what the hull design is based on - and I do say based, because there will be turrets (not giant obnoxious ones sticking out though) and other stuff as well as the armour, that you wouldn't see on a typical Borg vessel, but they need to be added for the ship to actually function in the game.
Also, as a general random update - the AI controlled broadside and rear guns that I had planned will no longer happen, entirely due to me still being somewhat of a Starmade newbie and not knowing you can only have one AI Bobby per ship, and also that it deactivates as soon as you enter the core. The broadsides can still be manned by other players though as well as the pilot flying and operating the main front guns, but the control rooms for them are in a really inconvenient and annoying set up/place because I'd intended them to be AI focused.
The broadside weapons control points will be rebuilt all around the central core area in the Mark II refit, I'm not going to do it for the MKI because I plan to strip out all of the weapons and rebuild the systems when the new patch hits, so it can wait till then, it's just going to be a little annoying to fly as a multiplayer ship until that time, but I'd rather move on with the build and get it finished than scrap a lot of work and rebuild the weapons systems from the ground up now.
But hey, I'm having tons of fun building this one, going slow because I'm really busy at work right now, but it'll get done soonish (hopefully this week!), and I'm sure it's gonna look super cool once it's entirely done!

Thanks for all the likes, feedback and support <3