That is ok.
There were over nine thousand ( !! ) up to 10k MOBs around Main NASS which were removed in a single wipeout, just 2 weeks after the last wipeout. Then one day later, another wipeout, already 800 MOBs flying around. Big servers must handle lots of stuff.
Not supposed to handle stuff like people not looking where they fly and ram asteroids at 150 speed, or the dumb people who don\'t get NOT to crashland park ships on planets, as, just a ship sitting unmanned on a planet is the gravity constantly pulling it down while the blocks constantly collide.
The main problem is people\'s own PCs cus of the client sided processed stuff... and well, just one of the ships Vaygr spawned had 100 turrets :P But other stuff was causing troubles... like having 2 stations out of a single one... and everything in middle would actually be inside the station\'s entity box, messing math up.