Hey guys, so, due to popular request, we're launching the "ship of the month" competition, anyone can join, and it should be a lot of fun! Details below:
First months ship will be the Thor frame, it's a base frame for all of you to build off of, and I hope you like it:
Ship of the Month Community Build Rules
Naming Convention:
(Tag) BP class - (Designator)
Thor BP class
EFSF Thor - Panzer
KDI Thor - Experimental
First months ship will be the Thor frame, it's a base frame for all of you to build off of, and I hope you like it:
Dropbox - Thor Type 1 Half frame 001
Dropbox - Thor Type 1 Half frame 001.sment
First months ship will be the Thor frame, it's a base frame for all of you to build off of, and I hope you like it:
Ship of the Month Community Build Rules
- All builders will start with the same shell from one builder
- No one may release their version before the 15th of each month. On the 15th, ships will be released on the dock and a new shell will be selected.
- Initial frame should be un-wedged and allow for open-ended construction. No completed shells.
- All initial frame submissions must be grey/dark grey coloration to avoid picks based on color.
- No initial frame may exceed 200m.
- Shell pictures are to be sent to Raiben ([email protected]) before the 15th of each month. They will then be compiled and voted on.
- Any builder who has one of their shells selected may not submit another for 2 months
Naming Convention:
(Tag) BP class - (Designator)
Thor BP class
EFSF Thor - Panzer
KDI Thor - Experimental

First months ship will be the Thor frame, it's a base frame for all of you to build off of, and I hope you like it:
Dropbox - Thor Type 1 Half frame 001
Dropbox - Thor Type 1 Half frame 001.sment
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