We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships.

    May 5, 2014
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    Home from work, kicking back with a hot mug of coffee and brainstorming some ideas... can you guess which Borg ship is coming next? :D (have a really cool idea for the outer hull design of this one.. lets hope it works!)

    May 5, 2014
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    Been having some problems with the Borg Sphere designs, which is why it's not done yet. I finished the actual ship like 3 hours after I posted that image, it's the hull that's giving me a headache. Trying to paint a sharp looking design over a surface where no two blocks are ever on the same dimensional plane is incredibly frustrating and difficult.

    What I'm probably going to do is fall back to a simpler design like the assimilator's and continue on with my other ships, I REALLY want to start on the huge ones! But making myself get all the smaller stuff done first. For the MII version of the sphere ship, my idea is to actually build the hull design into the hull itself whilst I'm constructing the shell - like knitting a pattern into a sweater whilst creating it, instead of sewing one on top afterwards. This should (cross fingers) work much better and allow me to create more detailed patterns.

    Thanks for all the interest and the likes people, I will try not to disappoint. >.<
    Jan 22, 2014
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    Trying to paint a sharp looking design over a surface where no two blocks are ever on the same dimensional plane is incredibly frustrating and difficult.
    This isn't Borg design anyway. The ships always have visible pipes (or at least stuff that looks something like this) and small surfaces, all in a pattern that appears to be random.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Can I just say that STO is canon. there is no denying it. it is like calling the films non-canon because they are not the TV series.

    And beautiful cube, it actually looks like a borg cube, but I see where Incap is coming from because we have seen many borg cubes, it would be better received if you built an interior with alcoves and stuff :)
    It isn't canon, but there are a few things (The Deferi, some of the Fluidic Space stuff, the new Earth Spacedock interior, the details about the Iconians and Elachi (Shroomies), and perhaps the Romulan Republic) that should be... However there's so much stupid writing and so many things that were only put in to make it an interesting game that accepting the entire thing as canon is... No.
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    May 5, 2014
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    This isn't Borg design anyway. The ships always have visible pipes (or at least stuff that looks something like this) and small surfaces, all in a pattern that appears to be random.
    Indeed - though my original concept for the sphere was a pipey outer structure fanning down from the North and South poles and meeting at each with some of the ships internal structure visible between the gaps, but even that is really difficult to construct over a voxel sphere and actually look good. I've been through multiple iterations of that on different spheres I spawned in after completing the actual ship, none of them looked decent enough to use. The ship is finished now anyway, using a more basic texture similar to the assimilator cube, for it's MII version I'll be building the pipey structure into the shell as I'm constructing it, and then deleting all the blocks that aren't the hull pattern, if that makes sense. In hindsight, that's how I should have done it from the start, but hey, we live and learn.

    For now I'm happy to be moving on to other ships, I really did not enjoy working on the sphere - the next big build will most likely be the carrier style ship which I'm creating as my own modified version of the armoured Borg tactical cubes.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    It isn't canon, but there are a few things (The Deferi, some of the Fluidic Space stuff, the new Earth Spacedock interior, the details about the Iconians and Elachi (Shroomies), and perhaps the Romulan Republic) that should be... However there's so much stupid writing and so many things that were only put in to make it an interesting game that accepting the entire thing as canon is... No.
    Since the passing of Roddenberry, canon is anything that CBS or Paramount decide is canon, . Thats why the JJ-verse is considered canon, just a alternate timeline, parallel to the prime universe. STO is canon. anyway, this is not the place to argue about what is and isn't trek canon.

    Ships sound good :D
    May 5, 2014
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    SO excited after watching the weapons demonstrations for next patch, finally be able to have some epic beam weapons for trek universe ships.. and fast torpedoes!
    May 5, 2014
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    Hey guys, couple of updates to mention. First of all the Borg Sphere design is finished for now (needs some aesthetic brush ups, but will leave that for a later date, more important work to be done!) and is being released under the named "Vortex Class". It is a modifiable ship with enough internal space to triple the power of any installed system, or install new ones as a situation demands, it performs the role of Electronic Warfare and Combat Logistics.

    Secondly, I've been thinking about multiplayer a bit recently. Over the coming couple of weeks, I'm going to be finishing a couple more essential ships for my Borg fleet, and creating a few basic station-structures for the Unicomplex. I'd like to start playing on a server after this is done, at the moment I've started a Borg Faction on the Mushroom Fleet proving grounds public server (needs whitelisting), but at the moment it's nothing more than a docking station with a single random salvaging ship.

    Once I've got some Borg infrastructure created, I'd like to ask their admins to import my singleplayer sector to transfer it over to there, and at that point, it would be awesome to play with a few other people who are as eager as me when it comes to Borg style stuff! You don't have to use my ships, but I'd ask that if you're gonna be parking it in the faction base, it be somewhat Borg themed at least! :)

    Anyway, it wont be happening for a couple weeks yet, but I thought I'd give anyone interested a heads-up. Also, if anyone knows a more suitable server for the faction to play on, by all means suggest away, I just chose Mushroom Fleet for now, because it seems like the most active and best choice of what I've seen, with plenty of active factions and online players.

    Thanks everyone. :)
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    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    if you like, your faction can come over to elwyn eternity when it resets. This is where Starfleet is based. Would certainly be interesting :)
    May 5, 2014
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    if you like, your faction can come over to elwyn eternity when it resets. This is where Starfleet is based. Would certainly be interesting :)
    Sounds cool, but what is the activity like on the server? And when is the reset scheduled? :)


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Sounds cool, but what is the activity like on the server? And when is the reset scheduled? :)
    The reset will be when the weapons update lands for the new update, and it is a largely active server, but none of the elite factions, more of the medium level factions :)
    May 5, 2014
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    The reset will be when the weapons update lands for the new update, and it is a largely active server, but none of the elite factions, more of the medium level factions :)
    Sounds perfect, can't call myself elite considering I've been playing like 2 weeks and am terrible at ship aesthetics. xD Hope the weapons update is soon though, gonna have to retrofit my ships to have the more traditional trek beams. :)


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Sounds perfect, can't call myself elite considering I've been playing like 2 weeks and am terrible at ship aesthetics. xD Hope the weapons update is soon though, gonna have to retrofit my ships to have the more traditional trek beams. :)
    Im head of engineering for starfleet, I have a fleet to refit :/
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    May 5, 2014
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    A sneak little peak into the colossal size of my next Borg construct, as a point of reference, the custom built core at it's center is 55m^3, and the thin power cube wire-frame for the outer hull itself generates ~300,000 e/sec. The best part? This is not even close to the biggest vessels I have planned out. :)

    Prepare your ships well, Starfleet!

    Sep 16, 2013
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    Just some advice for the frame: power generation is based on the 3 dimensions, so any time your generator loops back on itself you loose efficiency. If you replace your outside intersections with another block so the outside frame is a series of generators and not one continuous one you will actually output more with less blocks. Don't know if I made that clear, but play around with it and you will see a difference in the numbers.
    May 5, 2014
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    Just some advice for the frame: power generation is based on the 3 dimensions, so any time your generator loops back on itself you loose efficiency. If you replace your outside intersections with another block so the outside frame is a series of generators and not one continuous one you will actually output more with less blocks. Don't know if I made that clear, but play around with it and you will see a difference in the numbers.
    Yeah I didn't really get what you meant, trying to picture that in my head and it's not working. xD

    Anyway, the wire-frame power cube constructs are not intended to be efficient power generators, I just sort of chose a random block to be the frame I can fit stuff inside and it happened to be the power cubes, been using them ever since. The ships I build are mainly fueled by internal specially built reactors designed around efficient power-gen. Anything the wire-frame structure contributes is a bonus, but not really needed.