The Rebel Alliance wants YOU!

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Warsong and I made a deal. If my page is spammed, then I will make a new one. If not, then it shall stay. Bradley\'s probably gonna keep doing it just to piss us off.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    To those who force themselves to read (pay attention zoro),

    I made the Rebel Alliance to not be considered just a faction. I created it to bring excitement to the community. To bring enjoyment to the community. To bring friends and laughter. Now, the Vaygr are \"declaring war\" on us because of \"annoyance\". I bought a private server so I could avoid all threats directed towards me from the community. I got involved, and things turned upside-down. I did not want this to happen. No one wanted this to happen. If people could at least look at the bright side of things and see the healthy ways of enjoying this game, then the community would be better than it is now. People attack us for no reason but only one: they have no one else to attack. You cannot attack us. We\'re on a private server. We\'re doing nothing wrong to the community. All we ask for are alliances, and in reply are those who have nothing else to do but declare war. Any other reasons are only excuses. Useless excuses.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    \"I made the Rebel Alliance to not be considered just a faction. I created it to bring excitement to the community. To bring enjoyment to the community. To bring friends and laughter. Now, the Vaygr are \"declaring war\" on us because of \"annoyance\". I bought a private server so I could avoid all threats directed towards me from the community.\" said by OBiShawnKenobi

    I read this and a thought came to me. Your \"faction\" shouldn’t be considered a faction, but a private server. Which your thread, posting, and business should be conducted in the server threads instead of the faction threads. Mainly because how everything is set up... on your server, on your thread player’s application to the faction acts as getting white listed to a server, and messing up badly and constantly can result in a ban from the server. There are not other real factions on the server and everything is controlled tightly, you can’t consider the RA a faction, but a private server. Since you don’t participate in other faction affairs or wars, to me it doesn’t seem you belong in the faction threads. I know I will get some comments and stuff about what i said, but I say what i think. If you think about it that is where the RA belongs, in the server thread listings.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    Like you actually are a moderator and a faction leader. I bet you can\'t prove me otherwise, granted you have never trespassed onto my server. You\'re simply stating the rumors that everyone else is. Incompetent idiots that do nothing except stare at their computer all day and make witty remarks like you. Now stop assuming like everyone else is before this turns into an unwanted flame war. Now take your pathetic excusable ass somewhere else so I don\'t have the moderators hounding on me.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    And if you would like to see an active, cheerful community in my faction, go onto my website.

    Go ahead and ask them what they think and tell me how bad they think my faction is.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    You act more like a server host that a faction leader to be clear. No I am no moderator, nor faction leader, prove your otherwise, I just didn’t. I have not interest going to your SERVER. Rumors, I am the one who just said it. I don’t know what rumors who heard, but i do not state other people’s rumors as I am just posted my opinion. Which is not right or wrong, but 100% correct. Haha my remarks are witty, why thank you. wait how can you say incompetent idiots and say my remarks are witty, would my comments be idiotic and incompetent as well? I don’t want this to turn into a flame war, but ask yourself is what you have a faction or a server. Haha maybe you should tone it down and talk to me with some reason and respect as i have given you. What I said was frank and honest yes and some people can handle it, but my pathetic excusable.... \"Excuse\" which is the right word btw ass will be here just messing around. I’m not hounding you, as i have not hounded your thread. You need to calm down and stop going crazy as I have heard you got a ban from HSZ for the same talk you are doing now. No one is out to get you, but yourself.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    1. False, I\'m not banned from HSZ.

    2. You\'re only continuing this matter.

    3. Saying I\'m not a faction but just a private server is not 100% correct. It\'s an opinion given from you.

    4. You never looked on my forums for actual proof or asked any of my members.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    Sorry banned from pub chat, not from the server, my mistake, haha

    Ok i will stop, and it is my opinion taken my my perception and view. Others can take it right or wrong i do not benfit from it. All i did want is to open a discussion about it as it just came to mind. haha i have read your forums on and some on your foums site as well, i read everyones threads that i can. If you members like it, hey good on you.
    Aug 3, 2013
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    obi is the best he has lead us through thick and thin against all odds and ya know maybe we should cut ourselvs of from all of you never return to the starmade forums then maybe we could have fun again
    Jul 27, 2013
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    Due to the fact, after all i have done for you Obi, you turn around and say im no longer trusted and that you think i\'m a spy? That was pretty much the biggest \"Thanks for the help, now Up yours!\" I have ever ran into.

    Anywho, i hope that stuff starts getting better for you, I really do, but pulling stunts like that against a person who pretty much defended you when no-one else would, really causes people to dislike you.
    Sep 29, 2013
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    Someone here if not more than one is a filthy bantha back stabber.

    Someone or more than one here is a spy working for ridik. He\'s going to cripple my faction with your support.

    Before you actually do, think about what I have done for you. For the faction. For the server.

    Not to mention all the stress going on right now with my grandmother very ill, one of my grades at an F for being sick for a month, and a job which I work for to pay for not only the server but for the bills as well.

    And if it\'s just good business, explain what ridik gave you, and how loyal you are to him. Don\'t be afraid. The time is now. He\'s going to destroy my faction. Just say that you\'re working for him and why you do.\" ~Obi Shawn Kenobi

    Alright whos the spy? come on guys this isn\'t funny just man up and tell OBI who you are so we can all move on.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    Please make an application in our Patrol Recruitment Folder on our forums after creating an account. We\'re glad to have you.

    Aug 19, 2013
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    The Tartaran Empire hereby refuses to acknowledge the \'Rebel Alliance\' as a faction involved with the community on the Starmade forum. This means that the Tartaran Empire will not make any kind of political arrangements, agreements, that may or may not include alliances or acts of war.

    The \'Rebel Alliance\' is instead recognized as a roleplay server with its own individual members. Until the \'RA\' become more involved in the community itself by creating a presence on a server, the Tartaran Empire refuses to acknowledge the \'Rebel Alliance\' as a faction or ObiShawnKenobi as a proper faction leader. As such, any action taken by its \'members\' will be treated as individuals acting of their own accord.
    Sep 5, 2013
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    I couldnt give a crap over wether the tartaran empire considered wether the RA is a faction or not. It is. How else would we have The Rebel Alliance on our ships, without it being a real faction? We never wanted to take fire from all these things like the mutiny war and unnecessary comments from people who think that they are god. Trust me U ARE NOT
    Jul 27, 2013
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    Seriously, they were just formally telling you that technically, you are more a server than a faction, thus, they cannot technically do trades and deals with you, and also, where did they say they were god?

    Stop acting like a stupid facebook slut. (I get too many saying pretty much the same thign with the \"u r not god\")
    Sep 5, 2013
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    kro really? stop with the fire. We didnt mean to blame u for anything. Stop taking it out on obi. I was just saying my thoughts, exactly what u just did.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    I will cause no action yet but I will simply say this:

    The Rebel Alliance will no longer tolerate with factions and members of the community spitting upon us and stepping us in the dirt. Currently, we are on a private server, and technically, we are a faction. You may consider us a server, but it is your opinion. Once the Rebel Alliance has gained enough military power to destroy an enemy fleet, any insults or threats will be silenced with a swift stroke. Do not underestimate our power for too long. Now keep to your business and we will keep to ours.


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    Wasn\'t \"You underestimate my power\" a quote from Anakin before he went batshit insane and tuened into Darth Vader?
    Jul 3, 2013
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    Yes, but it was used many times in the trilogies. Even a quote said that the Rebel Alliance shouldn\'t be underestimated.