*EDIT* Thruster issue is a bug. No need for me to panic anymore about 'walrus speed' lol.Awesome update!
But I think thrusters got pretty seriously nerfed. I have a ship with over 16,000 thruster blocks that barely gets 6500 thrust now. Is this intended? What percentage of spaceships are intended to be thruster blocks?
Well, here is what I can say. I am running on OS X Yosemite (Beta I know). I have Java 6 from Apple. I then, after many tries, successfully configured Java 8 Pre-release which seems to have fixed the problem. It would seem that the new library is not compatible with Java 6. Thanks for your help!InfoPoint_Online there seems to be an error with a new library I'm using for drawing graphs (for the new crafting system).
Can you maybe try to see if updating java helps. I'll investigate to fix this asap
As far as I know, there's only three bytes to use for each block, one of them is HP. The biggest 8-bit(8 bits in a byte) number is 255. I doubt Schema wants runaway number inflation anyway. Hull will get a boost someday, and we'll maybe get a ship HP system too. Weakening ship components means that when hull becomes effective, it'll be important.Just kinda was hoping that instead of weakening other blocks, hulls would actually get a buff so they're useful...
On line 43 of your BlockBehaviorConfig, replace the 0.1 with <UnitCalcMult>1.1</UnitCalcMult> <!-- multiplied with result of UnitCalcStyle -->
Phew! Glad it's a bug. Thanks for the feedback. Gotta say you guys are really good with the community and we all love the game; it's why we're here! I would take solace in that even when we gripe and moan. I just get defensive about what I really like :D.** There was a typo in the config
I've had to enter alot of 0.x integers on the config, and that habit bit me with the thrust setting.
Located at Line 43 -
<UnitCalcMult>1.1</UnitCalcMult> <!-- multiplied with result of UnitCalcStyle -->
This is the correct setting that should be in your starmade/data/config/blockBehaviorConfig.XML
Instead of adding the .1 (to compensate for the initial 0.9 on the diminishing curve) I typed 0.1
that was giving small ships a severely reduced initial thrust. Sorry for the slip guys, but if you look in that file, there are alot of numbers to get wrong
I'll get schema the updated config ASAP and he'll upload it with the next hotfix (I'm sure you've found other bugs by now, right?)
Further balancing can be done from here if needed.
Oh, thank god. Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about the really bitchin' features added!** There was a typo in the config