The Nova Fleet Dynamics Starmade Triathlon! (Competition)

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
    Oct 13, 2013
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    Sorry, you posted it in the event thread, so I assumed that you wanted to receive feedback and comments on its potential and future use in further events. My bad, but could I ask that you use a disclaimer, or post it in a different thread, next time? That would clear up any potential confusion in the future.
    If we had a dedicated vehicular battle with these tanks as the main vehicle and available in quantities to both teams it would be very balanced and very tactical as teams would have to make use of their tanks and map based anti-tank turrets to stand a chance against enemy tanks.

    But a CNY Tank versus a Warhog or event tanks would be effectively invulnerable.


    Press F to pay respects
    Feb 17, 2015
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    If we had a dedicated vehicular battle with these tanks as the main vehicle and available in quantities to both teams it would be very balanced and very tactical as teams would have to make use of their tanks and map based anti-tank turrets to stand a chance against enemy tanks.

    But a CNY Tank versus a Warhog or event tanks would be effectively invulnerable.
    Or handheld rocket lauchers, or the pistols, or the sniper rifles.
    I made my warhogs to be of suck, and they even have Fuel Cells (explosive barrels) to gut them when you start piercing the flimsy thin side armor. Because vehicles are faster than infantry, they can escape the hurt easily, and I placed explosives in the design to compensate for that, you can cripple/gut it after breaking 1-2 hull blocks, because it is located, even visible, behind the middle wheel. I wanted to prevent the feeling of "I need a vehicle to not be of suck".


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    If we had a dedicated vehicular battle with these tanks as the main vehicle and available in quantities to both teams it would be very balanced and very tactical as teams would have to make use of their tanks and map based anti-tank turrets to stand a chance against enemy tanks.

    But a CNY Tank versus a Warhog or event tanks would be effectively invulnerable.
    Come back to this thread when you make a proper event tank then.
    We cant use your fancy "unballanced" tank.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    If we had a dedicated vehicular battle with these tanks as the main vehicle and available in quantities to both teams it would be very balanced and very tactical as teams would have to make use of their tanks and map based anti-tank turrets to stand a chance against enemy tanks.

    But a CNY Tank versus a Warhog or event tanks would be effectively invulnerable.
    A ground vehicles only match (allowing for better ground vehicles, as the ones we used last time are pretty bad) might be fun for the February match. December match is taking place inside a ship/station, though, so there won't be much room for vehicles.

    I'm not sure how effective mechs would really be, though. They'd need to use HolyCookie's salvage walker design (else they'd look really stupid in movement), which isn't nearly as strong as a vehicle that just slides around.