We should have a website up soon, its been built in code by a guy on our team. This would be great featured on the site. The sever is undergoing major changes to lore, factions and structures. This new update will feature as follows.
Auction rooms built onto spacestation in development in my singleplayer. (will be ported into the server once finished)
Dedicated shipyards (thats right shipyards, bulding spaceships floating in the middle of the cosmos is now frowned upon)
Social locals which will have thier own TS channels on our server. (thats right think Star Wars Mos Eisley cantina and that generic tune over and over and over and over...wow thats tireing)
Bounty hunter stations
Space astroid outpost\'s (design descretly stolen from the seen on Revenge of the Sith wink wink)
Many more in-game structures like warp gates and such.
Website shipyard page where people can list thier vessels and structure for auction where people can bid in a interative page plug-in.
Ship Classification Enforcement, thats right this means one person cant own a Titan class ship (dis-proportionate). 9 players in a faction is required for the faction to own a Titan. This is the same for all classes i.e the smaller the vessal size the lower the amount of players required to be in your faction.
Dedicated factory structures, i.e factions can fight for ownership of a rig on a planet that can be used to process raw materials at far faster rate than other factory structures littered throughout the galaxy.
Players can form merchant companys that will have thier own dedicated pages on the website allowing effective recruitment.
Storage space i.e spacestations will have private hangers for hire that players can rent allowing safe storage of thier vessels.
Thats all for now but we have much much more to come and we really excited with the direction of where the server is going. We aim to offer a far more immersive experience than over-croweded servers orientated on PVP solely.
Server Co-owner and acting Admin. Regards