The good, The bad, and the horrible.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Last post was reply number 100 :P

    Im very slowly working on my gate whenever I have time.
    School and the Tartaran Empire is taking up a bit of time, as is my friends who also want to play games with me and do stupid thing like build a giant stairway in Rust.

    But I made a tiny bit of proggres on the gate/station.
    And I still have to find some name for it, if you havy any name suggestions then please write them here in the thread.

    Universe update made me import the thin again which changed the colour of the sector. personally blue looks better.
    And since this is such a big project I might take some time to add some stuff to it and make it more roleplay like, I will try to write some sort of lore for the station and the biggest corporations that inhabit it and so on.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    So been a bit up and down with the mood lately (no idea why).
    So I havent been in the mood to build much on the gate as any work on that is really slow.
    Therefore Zeno9141 for some reason kicked my butt to get me to build something smaller.
    And so I started to build a small'ish cargo ship for the gate city ( still need to figure out a name)

    This is the Al
    The cargo ship
    Also inspired a bit by R&C


    Corridor with doors to the cargo bays
    green room is the core room

    Tell me if you have any ideas or if there is anything you do not like or think that needs improving.
    Im currently just building with two types of grey hull and hazard stripes, I will paint the thing when it's done.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    nice cargo ship. will it be up for download?
    Yes of course.
    I will upload it as soon as it's 100% done.
    What is left to do is to fix some small bits of hull, fill in systems, and add some colour scheme of some sorts some way.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    The LDCT
    The official trade company of the gate city project is known as Long Distance Cargo Transports, also known as the LDCT.

    LDCT logo
    The four planet types connected by transports

    The LDCT started many years before the large city gate projects started.

    At this time they were a simple but humble transport company that operated on their home planet, in a solar system close to the Sol system,with land vehicles but as for now that time is over. The company now specialises in longer distances than ever before. They travel further than what any ground vehicle would ever be able to.

    The LDCT started on transporting cargo… In space.

    Their first and most simple standard cargo vessel is a small sturdy ship with similar base designs of an Isanth.

    Although this cargo vessel is larger than a standard issue Isanth it is far from stronger in means of fire-power though it is much stronger in means of power and capabilities of travel. Since the ship is as sturdy as it is it have been nicknamed Tortoise, this name stuck and therefore became the official name for the class.

    To defend itself against small meteor rains and asteroids the ship is equipped with 3 small rapid-fire cannon turrets. These turrets are not effective against pirates although they can be used to scare them away.

    The official name given by the LDCT company is "Al the tortoise", hence the fat design in improvised design.
    This happened after the LDCT saw the opportunity in the small ship building corporation, the LDCT bought the small shipyard as an investment aimed for the future possibilities.

    The LDCT have been operating in space for a couple of decades as when the gate city project started. They are the company that is currently delivering the materials for the projects and it therefore seemed fitting that that they will continue the contract and become the official transportation company for the gate cities.
    The current Tortoise ships are not big enough to be able to deliver the amount of materials needed to build the gates nor the cities that are built onto the gates, the LDCT have therefore been needed to get acquire a new larger cargo ship to be able to meet the still increasing demands for materials.
    However the LDCT have not found a suitable cargo vessel for this purpose yet, they hope to find one soon to be able to continue their contract otherwise they fear that they might find a new employer for this promising transporting company.
    (More story telling coming soon if you living organisms like what I wrote in 10-20 minutes)​

    LDCT "Al" Tortoise cargo ship
    The Tortoise waiting for departure from one of the gate city projects

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    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    After the latest episodes within the factions of the starmade community
    I have chosen to close of my profile as much as possible.
    It is therefore no longer possible to view anything on my profile nor is it possible to contact me.
    The reasons for this being that I do not anything to do with anyone here on the community for X amount of time.
    Some specific people did some very nasty stuff and hit me very personally.
    These incidents will be remembered and not forgiven. Both sides are to blame and I do not want anything to do with most of them any longer.
    Therefore I will ignore all contact made by these persons.
    I will continue to build ships and try to finish my gate.
    And other projects I have going will be continued.

    About me being the current emperor of the Tartaran Empire.
    I will either let one of the other founders take the place or I will simply let them or the TE account deal with delivering messages on my behalf.

    and congratulations.
    You ruined this game for me.​
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    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Im still here
    And I still haven't figured out a name for my gate.
    Here is some progress.

    A small transport vessel for travelling from different locations on the station to another.

    There is room for quite a few people inside it as it has 8 people excluding the pilot.

    Another update is on the station itself
    I have been trying to make the industrial part of the station.
    This will be where the Tortoise cargo ships unloads it's cargo and pics up new goods to fly off and deliver.
    So far I have only constructed a hangar door and oversight for directing ships and controlling the door and so on.
    The whole octagon like thing will be for cargo.

    There is still a lot to do just to this small area and I hope that when Im done with the first one that my computer is capable of handling a copy/paste of this hangar.​


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Finally pulled myself together to update the LDCT "Al" Tortoise cargoship
    I added some small detail in the interior I believe and added a fancy deploying mechanism for the cargo containers.
    The industrial/cargo area thing in the station will be made so it can easily move around the cagro containers
    to ensure that transportation and trading can be done swiftly.
    Although to be able to use the Tortoise the pilot needs to be very skilled as the opening to the docking area is very small,
    the reason for the door to be this small is because that with the level of technology available it is hard to maintain a shield to prevent oxygen from escaping the station.
    Although the opening is small there is enough room to manoeuvre a bit to align the ship for a quick drop-off.
    Feb 5, 2015
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    Last post was reply number 100 :p

    Im very slowly working on my gate whenever I have time.
    School and the Tartaran Empire is taking up a bit of time, as is my friends who also want to play games with me and do stupid thing like build a giant stairway in Rust.

    But I made a tiny bit of proggres on the gate/station.
    And I still have to find some name for it, if you havy any name suggestions then please write them here in the thread.

    What about the "McKay/Carter Intergalactic Gate Bridge"? :D
    Great Builds, keep going!
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    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    The Far Traveller
    A company specializing in exploration ships

    Start cheap and slow, end up fast and rich.

    The Far Traveler company is specialising in exploration ships in all shapes and sizes, preferably in the large expensive end.
    Although as their motto says "Start cheap and slow, end up fast and rich." they started by focusing on smaller cheap vessels that every living organism could buy and use to make their own fortune (while of course having to pay at least 20% of their total income to the FarTraveler)

    The company started its days around the same time as the LDCT did, although these two companies do not sell the same type of vessels they still see each other as competitors but forced to work together they have currently buried their egos.

    The FT is working along with the LDCT to help with the massive citygate project, while LDCT are supplying the materials the FT are in the search of better materials and newer technology to help the project. as well as provide engineers and ships to help build the gates themselves.

    The Far Traveler's most recognized ship to date, which is also currently the only one being produced at the moment, is the "Seeker" exploration vessel
    This ship is fully equipped with the newest technology from the FT and is fully sustainable out in space. The ship comes with beds for 6 but with some more pillows and blankets there are room for more. As for the crew to be able to survive the ship comes with a ton of plants serving as the oxygen supply and hidden machinery to clean all the water from the shower and toilets.
    While being an exploration vessel, the seeker does still have a small cargo bay and a pull beam to get those mysterious artefacts closer for harvesting. as well as the lovely pull beam there is also a radar module to make it easier for the crew to find the resources they are looking for, and there is much much more in the ship, except for a kitchen, we forgot the kitchen but we made sure there is enough room for our non-rotting, not-being-able-to-get-old food!

    The seeker
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