Dr. Whammy
Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
Ah... resorting to comparing a video game to real life wars? You're funnyThe consequences for being a dick is that it turns people against you and you tend to get your shit kicked in. See: Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, the Islamic State, etc etc. We don't need the game to force punishment on dickish players. That's the job of other players.

- Japan (an economically dying country, at the time) attacked Pearl Harbor; part of the US; a heavily funded nation with superior fire power. So the U.S. Retaliated. Had they left the US alone, they might have conquered A good portion of China while everyone sat by and watched.
- Germany, bit off more than they could chew when they tried to take over all of Europe, then declare war on the U.S. The U.S. was neutral until Pearl Harbor and Germany's war declaration. Had they cooled their jets, we'd probably be addressing the continent of Germany.
- After all the troops, air strikes and missiles we sent their way, the Islamic State is still running rampant because they don't care about western/American consequences and they won't be stopped because they are essentially an idea now. You cannot defeat an idea. You can kill every last insurgent but the idea still exists; waiting for someone to act on it.
Meanwhile, this is a game. The "job" of the players is to enjoy their game. While some people (mostly other PVPers) do dispense justice, most players will not reliably police aggressive players if doing so will greatly interrupt their enjoyment of the game.
You're posing a lot of hypothetical scenarios that require elements that do not yet exist and don't do much at the time of the attack. You're also assuming that the attacker doesn't have the rest of his fleet docked at their home base; turtling. Which was the case in the scenarios I saw. You're also basing your position on trading; something that is not required at this stage of the game, and likely will never be mandatory because of the existence of factories and crafting.Well, for starters, a ISD is a very expensive ship. Possibly even your flagship. If an enemy learns that your flagship is busy being an expensive cargo raider on some random tiny faction, they might seize the opportunity to invade your territory and smash your flagship-less fleet while you're distracted doing stupid shit. Or maybe they intercept you in your ISD while it's lurking around the newb's territory. Or maybe they do both at the same time.
Or maybe all the trading factions you've been trading with decide to sanction you for your actions against a defenseless newb and because of uneven resource distribution you can't get enough of the materials you need for shields or weapons because your systems only produce materials for thrusters and reactors. That's not a direct loss of resources, sure, but a loss of income of these will cripple you in a war that's draining your resources. And what's to say an enemy empire doesn't take the opportunity to invade you now that the server is turned against you and you can't replace any ships that you lose?