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    Jul 1, 2013
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    Hey everyone,

    Here is that calculation I was using to figure out the in game thruster speed to use.

    When I made the Y-wing, I was just throwing random thrusters on and testing how fast it could go.

    Using the Y-wing specs from wookiepedia, it has a 1000 in atmosphere speed (I admit I screwed up and used the atmospheric speed intead of the acceleration speed). If any of you have done differently, feel free to post here and we can let Obi decide what he wants to use, as adjusting thrust speed is relatively easy even if you have the ship built already.

    Calculation: 1000 (atmosphere speed) / 72 (in game thrust total I had come to feel comfy with flying around) = 13.8 (Go 14 just for the sake of using whole numbers)

    So, if I was to do the A-wing

    1300 / 14 = 92

    So 92 would be the total thrust I would want to get for the A-Wing.

    Here\'s a list for most of the ships we are going to do.

    X-Wing: 1050/14= 75 thrust

    B-Wing: 950/14= 68 Thrust

    Now, for larger sized ships, we might need to make them have more thrust to get the mass moving. But I would like for whomever has create a corvetted to see how it does when it has that type of speed. Keep in mind that the larger ships made up for the slow speeds with their fire power, shields, and the fighter escorts they had.

    Marauder class corvette: 850/14= 61 Thrust

    DP 20 Frigate: 1000/14= 72 Thrust

    Corellian Corvette: 950/14= 68 Thrust

    Nebulan B Frigate: 800/14= 57 Thrust

    Dreadnaught Class Heavy Cruiser: No speed information given. Will let OBI decide what to use.

    MC30c Frigate: No Speed information given. Will let OBI decide what to use.

    Assault Frigate Mark I: No Speed information given. Will let OBI decide what to use.

    Assault Frigate Mark II: No Speed information given. Will let OBI decide what to use.

    MC80 Liberty Type Star Cruiser: (Out of Atmosphere 2750g) Comparing to the corvette, the ooa to in atmosphere is roughly 2.1 or 2. So, assuming this, I went 2750/2= 1375 1375/14= 98 Thrust

    Home One: Would probably be similar to the liberty class MC80. They are similar in length and weight. Due to this being OBI\'s ship down the road, I will allow him to decide what he will have for speed.

    If anyone wants, I can do this for the Imperial forces as well, so we can see what the differences were between them. That will take a bit more work for me to gather, as I had most of this already. I will leave it to Obi though. If anyone feels like they don\'t like these calcualtions, or have different values, feel free to inform Obi about it, and if he feels a change is needed, then no harm, no foul. I would understand completely!! :)

    Jun 27, 2013
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    If you go into buld mode, and put down 1 block, the length/height/width is increased by 1 meter. You can keep using that system, but keep in mind that all the ships will be half their actual size.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    I found a Chewbacca skin made by beetlebear, I was wondering if some of us could use it?


    Jul 1, 2013
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    Feel free to use whatevery skins you want. It\'s really your preference. I think it would be a cool thing. I actually plan on taking an attempt at making one of those. I have never done it before, and think it would be a cool thing to learn. I want to create a rebel pilot skin
    Jul 3, 2013
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    With the exception of Ethgar\'s starfighters, I\'m going to create the capital ships the way I like them. Then, it is the job of the Minister of Industry to make multiples of those ships.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    The Corellian ships don\'t stand a solid chance against a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser. They\'re ten times the size of them!
    Jul 10, 2013
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    Thrust is not the same as speed ;-) thrust divided by mass gives you an acceleration which would be the most relevant info to compare to that \"max speed\" info. Still, guess when the server\'s up we can tweak the ship deisgns to make them \"feel\" right next to each other.

    One big question however, if you\'re building all the ships yourself, why do you need an industry group to press \"Buy\" ingame for you? ;-) thought a big part of the fun of starmade would be building the ships cooperatively.

    That and I can\'t imagine you\'re actually going to build a comparable scale version of Home One on your own. Even at 1 block to 1 metre its going to require a good few weeks to build.

    The reason I\'d gone with 2 blocks to the metre is comparing Ethgar\'s existing starfighters with the wookiepedia entries. I think maybe you could let the accuracy slip a little bit and vary the scale depending on what you\'re building, as long as each ship is bigger than the one its supposed to be bigger than, it should work fine. After all to build Home One at even a 1:1 scale would require half a million blocks for the shell alone (assuming 2 blocks thick for armour/ease of construction)
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Only ships that we will even be buying at the start will be the few fighter class ships so we have an initial defense while building larger ships. Not too mention before we even begin building the ships, we are going to be building hte initial stations and ship yard to build the larger scale ships, this way it gives us something to defend. Also keep in mind that when ever the admin of the server wants to test our skill, they at any time can initiate a wave of enemies that can attack our sector. :-D

    Trust me, having those initial ships, will be a great help. But keep in mind, they are not cheap. If Obi wishes, I can get him the prices on the ships, just in case we will have a \"budget\" to use at the beginning. :D

    Also, for the thrust/speed discussion. Only reason why I put those thrust calculations is because that\'s the only thing that is calculated in Star-made. Unless I\'m missing something. If you look at the wookieepedia, a lot of the acceleration are similar. They just have larger thrusters/engines due to the sizes......I know I don\'t really need to go into this. :) Again, though I leave this up to Obi. If I\'m asked to change things in the starfighters/frigates, etc.........then so be it. This is my job in the faction.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Here\'s the x-wing I just got done doing up. It\'s roughly 27m in game long, but with my 2:1 scale, it comes out to 13.5 which is 1m longer than the actual should be.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Can you do me a favor please?? Take all my calculations above, and when the server is live, see what the total ships weigh, and calculate all the speed for us. That way we know how much more we need to vamp up or tone down the ships are. Thank you!!

    Jul 1, 2013
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    Hey, still just wondering if I could join.

    I would like to work for the Ministry of Supply.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    We have to wait. No, no one else will set up the server for me. Only I will set it up. The only close chance of getting it up is Tuesday. Everyone cross your fingers for me!
    Jul 3, 2013
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    I want to ask what the Minister of Industry should do. Here are the options:

    Option 1: The Minister of Industry builds ships for the fun of StarMade on their own and take it from the original design. They can buy the ships in case of emergencies.

    Option 2: The Minister of Industry just buys ships and keeps them at dock to make it simple.

    I would like everyone to vote on this.