This. Very much this.For most games, players are rewarded for their effort in some way. This "reward for effort" is extremely important; because without it people have few reasons to continue playing the game, get bored and move on to some other game much more quickly.
For role playing games the "reward for effort" is obvious - as you progress you get higher levels, better stats, more/better skills, better equipment, etc. For other types of games it can be less obvious, but you're still rewarded in some way - maybe you unlock faster cars or new areas, maybe you get access to better equipment, maybe it's just a "trophy collection" that you fill up as you play.
So, for StarMade, what should the "reward for effort" be?
There are only 2 answers that I can see. The first answer is being rewarded for collecting resources (including credits) by being able to afford bigger and better ships and stations/bases. Currently this doesn't necessarily work properly because the economy isn't finished yet; but that's something that will change sooner or later (hopefully!).
The second answer is being rewarded with control of more territory. For example, with a little effort a faction might control a few sectors, with more effort they might be able to control an entire system, and with even more effort the faction might control a significant portion of a galaxy. I am hoping the "universe update" will be the first step towards this.
Of course these rewards would form a kind of feedback loop: to get more resources you need territory (more planets, asteroids, etc); and to get more territory you need more/bigger ships and stations (partly because you need to conquer enemies to acquire territory, and partly because you need to defend the territory you control).
Now let's think about gigantism. Is it bad; or is it a large reward for a large amount of effort, that is necessary to keep people interested in playing StarMade longer?
stop showing off keptick! :PNo. This isn't real life, big well constructed ships are awesome and are usually much more impressive than small ships. Gigantism isn't actually a thing. In fact, I very rarely (if ever) see game crippling ships on servers and when I do they're too fat for their own good (planets rotate faster than they do). A sufficiently sized swarm of AI fighters will completely obliterate any sized ship, no matter how strong the thing is. Gigantism is only a problem if you want it to be. Here, take a big ship to the face:
>: (
I believe this is actually a large part of the problem- there's no such thing as a weak spot. The structure of a ship is either invlunerable or a piece of swiss cheese. This is the primary reason I support shield piercing. (along with auto-repair shipyards, naturally)This so much
If someone spends months and potentially a year working on a ship, do you really think they don't deserve a ship that you know... wins? Yes, fighters need to be worthwhile, but they should be more for picking off a ships anti-missile turrets and taking out small weak points rather than expecting them to take down a capital ship.
Maybe instead of choosing a color, simply show territories that are neutral to you, hostile or friendly, like in the faction hub.In response to the faction territory post we need a dynamic map. Each faction can select a color to be them on the map. In fact at some point based on certain posts and knowledge I drew a map of three servers with all the forum factions on it. I just drew it for the heck of it and it did not really show anything correctly :p
Stop right there.For most games, players are rewarded for their effort in some way. This "reward for effort" is extremely important; because without it people have few reasons to continue playing the game, get bored and move on to some other game much more quickly.
How about you play on EE where it can handle larger ships, but i must warn you, suck players do die. Sounds like someone needs to learn how to build. 1,000,000 blocks that is it lol. What's special about making a well rounded ships over 200,000 mass is the time and effort is put in to it. The fact that my faction controls, builds, and maintain a fleet of fat ass ships makes me very special. Obviously you have fought and lost against big ships. Maybe your computer isn't good, or your server can't handle it. Either way you are missing on one of the best things in sm. Being able to build what you want.[DOUBLEPOST=1412624554,1412624491][/DOUBLEPOST]@Leanson With all due respect, do you think stacking 1.000.000blocks makes you special?
For those who believe that fat asses are the best of the world on themes of fun please play on this server: , then wait until one or more fat asses get into combat, in that moment you can´t do several things, can´t park your ship, can´t mine, can´t open doors, can´t shot, can´t build, in other words CAN´T play starmade.
But for sure having a fat ass make you a better starmade player.
Have you been in a fleet battle before??@Leanson With all due respect, do you think stacking 1.000.000blocks makes you special?
For those who believe that fat asses are the best of the world on themes of fun please play on this server: , then wait until one or more fat asses get into combat, in that moment you can´t do several things, can´t park your ship, can´t mine, can´t open doors, can´t shot, can´t build, in other words CAN´T play starmade.
But for sure having a fat ass make you a better starmade player.
Seems to me a lack of respect not a lack of English which you seem to not have a problem.The problem isn´t the server or crapy players computers pal, it´s the game engine.
If EE means ElwynEternity i´m gona to pass some time here to check they things you said.
For the things about faction and bla bla bla seriusly dude, really that´s the best you can arging to defend fat asses? To say that your position is right, because the counterpart is less than you, is not the most logical way in the world.
Yeah dude, i know how to put fps on the server nearly 1 and try to win with these nice fps, I was one of the tards that run backwards while my ship´s guns blazing and as i said before thats an engine problem.
Sorry for my lack of english if you can´t understand me.