The Nova Fleet Dynamics Starmade Triathlon! (Competition)


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
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    Congrats Blue Team on the win, good game to all who were involved.

    So, I understand that a number of people are uploading the three hour long event to their Twitch or Youtube channels, videos of the triathlon will be posted as they become available.

    There were some kinks in the event, such as some capture points being sabotaged and minor discrepancies with the rules, however other than that everything went according to plan and everyone involved had a great time. We're planning the next event, which I'm going to tentatively say will be dated some time around the end of the year to allow ample time for us to create a new ground battle map as well as work out all the issues and test new plans for the competition.

    That said, there will definitely be another Triathlon before the end of the year, as we do intend to make this a regular event.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
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    Twitch is currently uploading the almost 3 hour footage I have to youtube. (Had to pause the stream to do stuff a few times at the beginning, so some of the capital ship battle is missing from that clip)
    I will post it here when it's uploaded.

    Reilly Reese

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    Do we have a discussion for the next ground maps design? I would really like to help build it.
    May 5, 2014
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    That's all my footage.

    Quality seems low right now, so its probably youtube taking forever to convert it all properly :|
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    Convicted Lancake Abuser
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    Do we have a discussion for the next ground maps design? I would really like to help build it.
    Currently we're looking at putting it inside a ship's interior for more close combat. The next game may be FFA instead of TDM, haven't decided yet. Maybe we should have a poll on it? We may also have customized infantry weapons, if we can figure out how to do that. It's technically possible, but I don't think anyone's done much with it.


    Official Source of Blame
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    That's all my footage.

    Quality seems low right now, so its probably youtube taking forever to convert it all properly :|
    I can't believe how fast I was wiped out in the capship battle, its almost like I was just brushed aside :( damned lag

    Anyways it was a fun event, I especially liked the fighter battle (ground was too laggy to enjoy for me).


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    That's all my footage.

    Quality seems low right now, so its probably youtube taking forever to convert it all properly :|

    The Capital ship battle (first battle) starts at 34:00

    I didn't get much screen time, but my killspams did ;D
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    Grumpy builder of Kaiju Design Initiative
    Feb 7, 2015
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    I cant believe there was a Rockhopper clinging to the side of my ship while I took out jaraff!

    And practically rammed me and I STILL didnt notice! Though, judging by how off the mark Double was sometimes, there might have been some desync isues somewhere on the way.

    Indeed was fun! Learned a few things I can do for next battles in making my ships better, As I seemed to have the heaviest, one of the highest Thrust to Mass ratios, and among the top in shields strength and Anti-shield power. Got to improve my Anti-hull weaponry, though, took far too long to take out that White Knight.

    Same seemed to go for the Fighters. I was just a massive distraction in my 100% Overdrive Cloaking fighter, not even died once, though my actual damage output was rather low. Shame that jammers were denied in 10 mins, otherwise there would have been some more aggressive moves from me diving in, dealing a little damage, then cloaking and attacking from a new angle.

    Ground Battles was a unique experience, And Sniper rifles were VERY strong, and the rockets VERY weak, in fact, I ate one to the face from someone and it didnt do more than 20-30 damage due to explosion mechinics change
    I think from this it should be suggested to the Devs to Upgrade the rocket launcher's damage. Its significantly lacking against both players and blocks


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    Sep 6, 2013
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    It was very fun. Too bad I crashed on the capital ship battle, so I could not do anything there. On the end I stole an abandoned enemy wreckage that still had a beam computer online, for the lol'z, but the match was dominated.

    On the fighter battle, I had made an excellent fighter on terms of survivability (didn't died once, all 3 lives intact), but my firepower was very poor against hulls and I could not help my team out, so we lost.

    The ground battle was the most fun among the three. I was surprised that I could snipe some people from way long distances despite my natural huge ping for living far away. I get the feeling that rockets were nerfed on the server cfg's, since it was being unusually weak.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
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    I get the feeling that rockets were nerfed on the server cfg's, since it was being unusually weak.
    Nope, rockets just suck. 200 damage is essentially 100 damage on direct hit with the new explosion system, and that's even less if it does something like hit the ground 2 blocks away or so.


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    Nope, rockets just suck. 200 damage is essentially 100 damage on direct hit with the new explosion system, and that's even less if it does something like hit the ground 2 blocks away or so.
    Ah, I see. It's been a very long time I don't rocket anybody, so it explains :P


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
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    On another note, we're planning the next one for December. You can come to that one, and we'll try to advertise a bit more for it. Kind of wanted to keep this one limited to ~12-16 players so we could make sure everything wouldn't fall apart.
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    Dec 7, 2013
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    I cant believe there was a Rockhopper clinging to the side of my ship while I took out jaraff!

    And practically rammed me and I STILL didnt notice! Though, judging by how off the mark Double was sometimes, there might have been some desync isues somewhere on the way.

    Indeed was fun! Learned a few things I can do for next battles in making my ships better, As I seemed to have the heaviest, one of the highest Thrust to Mass ratios, and among the top in shields strength and Anti-shield power. Got to improve my Anti-hull weaponry, though, took far too long to take out that White Knight.

    Same seemed to go for the Fighters. I was just a massive distraction in my 100% Overdrive Cloaking fighter, not even died once, though my actual damage output was rather low. Shame that jammers were denied in 10 mins, otherwise there would have been some more aggressive moves from me diving in, dealing a little damage, then cloaking and attacking from a new angle.

    Ground Battles was a unique experience, And Sniper rifles were VERY strong, and the rockets VERY weak, in fact, I ate one to the face from someone and it didnt do more than 20-30 damage due to explosion mechinics change
    I think from this it should be suggested to the Devs to Upgrade the rocket launcher's damage. Its significantly lacking against both players and blocks
    Yeah on my screen it showed I had already destroyed half your ship.
    Sadly something came up and I couldn't finish the fight for red team sorry!


    filthy neutral
    Aug 28, 2015
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    Got to improve my Anti-hull weaponry, though, took far too long to take out that White Knight
    I could not move and turn fast enough to get out of the way of your guns. Having more power from docked reactors is the way to go form both a weapons and thrust standpoint. My ship was crippled long before it overheated so having more anti-hull weaponry might not be all that important.

    Lots of fun and a good learning experience