The turret thread

    Jun 11, 2016
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    I do have colourful ships, but this particular project is rather monotone for a reason. However, it can be coloured any way you want really. I like the red contrasting with the grey and I thought the yellow contrasted well with the grey to.

    I also like colour coding my piping to give the illusion it has some kind of purposeful contents. Which is why I sometimes off-set blue/red or green/yellow or red/green. Depends what I'm thinking at the time I guess.
    I don't use color coding at all in Starmade, it takes too much time to reaply the correct colors afterwards. I just design a grey hull, and then I add in details with close color combinations.

    example end product: JinMs Survival Progression Diary and some ships


    Me, myself and I.
    Mar 12, 2015
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    I don't use color coding at all in Starmade, it takes too much time to reaply the correct colors afterwards. I just design a grey hull, and then I add in details with close color combinations.

    example end product: JinMs Survival Progression Diary and some ships
    True, it is time consuming on public servers at the moment, but when the new repair system is in you won't need to worry about that. The one that's like SkyWanderers where it replacing the missing block instead of just repairing it.
    Detailing is something I'm experimenting with and find it makes the look of my ships interesting. So I'm seeing what else I can do as well as thinking of how I would build something if I could build it for real. Well close to, since it's just a block game.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Holy cake stand! That's huge. Nauvran how long does it take to make a full rotation?
    I have no idea, havent tested.
    Now you mention it I think I forgot mass enhancers in the turret base.
    May 6, 2013
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    How do we feel about angled popup turrets?
    My quest to make the most complicated possible armaments setup continues!
    I can't seem to make turrets that build themselves, although maybe with a logic-activated repair beam targeting pre-destroyed turret mounts....
    Hang on I have to do some testing...

    In all sincerity I think this will be my new default turret setup for heavy weapon turrets: barrel up, then move 90 degrees forward to firing position. This one is small and puny, as befits a testbed. Next should be a large, double turret.


    Me, myself and I.
    Mar 12, 2015
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    View attachment 49761
    How do we feel about angled popup turrets?
    My quest to make the most complicated possible armaments setup continues!
    I can't seem to make turrets that build themselves, although maybe with a logic-activated repair beam targeting pre-destroyed turret mounts....
    Hang on I have to do some testing...

    In all sincerity I think this will be my new default turret setup for heavy weapon turrets: barrel up, then move 90 degrees forward to firing position. This one is small and puny, as befits a testbed. Next should be a large, double turret.
    I love this sort of complexity to. Looks so cool when in operation.

    I think I provided a suggestion for shipyards a while back that could accommodate auto constructing turrets. The key was to have a specific docker recorded in the blueprint as the primary. Which is coded somewhere for it to work on carriers in fleets, but may not be in the blueprint. Then the other thing is to use the carrier mechanism using a manual selection process in the blueprint the same way we allocate a category (miner, defend, etc) for our ship blueprints. In theory, you could build structures at random, using multi-connected parts for stations, ships and whatever instead of having set station and ship blueprints.

    madman Captain

    Self-appointet Overlord of the Scaffold
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    Do those turrets have more than 2 turning axis's? I cant tell from the pics but it looks like both turrets can move independently.
    No just the normal 2 axis but I let it look like the barrels had an addional axis so at least in my imagination the barrels (witch have a distance of over 100m to each other) could aim better at narrow small targets.


    Me, myself and I.
    Mar 12, 2015
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    No just the normal 2 axis but I let it look like the barrels had an addional axis so at least in my imagination the barrels (witch have a distance of over 100m to each other) could aim better at narrow small targets.
    True! Logically, that's how you would mechanically achieve optimal targeting.

    I like the look of this turret. Especially the detailing. Very cool!
    Initially I thought you have it pivoted on the end there, but see the turret is docked in the centre.
    Jul 29, 2013
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    Damn that looks good.

    Since I'm here, anybody else having an issue setting weapon outputs?


    Wiki Administrator
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    No just the normal 2 axis but I let it look like the barrels had an addional axis so at least in my imagination the barrels (witch have a distance of over 100m to each other) could aim better at narrow small targets.
    If you wanted to Its possible to be make both turrets turn independently. Just place another rail entity docked to a rail basic to the base (The rotating cylinder) then dock the turret to that that via a rail turret axis. It would allow you to have two turrets that can go after targets independently while still keeping the aesthetic.


    Apr 1, 2015
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    Since I'm here, anybody else having an issue setting weapon outputs?
    yeah, had it acting weird when building a turret, the game labled the correct block as output but the projectile always came from one of the neighbouring blocks.