Alright, then for fairness' sake, I'll give you the full description, department chief, almost-full roster (Excluding undercover operatives), and list of publicly-known missions.
Aethi Central Intelligence Department
Seeing as how we are sharing
Here is the full list of the BFW secret testing and construction initiative staff and operations.
Blakpik Flotten Werke Geheime Initiative
Staff: Blakpik (CEO and only member of BFW)
Contract for the construction of an Unterdrückung-Klasse Superkriegsweltraumschiff for the Brassican Empire, a War Command Vessel, Heavy Attack Warship and Carrier, Armed with a Missile / Damage Pulse / Explosive Effect "Weltmörder" Superweapon. Also Armed with an Explosive Rapid Fire Anti-Matter laser, an Anti-Matter Shotgun and Heavy Hwatch'a Missile Arrays. Several Light Flak "Todesturm" Turrets, Some Medium Attack "Kriegsturm" Turrets and a few Heavy Beam "Chaosturm" Turrets.
Contract for the construction of Several Rache-Klasse Angriffbombenweltraumschiffe for the Brassican Empire for Projekt Todeskriegsturm
armed with Missile / Damage Pulse / Explosive Effect "Flotteszerstörer" Cannons and several sidearms.
Wait. Bollocks, I wasn't supposed to say that. :P