It has been confirmed that Bradley is permanently banned due to his charges being sabotage, mistrust, disrespectful, and immaturity.
Disrespectful- Obi and Math spamed my chat multiple times I simply asked you to stop and when you did not I retaliated with the same thing the only difference is that when you asked me to stop I did.
Immaturity- I think that I have been way more mature in many ways. I do not throw brat tantrums. I did not spawm your chat when you asked me to stop yet you kept spaming. I do not tp people into the middle of the sun and tell them to fix the damage to their ship themselves. I do not spawn a server crashing amount of ships when people cant follow orders because of lag cause by the \"assults\" against weak turrets.
Anything that I missed please tell me as I am just defending myself. Also if you are going to permaban me then ban yourself for disrespect and immaturity.