** There was a typo in the config
I've had to enter alot of 0.x integers on the config, and that habit bit me with the thrust setting.
Located at Line 43 -
<UnitCalcMult>1.1</UnitCalcMult> <!-- multiplied with result of UnitCalcStyle -->
This is the correct setting that should be in your starmade/data/config/blockBehaviorConfig.XML
Instead of adding the .1 (to compensate for the initial 0.9 on the diminishing curve) I typed 0.1
that was giving small ships a severely reduced initial thrust. Sorry for the slip guys, but if you look in that file, there are alot of numbers to get wrong
I'll get schema the updated config ASAP and he'll upload it with the next hotfix (I'm sure you've found other bugs by now, right?)
Further balancing can be done from here if needed.