I have a problem that I have no idea how to fix but when ever I load up one of the shells, I see nothing as it was not there but the icon that lets you know who's who and which direction they are at. Can some on help me with this???
considering this is a 2 year old thread and the blueprints are from 2014...
Some stuff to consider...
I tested "firetail_grey" and "megathron_brown" they both worked fine for me.
There are multiple files inside the "main" folder, each different colors, be sure to copy/paste the correct folder, the main "unpack" folder is not it!
The blueprints are quite old and or some may be corrupt?
Maybe test blueprint in an old StarMade version, load them ingame and then manually copy/paste into new version.
Or it could be the core bug, (common bug maybe) rinse & repeat the procedure, but if it happens every time... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SmEdit currently:
SmEdit does not work with the current 201.200+ game versions.
However, it is still possible to convert models and load them into the current version using older game versions and then load(copy) the blueprints into the current version.
I suggest using models in .obj format, with
Blender you can use any models on the internet, import them, and convert them into the .obj (make sure it's a "solid" model, not in bits), 3d Print Models are ideal!
Old Starmade version, approx. 2017 (until approx. V 0.199.654)
here (zips in bottom half*).
The old Launcher download
binvox (pixelizer) + (SmEdit*), download
Binvox is Command Line Interface: (Command Prompt)
Navigate to the binvox folder: cd = change directory / change path:
[cd C: \ Users \ mypc \ myDownloads \ binvox].
* The exact path can be copied from the address bar in windows explorer (ctrl c) and paste in the input window (ctrl v).
SmEdit (StarMade editing tool), download
*** SmEdit needs the old StarMade Version ***
Copy the Smedit.jar into the / StarMade folder, double-click to execute, set path, set RAM, save, (RAM intensive for larger models *)
SmbEdit (extra tool) download
With SmbEdit you can change blueprint type ... Ship to the station, move core etc.
1. copy "my3dModel.obj" into the binvox folder.
2. open / navigate the command line Interface into the binvox folder.
enter " binvox -c -d 64 -dc my3dModel.obj " in the command line (no quotations*).
-d refers to the Long axis, the number behind it your desired length.
This results in a "my3dModel.binvox" file.
3.SmEdit import the my3dModel.binvox and export as Blueprint.
4. Manually copy/paste the blueprint into the current version of StarMade, it will be taken over and "updated". Once loaded it will not work with the old StarMade version or SmEdit / SmbEdit anymore *.
BINVOX Command Infos:
-d: specify voxel grid size (default 256, max 1024)
-t: specify voxel file type (default binvox, so supported: hips, mira, vtk, raw, schematic)
-c: z-buffer based carving method only
-dc: dilated carving, stop carving 1 voxel before intersection
-v: z-buffer based parity voting method only (default is both -c and -v)
-e: exact voxelization (does not use graphics card)
Additional parameters:
-bb <minx> <miny> <minz> <maxx> <maxy> <maxz>: force a different input model bounding box
-ri: remove internal voxels
-cb: center model inside unit cube
-rotx: rotate object 90 degrees ccw around x-axis before voxelizing
-no: rotate object 90 degrees ccw around z-axis before voxelizing
both -rotx and -rotz can be used multiple times
-aw: _also_ render the model in wireframe (helps with thin parts)
-fit: just write the voxels in the voxel bounding box
-bi <id>: when converting to schematic, use block ID <id>
-down: downsample voxels by a factor of 2 in each dimension (can be used multiple times)
-dmin <nr>: when downsampling, destination voxel is on if> = <nr> source voxels are (default 4)
Supported 3D model file formats:
VRML V2.0: almost fully supported
UG, OBJ, OFF, DXF, XGL, POV, BREP, PLY, JOT: (only polygons supported)
binvox 3D mesh voxelizer, keywords: voxelization, voxelisation, 3D model